@JerryChilds @sulmoney Always been a controversial area due to a lack of understanding in pathophysiology behind ADHD but there is evidence for it. https://t.co/esHsGqwzma
@schmittpaula @opedrodeverdade Seria interessante tb a mãe fictícia da criança com o TDAH fictício ler a conclusão desta revisão sobre os tais estudos que são usados para medicar seus filhos - reais. https://t.co/G7tvsuhQwv https://t.co/imzKWFa7iC
@opedrodeverdade @schmittpaula E, se alguma mãe estiver lendo, sugiro ler tb este levantamento demonstrando pouca evidência na melhora da qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes com TDAH com o uso de metilfenidato. https://t.co/G7tvsuhQwv
Efectos beneficiosos y perjudiciales del metilfenidato para niños y adolescentes con trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) https://t.co/7tQdpsRWTM
Efectos beneficiosos y perjudiciales del metilfenidato para niños y adolescentes con trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) Methylphenidate for children and adolescents with ADHD. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 11.
@mepillascagando @apetp_ @cescept Algunos ensayos sugieren que sí, pero la calidad de la evidencia es baja https://t.co/P2SoezSJ4h
However, we cannot be confident that the results accurately reflect the size of the benefit of methylphenidate. = https://t.co/6ziNru5PE4
Methylphenidate for children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): "may improve"("very low-quality of evidence") PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/uYuZ0zgQVO
@therealrthorat @dfreedman7 @TheKidKidDoc @VPrasadMDMPH @DrEricStrong https://t.co/wVCyRKC3Fw "there is some evidence that methylphenidate is associated with increased risk of non-serious adverse events, such as sleep problems and decreased appetite, but
Methylphenidate for children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). - PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/g9Tv2omPTW
Efectos beneficiosos y perjudiciales del metilfenidato para niños y adolescentes con trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) https://t.co/mMBUFIqpT6
@rfguzel Ritalin/concerta(metilfenidat) kullanmayınız geçici etkiye sahip geri dönüsümsüz yan etkilerle ilgili binlerce makale,klinik araştirma mevcut Amerikada yüzlerce çocuk öldü FDAnın ve ailelerin üretici şirkete açtığı sayısız malpraktis davası var.
RT @dr_mesutcetin: DEHB'de metilfenidat kullanımı: Çok tartışılacak bir metaanalizThe Cochrane Library - Storebø - Wiley Online Library htt…
@borakucukyazici @hsoneryalcin Meta analizlerinin güvenilir olmadığını konunun uzmanları,araştırmacıları dahi kabul ederken "populer atmasyon" tanımınız çok manidar.Bizim toplumun özelliğidir gerçeklerle yüzleşmemek. https://t.co/wDvmHZVoic
@anish_koka @MrWBond @EJSMD @radiokeller @ESchwenkMD @ESchattner An example support of Anish: Cochrane review found poor evidence for stimulant use in ADHD, and called for better RCT. But most docs think the existing "low quality" evidence combined with
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @ridhahassoun: You can take a look at the data yourself. https://t.co/pXjVNgTEFV https://t.co/u1ZnppFtoK (behind a paywall) In both…
RT @stephensenn: I dislike the idea of treating ADHD pharmacologically nevertheless I would need to have a look at this carefully to judge…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: How can this be fixed? @bengoldacre @CebmOxford https://t.co/LoQ9R7F1sC
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @MindTech_Doc: Have you compared this to the 2018 NICE ADHD Guideline evidence review? NICE took a different approach - far fewer studie…
RT @david_colquhoun: It seems that a huge amount of money is being wasted on small and poorly designed trials that fail to answer questions…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @MindTech_Doc: Have you compared this to the 2018 NICE ADHD Guideline evidence review? NICE took a different approach - far fewer studie…
RT @MindTech_Doc: Have you compared this to the 2018 NICE ADHD Guideline evidence review? NICE took a different approach - far fewer studie…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @MindTech_Doc: Have you compared this to the 2018 NICE ADHD Guideline evidence review? NICE took a different approach - far fewer studie…
Have you compared this to the 2018 NICE ADHD Guideline evidence review? NICE took a different approach - far fewer studies than Cochrane passed the quality inclusion threshold - as a result those included RCTs were of higher quality and the meta-analysis w
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It seems that a huge amount of money is being wasted on small and poorly designed trials that fail to answer questions…
File this under: we don’t know as much as we think we know https://t.co/RoEy8kdSfs
But heartening to see it's not just nutrition Cochranes that have this statement! https://t.co/AuYlQfQlF2
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
Research Waste ... https://t.co/73GHUdyiPH
"Findings suggest that methylphenidate might improve some of the core symptoms of ADHD. However, we cannot be confident that the results accurately reflect the size of the benefit of methylphenidate" @CochraneUK https://t.co/emw0uaQd7m
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
I dislike the idea of treating ADHD pharmacologically nevertheless I would need to have a look at this carefully to judge whether this constitutes a condemnation of the state of clinical research. https://t.co/R7QrLJxSo1
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @bengoldacre: It's so true. For all such reviews an estimate of the total research spend to date, and participants time wasted, would be…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
Benefits and harms of methylphenidate for children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) https://t.co/rzwsWFuyp2
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @bengoldacre: It's so true. For all such reviews an estimate of the total research spend to date, and participants time wasted, would be…
RT @PabloRichly: Que para una patología crónica como el TDAH este sea el nivel de evidencia de su principal tratamiento farmacológico es ba…
Que para una patología crónica como el TDAH este sea el nivel de evidencia de su principal tratamiento farmacológico es bastante pobre. https://t.co/QGtan9xKLU
Ritalin for ADHD? The quality of the evidence is very low.... https://t.co/Rv5wo7GoSR
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @bengoldacre: It's so true. For all such reviews an estimate of the total research spend to date, and participants time wasted, would be…
RT @bengoldacre: It's so true. For all such reviews an estimate of the total research spend to date, and participants time wasted, would be…
RT @david_colquhoun: How can this be fixed? @bengoldacre @CebmOxford https://t.co/LoQ9R7F1sC
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @bengoldacre: It's so true. For all such reviews an estimate of the total research spend to date, and participants time wasted, would be…
It's so true. For all such reviews an estimate of the total research spend to date, and participants time wasted, would be good. And an estimate of the n and £ needed to actually resolve the uncertainties. https://t.co/15ltajK4JB
How can this be fixed? @bengoldacre @CebmOxford https://t.co/LoQ9R7F1sC
RT @david_colquhoun: It seems that a huge amount of money is being wasted on small and poorly designed trials that fail to answer questions…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It seems that a huge amount of money is being wasted on small and poorly designed trials that fail to answer questions…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
It seems that a huge amount of money is being wasted on small and poorly designed trials that fail to answer questions that are important to people. All they do is boost CV of authors https://t.co/LoQ9R7F1sC
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
RT @david_colquhoun: It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry"…
It is a sad condemnation of the state of clinical research that, after 185 RCTs (40% of which were funded by industry", all that can be said about Ritalin for ADHD is that "The quality of the evidence was very low for all outcomes." https://t.co/NDWxsYIbZj
RT @89089314: ADHDに対するメチルフェニデートのコクランSR。SMDで-0.77ってのはかなり有効と言うべきか。でもROB高そう。 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Nov 25;(11):CD009885. Methylphen…
RT @89089314: ADHDに対するメチルフェニデートのコクランSR。SMDで-0.77ってのはかなり有効と言うべきか。でもROB高そう。 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Nov 25;(11):CD009885. Methylphen…