Neurofeedback for ADHD Treatment in Children
The Neuroethics Blog,
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. By Carrie…
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. By Carrie…
Twice as many teenagers diagnosed with ADHD experienced severe psychosis when taking Adderall, as compared to Ritalin…
Dean Connolly is impressed by a recent systematic review and network meta-analysis, which compares the efficacy and…
A recent Cochrane review has found that serious adverse events occur for about 1% of children and adolescents treated with the…
Hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms have been reported after methylphenidate (Ritalin) treatment for ADHD, according to…
Der Arzneistoff Methylphenidat, der hinter Markennamen wie Ritalin steckt, kann Symptome wie Hyperaktivität, Impulsivität und…
Die Krise der molekularbiologischen Psychiatrie
Samuele Cortese publishes his debut Mental Elf blog on a meta-analysis of n-of-1 trials, which shows that amphetamine…
Kinder sitzen nicht gern still und haben einen stärkeren Bewegungsdrang als Erwachsene. Beginnt das Kind jedoch an seiner…
Chris Hollis appraises a recent Cochrane systematic review, which casts doubt over the quality of trial evidence and the…
'Cochrane does' in the title of this post refers to the Cochrane Library and the sterling work that is done by the Cochrane…
'Cochrane does' in the title of this post refers to the Cochrane Library and the sterling work that is done by the Cochrane…
My students know that I have some major biases (I try to share these upfront), and in particular, I really don’t like the idea… Interview with: Dr. Ole Jakob Storebø Region Zealand, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Department, Roskilde… Interview with: Dr. Ole Jakob Storebø Region Zealand, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Department, Roskilde…
A bottle of Ritalin. (Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)Methylphenidate—better known by its brand name, Ritalin—has long been a…
Professor Jonathan Green, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Manchester comments on a new Cochrane…
Authors of new Cochrane Review remain uncertain about effect of widely used medicine on ADHD symptoms, despite large amount of…
Cochrane researchers criticise quality of evidence supporting use of methylphenidateRelated items from OnMedicaCalls for safer…