@Quititam @rne @CarlesMesa No confundes nada, sencillamente es que dicho póster está obsoleto: https://t.co/dqd92oq6dp https://t.co/FEhQPWOdF7 https://t.co/b8RE3wyKpU https://t.co/a9aCG08pF1 https://t.co/9ZVBIhY03U ¡Un abrazo!
@csmithsci @CoachCalande "In post-menopausal women, hormone therapy increased the risk of stroke and obstruction of a vein by a blood clot (venous thromboembolism)" https://t.co/0oaXjjNlcb See also https://t.co/AERCu7fNZr).
Study: https://t.co/jvx08xOs7I
RT @KarenMagraith: This is terrible news. The work of Cochrane is vital. Just this evening I’ve been re-reading this important Cochrane rev…
RT @KarenMagraith: This is terrible news. The work of Cochrane is vital. Just this evening I’ve been re-reading this important Cochrane rev…
RT @KarenMagraith: This is terrible news. The work of Cochrane is vital. Just this evening I’ve been re-reading this important Cochrane rev…
This is terrible news. The work of Cochrane is vital. Just this evening I’ve been re-reading this important Cochrane review, in preparation for a meeting to edit a manuscript tomorrow. https://t.co/y6jotcZrxS
@TomPMarshall @susan_bewley @danreisel @Liz_ORiordan @pash22 @PharmRJ @BarneyCalman @KarenMagraith @DrmarkC @FourteenFish @janewilcock @dr_musgrave @DrSimonHodes @DrSelvarajah @BenAllenGP @Dr_Ellie As I am sure you are aware- the effect is likely dependent
@susan_bewley @pash22 @PharmRJ @BarneyCalman @KarenMagraith @janewilcock @Liz_ORiordan @dr_musgrave @mgtmccartney @rcgp @MartinRCGP @morris_ep Keep on telling the truth. "high quality evidence that hormone therapy in both primary and secondary prevention
@drlouisenewson @DrMelDavies @Liz_ORiordan @FourteenFish @rcgp Shame on you Louise. There's extensive RCT evidence on this. "We found high quality evidence that hormone therapy in both primary and secondary prevention conferred no protective effects for al
Por su baja #tasadeventos, estudio sobre #hipótesistemporal precisaría población #estudio estimada en #30000mujeres con #seguimiento 10 a #15años y por lo tanto sería muy costosa (e irrealizable¡¡¡) Pedimos imposibles a #terapiaHormonal de #menopausia. h
@Meshproblems01 @susan_bewley @MeshCampaign @JeanneLenzer1 @JonathanGornall @FayeKirklandGP @deb_cohen No RCT to test the age hypothesis has been done, & it’s not supported by independent Cochrane review. https://t.co/YE6HVbgbca 12/19
@JBlivik @bmj_latest @BrMenopauseSoc @FSRH_UK @RCObsGyn @emahase_ The evidence from @CochraneUK is clear that starting HRT within 10 years of the menopause reduces risk of heart disease. Most women die from heart disease so this is one of many benefits of
This study found that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has no protective effect on the heart. It also stated that patients who take HRT have a small increased risk of stroke. #biom4180 https://t.co/K6M7zpZ8Ud
@skathire @_MiguelHernan @JeremySussman @DusetzinaS @lauffenburgerjc @Rishidesai11 @darrentoh_epi @AmeetSarpatwari @DrewBoberts @AaronWinn2 @NEJM HRT clinical effect is nuanced, not simple https://t.co/6UPl5nOeMY There seems to be a consistent pattern of
@AgnesWold @meatisneat Varför "får" kvinnor äta p-piller i 20 år, men inte östrogen/prog. under ~5 år mellan 50 o 60 år om mkt klim. besvär? Läs Cochranes metaanalys. https://t.co/KE39npF6Ca
Conclusion vs facts:Hormone therapy for preventing cardiovascular disease in post-menopausal women. - PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/M40bP5xvph
Hormone therapy for preventing cardiovascular disease in post-menopausal women. - PubMed - NCBI http://t.co/ufFALIGaua
@joe_pickrell if HRT start w/in 10yrs of menopause. Stroke&dvt risk still high. vindication of obs. epidemiology? http://t.co/EI65clZ5Xs 2/2
Hormone Replacement Therapy for postmenopausal women: Does it help or harm your heart? #CochraneReview #CochraneHeart http://t.co/1D0BJ4b9ry
HRT does not protect post-menopausal women against cardiovascular disease & may increase the risk of stroke. http://t.co/zmWX8p8BCJ
