Cholesterin: fünf Eier pro Woche unbedenklich
Medizin transparent,
Eier enthalten reichlich Cholesterin. Bisherige Studien deuten dennoch an, dass bis zu fünf Eier pro Woche die Gesundheit von…
Eier enthalten reichlich Cholesterin. Bisherige Studien deuten dennoch an, dass bis zu fünf Eier pro Woche die Gesundheit von…
Und es bringt doch etwas, Fette aus Fleisch- und Milchprodukten zu reduzieren. Mehr ungesättigte Fette aus Pflanzen oder Fisch kö…
The following originally appeared on The Upshot (copyright 2015, The New York Times Company). People are passionate about food.
Fats in the diet are highly controversial. Saturated fat was previously blamed for raising cholesterol and causing heart disease…
There is way too much nonsense going around in nutrition. People don’t seem to agree on anything and trying to make sense of it…
We’ve been told that saturated fat is unhealthy. It is claimed to raise cholesterol levels and give us heart attacks. However…
Mainstream nutrition is full of nonsense. Despite clear advancements in nutrition science, the old myths don’t seem to be going…
Coffee is awesome. Butter is awesome. Saturated fat is awesome. There is no doubt about it… they have been unfairly demonized.
Low-carb and ketogenic diets are incredibly healthy. They have clear, potentially life-saving benefits for some of the world’s…
The meta-analysis by Chowdhury et al. raised quite a furor from certain segments of researchers and the popular media. I find…
It is claimed that the vegan diet has strong evidence behind it. It is said that it can make people lose weight and even…
New Nordic/Scandinavian public recommendations on diet and nutrition will be published this autumn. According to an article (Engl…
If you think flat Earthism is gone, you´re wrong. Some people still believe the earth is flat. The Flat Earth Society even has…
Many people perceive vegetable oils as healthy. Maybe it’s because they have the word “vegetable” in them. I mean… vegetables…
There are many examples of people accused of a crime they never committed. If we look at the movies, who doesn´t remember Andy…
This week, I received an email describing new nutritional recommendations at one of the campus eateries:Please come by O's…
The headline of a recent Los Angeles Times article is, “No yolk: eating the whole egg as dangerous as smoking?” The question…
Briefly: If I had to name the one word, that is most often used to label something as what it is not, my vote would go to "health…
The other day, my internet meanderings brought me back to a review of fat modification trials conducted by the Cochrane…