RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction and cost: https://t.co/uNPTYk4Gai #dentalimplants https://t.co/ukh7VyA44C
We assess different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction, patient preference and cost: https://t.co/uNPTYk4Gai https://t.co/QXfFTyBfWf
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction, patient preference and cost: https://t.co/uNPTYjN5iK https://t.co/x2bB8kCsX9
Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction, patient preference and cost. https://t.co/uNPTYjN5iK #dentalimplants #oralimplants https://t.co/A48H6SNMZh
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing the effects different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, we…
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing the effects different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, we…
Assessing the effects different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction, patient preference and cost: https://t.co/uNPTYk4Gai https://t.co/GjV4z2rwn4
#Cochrane assesses different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction, patient preference and cost: https://t.co/uNPTYjN5iK
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction, patient preference and cost: https://t.co/uNPTYjN5iK https://t.co/QWr9wWGvKU
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction, patient preference and cost: https://t.co/uNPTYk4Gai https://t.co/jOxctyh9zI
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
Here is one of our contributions to the @CochraneLibrary
RT @CochraneOHG: Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear,…
Assessing different attachments used for upper or lower jaw implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction, patient preference and cost https://t.co/uNPTYk4Gai https://t.co/66MAwr19yW
RT @CochraneOHG: We assess different attachments used for implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfacti…
RT @COECdentista: Sin evidencia clara sobre que anclajes son mejores para prótesis... sólo 6 estudios https://t.co/mMaZRewQhu
RT @CochraneOHG: We assess different attachments used for implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfacti…
RT @CochraneOHG: We assess different attachments used for implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfacti…
RT @CochraneOHG: We assess different attachments used for implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfacti…
RT @CochraneOHG: We assess different attachments used for implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfacti…
Sin evidencia clara sobre que anclajes son mejores para prótesis... sólo 6 estudios
We assess different attachments used for implant dentures with respect to their success, wear and tear, patient satisfaction, patient preference and cost: https://t.co/uNPTYjN5iK https://t.co/DRJv3GdPi1
RT @CochraneOHG: "here is insufficient evidence to determine any significant differences between lower jaw implant denture attachment syste…
RT @CochraneOHG: "here is insufficient evidence to determine any significant differences between lower jaw implant denture attachment syste…
RT @CochraneOHG: "here is insufficient evidence to determine any significant differences between lower jaw implant denture attachment syste…
"here is insufficient evidence to determine any significant differences between lower jaw implant denture attachment systems and an absence of evidence for upper jaw implant denture attachment systems": #Cochrane https://t.co/s3LBl16xOm https://t.co/duZAc0
Interventions for replacing missing teeth: attachment systems for implant overdentures in edentulous jaws. https://t.co/RmdFyWDmZi #ebd
RT @CochraneOHG: There is insufficient evidence to determine any significant differences between lower jaw implant denture attachment syste…
Research about #dental implants need to be dramatically improved.
RT @CochraneOHG: There is insufficient evidence to determine any significant differences between lower jaw implant denture attachment syste…
RT @CochraneOHG: There is insufficient evidence to determine any significant differences between lower jaw implant denture attachment syste…
Reality check or just the research hasn’t been done yet
There is insufficient evidence to determine any significant differences between lower jaw implant denture attachment systems and an absence of evidence for upper jaw implant denture attachment systems #Cochrane https://t.co/s3LBl1o9cW https://t.co/icKlxrVa
Fixations pour implants dentaires https://t.co/c6yO1McMzr
Dental lexicographic erotica, I think.
RT @CochraneOHG: New @cochranecollab Review: 'Interventions for replacing missing teeth: attachment systems for implant overdentures in ede…
New @cochranecollab Review: 'Interventions for replacing missing teeth: attachment systems for implant overdentures in edentulous jaws' https://t.co/SgEkKTQxEg @CochraneOHG More trials are needed. #dentist #dentures #oralhealth https://t.co/PFqBVSAAmA
RT @CochraneOHG: New @cochranecollab Review: 'Interventions for replacing missing teeth: attachment systems for implant overdentures in ede…
New @cochranecollab Review: 'Interventions for replacing missing teeth: attachment systems for implant overdentures in edentulous jaws' https://t.co/o8dsv0CKxb @CochraneOHG More trials are needed. #dentist #dentures #oralhealth
New review published by @CochraneOHG Interventions for replacing missing teeth: attachment systems for implant overdentures in edentulous jaws https://t.co/4ozEKJLJ4i https://t.co/VTRlnjqz6I