HRT does not protect post-menopausal women against cardiovascular disease & may increase the risk of stroke. http://t.co/zmWX8p8BCJ
Hormone therapy for preventing cardiovascular disease in post-menopausal women. @CochraneLibrary http://t.co/qiYJMWO6zO
La terapia hormonal en mujeres postmenopáusicas no tiene beneficios cardiovasculares, actualización Cochrane http://t.co/WpVlwJ0bic
La terapia hormonal en mujeres postmenopáusicas no tiene beneficios cardiovasculares, actualización Cochrane http://t.co/WpVlwJ0bic
La terapia hormonal en mujeres postmenopáusicas no tiene beneficios cardiovasculares, actualización Cochrane http://t.co/WpVlwJ0bic
La terapia hormonal en mujeres postmenopáusicas no tiene beneficios cardiovasculares, actualización Cochrane http://t.co/WpVlwJ0bic
#Hormone therapy & cardiovasc disease in #menopause causes increased #STROKE if taken orally. Cochrane Lib Boardman http://t.co/8rwexNCcOu
Hormone Replacement Therapy for postmenopausal women: Does it help or harm your heart? #CochraneReview #CochraneHeart http://t.co/1D0BJ4b9ry
La terapia hormonal sustitutiva provoca un aumento en el riesgo de ictus y de eventos tromboembólicos venosos http://t.co/YCO5QsGrec"
La terapia hormonal sustitutiva provoca un aumento en el riesgo de ictus y de eventos tromboembólicos venosos http://t.co/AYM8SckVBm
La terapia hormonal sustitutiva provoca un aumento en el riesgo de ictus y de eventos tromboembólicos venosos http://t.co/AYM8SckVBm
La terapia hormonal sustitutiva provoca un aumento en el riesgo de ictus y de eventos tromboembólicos venosos http://t.co/AYM8SckVBm
Terapia hormonal en posmenopausia→poca/ninguna evidencia de beneficio CV en prev 1ª-2ª y ↑Riesgo ACV y ETV [Cochrane] http://t.co/ftP0LszHMI
@DrDeborahMD Hi Deborah, The BMJ's news report of this research is behind access controls but the full paper is here http://t.co/yu4zKl2wjl
Terapia hormonal en posmenopausia→poca/ninguna evidencia de beneficio CV en prev 1ª-2ª y ↑Riesgo ACV y ETV [Cochrane] http://t.co/ftP0LszHMI
Terapia hormonal en posmenopausia→poca/ninguna evidencia de beneficio CV en prev 1ª-2ª y ↑Riesgo ACV y ETV [Cochrane] http://t.co/ftP0LszHMI
Terapia hormonal en posmenopausia→poca/ninguna evidencia de beneficio CV en prev 1ª-2ª y ↑Riesgo ACV y ETV [Cochrane] http://t.co/ftP0LszHMI
#Rev_Sist#Coch #Terapia_hormonal_sustitutiva en #mujeres_posmenopáusicas ¿Ayuda o perjudica su corazón?http://t.co/Zqd2U4RjC8 @sefh_ @sempsp
Terapia hormonal en posmenopausia→poca/ninguna evidencia de beneficio CV en prev 1ª-2ª y ↑Riesgo ACV y ETV [Cochrane] http://t.co/ftP0LszHMI
Terapia hormonal en posmenopausia→poca/ninguna evidencia de beneficio CV en prev 1ª-2ª y ↑Riesgo ACV y ETV [Cochrane] http://t.co/ftP0LszHMI
Terapia hormonal en posmenopausia→poca/ninguna evidencia de beneficio CV en prev 1ª-2ª y ↑Riesgo ACV y ETV [Cochrane] http://t.co/ftP0LszHMI
Terapia hormonal en posmenopausia→poca/ninguna evidencia de beneficio CV en prev 1ª-2ª y ↑Riesgo ACV y ETV [Cochrane] http://t.co/ftP0LszHMI
閉経してから10年以上経った後にホルモン療法を開始した女性は脳卒中や静脈血栓塞栓症のリスクが高まる。メタ分析。Hormone therapy for preventing cardiovascular disease in… http://t.co/OJOtNX6PJc
Does hormone therapy help or harm the heart in post-menopausal women? @CochraneLibrary review opens up the debate http://t.co/iuUrbFL9I6
Hormone Replacement Therapy for postmenopausal women: Does it help or harm your heart? #CochraneReview #CochraneHeart http://t.co/1D0BJ4b9ry
Hormone Replacement Therapy for postmenopausal women: Does it help or harm your heart? #CochraneReview #CochraneHeart http://t.co/1D0BJ4b9ry
Hormone Replacement Therapy for postmenopausal women: Does it help or harm your heart? #CochraneReview #CochraneHeart http://t.co/1D0BJ4b9ry
Hormone Replacement Therapy for postmenopausal women: Does it help or harm your heart? #CochraneReview #CochraneHeart http://t.co/1D0BJ4b9ry
Hormone Replacement Therapy for postmenopausal women: Does it help or harm your heart? #CochraneReview #CochraneHeart http://t.co/1D0BJ4b9ry
Prof Martha Hickey to discuss latest #cochraneevidence on #HRT with @roschilds on @ABCNews24 at 12.40pm today http://t.co/0fWJDX3Brj