@DxtInclusivoII Actividad fisica y cáncer https://t.co/ePrmGPerIu Intervenciones de ejercicio sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud para pacientes con cancer durante el tratamiento activo https://t.co/d9nIjYAQ7I
Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment https://t.co/T2GwdzHY5a
様々なステージのがん患者も,運動をすることで様々なメリットが期待できます.身体機能や社会的機能,役割の向上,幸福感向上、疲労,不安,睡眠障害軽減など. 主治医と相談しながら,身体を動かしてみましょう. https://t.co/mHj1KtTixQ
RT @Lambeckhydro: Paula Geile PT PhD teaches about AT in oncology at the Mexican AT congress. See the Cochrane that she co-authored: https:…
RT @Lambeckhydro: Paula Geile PT PhD teaches about AT in oncology at the Mexican AT congress. See the Cochrane that she co-authored: https:…
At #aquacongress2016, Paula Geigle PT PhD from Baltimore will teach about AT in oncology, see https://t.co/j2HriqAOVx , co-authored by her
Paula Geile PT PhD teaches about AT in oncology at the Mexican AT congress. See the Cochrane that she co-authored: https://t.co/LW72zNUF3J
Ejercicio muscular, beneficioso hasta DURANTE tratamiento contra el cáncer. #healthy https://t.co/Paryl3XLnt Gracias @Fisiomorfosis
Exercise interventions on healthrelated quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment http://t.co/kMD58G3eZt
Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment...& Yoga!! http://t.co/9Gukrto3V7
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
@caseofdees @Stg_Roparun Een aantal publicaties over sport en kanker http://t.co/CFotOcDFSC http://t.co/PLmL6wKy2X http://t.co/eDBZxGgciv
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
cochrane review shows quality of life benefits for cancer patients who begin exercise during treatment http://t.co/OzMWji62N3
Nå jobber jeg med styrketreningsanbefalinger for kreftpasienter. Effekt av trening under behandling finner dere her: http://t.co/BY2e3un1yy
Nå jobber jeg med styrketreningsanbefalinger for kreftpasienter. Effekt av trening under behandling finner dere her: http://t.co/BY2e3un1yy
Nå jobber jeg med styrketreningsanbefalinger for kreftpasienter. Effekt av trening under behandling finner dere her: http://t.co/BY2e3un1yy
#Exercise interventions health-related #qualityoflife for people with cancer during active treatment #cochrane 2012 http://t.co/Xa7yg71KxW
New study on beating cancer fatigue - perhaps its exercise? http://t.co/qtU97K2grV
Exercise interventions on healthrelated quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment http://t.co/NmbEaK4dbq
Exercise interventions on quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment= works! http://t.co/2WY5TBnwmA? So please Rx it!
¿Puede el ejercicio físico mejorar la calidad de vida en las personas que reciben quimioterapia? http://t.co/gpSMidGY2n"@ExerciseMV
¿Puede el ejercicio físico mejorar la calidad de vida en las personas que reciben tratamiento contra el cáncer? http://t.co/ncED1X2dZB
Exercise interventions for people w/ cancer http://t.co/IBUelB9T 'Positive effects of exercise greater when the exercise was more intense'
RT @GideonRemfry: #Weight training for improved #cancer treatment & recovery? http://t.co/gTP0PCLI
#Weight training for improved #cancer treatment & recovery? http://t.co/gTP0PCLI
Importance of #exercise for people with #cancer @ProRun_nl and in recent review @CndCochraneCtr http://t.co/WSXgyBbc http://t.co/SAAma9wr
Exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in #Cancer Pts- Cochrane Summaries http://t.co/pNGuLrwJ HT @ASCO
#Exercise interventions on healthrelated quality of life for people with #cancer during active treatment http://t.co/IBUelB9T
Exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in #Cancer Pts - Cochrane Summaries http://t.co/Zj3wS0ov HT @ASCO
Exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in #Cancer Pts - Cochrane Summaries http://t.co/pNGuLrwJ HT @ASCO
Can exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life ...: Some studies have suggested that exercise... http://t.co/hFd4kmcV
RT @mtmdphd: Exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in #Cancer Pts - Cochrane Summaries http://t.co/pNGuLrwJ HT @ASCO
RT @docsbydocs: Here are the studies showing benefit of exercise for cancer patients: http://t.co/qdJq1wzl #BRAINTUMORTHURSDAY
Here are the studies showing benefit of exercise for cancer patients: http://t.co/qdJq1wzl #BRAINTUMORTHURSDAY
Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment.: CONCLU... http://t.co/GG2cbEIw
@glschardt Thanks for RT on Exercise & HRQOL http://t.co/pNGuLrwJ
RT @mtmdphd: Exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in #Cancer Pts - Cochrane Summaries http://t.co/pNGuLrwJ HT @ASCO
Exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in #Cancer Pts - Cochrane Summaries http://t.co/pNGuLrwJ HT @ASCO
Can exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life ...: This review looked at the effect of exerc... http://t.co/MgiqKvWd
Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during treatment - The Cochrane Library http://t.co/drIGWJPv
Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment. http://t.co/uq4viVDd
Exercise interventions on health related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment http://t.co/8M4B70dJ
New Cochrane Summary: Exercise and health-related quality of life among people with cancer undergoing treatment? | http://t.co/iraY5Tzo