Science Avengers,
We don't like lies about vaccines. We know they save millions of lives. So when we saw this fear mongering meme we called out…
We don't like lies about vaccines. We know they save millions of lives. So when we saw this fear mongering meme we called out…
Did you know that MMR vaccine studies lack the statistical power to show whether the MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection?
Did you know that MMR vaccine studies lack the statistical power to show whether the MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection?
Is your doctor citing Dogma or Data when assuring the 'safety and effectiveness' of MMR? CONCLUSIONS: [In a Cochrane review of…
Did you know that MMR vaccine studies lack the statistical power to show whether the MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection?
Did you know that MMR vaccine studies lack the statistical power to show whether the MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection?
L’OBBLIGO E LA FARSA. Sono ottocentomila gli adolescenti e i giovani adulti da vaccinare contro morbillo e rosolia…
(K.R.) …and here are 107 studies finding no link between autism and vaccinations: Albizzati, A., Moré, L., Di Candia, D.…
How do we know #vaccines are safe? #ICYMI, The Cochrane Library "included five randomised controlled trials (RCTs), one…
How do we know #vaccines are safe? #ICYMI, The Cochrane Library "included five randomised controlled trials (RCTs), one…
So much fake news ! Le lien vaccination - autisme, tellement allégué un peu partout, tellement anxiogène... est un énoncé sur……
A mother from Michigan has willingly gone to prison for 7 days rather than agree to have her son immunised. This is just one (alb…
This paper has been used as the big defender of MMR vaccine safety. Yet the authors conclude the safety data is inadequate ? …
No, #vaccines studies are not all pharma funded - far from it. #vaccineswork #vaxwithme ~D.
The Science Avengers put together this amazing debunk of many common antivax claims.
O cautare rapida pe site-ul PubMed ne arata ca exista o analiza peer-reviewed din 2012 a unor studii realizate cu aproape 1.500.0…
L' AIFA : grande mistero che si contraddice da solo. Andiamo ad analizzare questo rapporto :…
Here Are 107 Studies Finding No Connection Between Autism And Vaccinations: Albizzati, A., Moré, L., Di Candia, D., Saccani, M.…
Message and request from Dorit Reiss #vaccines #vaccineswork #vaxwithme: Here is a media alert from the anti-vaccine groups…
A message, and request, from Dorit Reiss: Here is a media alert from the anti-vaccine groups, about the MN measles outbreak. …
La vaccination est un sujet aussi controversé que sensible dans la médecine et l'opinion publique, et du coup, elle devient un…
Continuiamo a leggere parecchie cavolate in giro sull'infettività dei bambini vaccinati con MPRV e di come sarebbero loro a…
Mumps Outbreak in-spite of…
A tutaj - badanie (czy raczej seria badań), które całkowicie zaorało brednie o rzekomym związku szczepionki MMR z autyzmem …
This horrible meme is debunked piece by piece... with science, facts, and evidence.
The Science Avengers are hard at work ⬇
My friends avenge some vaccine science!
A great takedown by Science Avengers.
Woofuckery AVENGED!
We don't like lies about vaccines. We know they save millions of lives. So when we saw this fear mongering meme we called out…
Avenged! The Science Avengers put together this amazing debunk of many common antivax claims.
We don't like lies about vaccines. We know they save millions of lives. So when we saw this fear mongering meme we called out…
A very well done debunking of common claims.
Een geweldige debunk van the Science Avengers.
We don't like lies about vaccines. We know they save millions of lives. So when we saw this fear mongering meme we called out…
People, my good friends and followers. Yesterday I informed you about the evils of Monsanto—or as one you witty people said…
"Der Film VAXXED gehört zum Unethischsten und Gefährlichsten, was in einem Kino überhaupt gezeigt werden kann. " "Cochrane (http…
Credit to Unbiased America 1/12/15 Here Are 107 Studies Finding No Connection Between Autism And Vaccinations: Albizzati, A.…
Vaccination tin-hat wearers
"The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate. …
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are…
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are…
Cochrane Review of MMR vaccine: "The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing…
Read these. Knowledge is power. Especially the last few that tell us why your doctor knows none of this. These scientists…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
"Much of what the drug industry does fulfils the criteria for organised crime under US law. They behave in many ways like the…
I rarely get to spend time updating this page, or at least it seems to me. I do love communicating with patients. This is a…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
A must see.
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
A physician and head of the Nordic Cochrane Centre has a strong statement on the pharmaceutical industry. https://www.facebook.
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
Richard Pan needs to lose HIS medical license for lying about Cochrane's MMR…
Sarampión #novaccinesaustralia #nojabnopay #auspol
(K.R.) There were quite a few vocal critics of my last post about the origins of the vaccine/autism myth, with some people even…
2150% increase in aseptic…
Special Needs Digest …
The autism immunisation debate continues to be discussed. Therefore we have found some of the most recent published articles…
My friend Credible Hulk put together this list for us debunking vax / autism link. Thanks Credible Hulk! Thimerosal-vaccines…
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children. -
Las vacunas contra el sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola en niños. "Conclusiones de los revisores: El diseño e informe de los…
Las vacunas contra el sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola en niños. "Conclusiones de los revisores: El diseño e informe de los… #novaccinesaustralia #nojabnopay #auspol
HIRNENTZÜNDUNG eine NEBENWIRKUNG der MASERNIMPFUNG? Wenn man nicht ernsthaft sucht, findet man auch nichts! Das gilt für „verlore…
HIRNENTZÜNDUNG eine NEBENWIRKUNG der MASERNIMPFUNG? Wenn man nicht ernsthaft sucht, findet man auch nichts! Das gilt für „verlore…
HIRNENTZÜNDUNG eine NEBENWIRKUNG der MASERNIMPFUNG? Wenn man nicht ernsthaft sucht, findet man auch nichts! Das gilt für „verlore…
" We included five randomised controlled trials (RCTs), one controlled clinical trial (CCT), 27 cohort studies, 17 case-control…
Here it is folks! Just a few snippets of peer-reviewed scientific studies which illustrate the lack of safety and efficacy…
Here it is folks! Just a few snippets of peer-reviewed scientific studies which illustrate the lack of safety and efficacy…
Here it is folks! Just a few snippets of peer-reviewed scientific studies which illustrate the lack of safety and efficacy…
Here it is folks! Just a few snippets of peer-reviewed scientific studies which illustrate the lack of safety and efficacy…
In your belittling of Rob Schneider's comments, you mentioned you would be willing to read any peer-reviewed scientific studies…
My Measles and Fear blog ( was long but even that just hit the most vital points. To combat…
The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate. The…
MMR ... not ... associated with autism, asthma, leukaemia, hay fever, type 1 diabetes, gait disturbance, Crohn's disease…
"Here's measles numbers for you: In 1963 the measles vaccine was licensed and in 1967 it began to be used. Prior to that there…
Scientific Paper: Rough Summary: We included five randomised controlled trials (RCT…
Lotta BS out there... so here's what medicine has to say on Vaccines (MMR), Autism and other adverse effects. BTW this study…
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are…
President Obama says vaccines are perfectly safe, yet a Cochrane Review says "The design and reporting of safety outcomes in…
Not my words- "Tiffany…
"Here's measles numbers for you: In 1963 the measles vaccine was licensed and in 1967 it began to be used. Prior to that there…