The review may not have found definitive evidence linking fat taxation to reduced obesity, but let’s not pretend that’s the whole story. If you’d actually read beyond this tweet and grasped the nuances, you’d know that public health outcomes aren’t so easi
Es gibt aber noch mehr Reviews zur Diskussion, z. B. zum Effekt von Steuern auf #Zucker und #Fett. Diese beiden fanden leider nur sehr schwache Studien - und damit dringenden Forschungsbedarf:
Est-ce qu’une taxe sur la teneur en matières grasses des aliments peut réduire l’obésité et aider les gens à consommer moins de matières grasses et moins de graisses saturées?
RT @phesa_manipal: New Cochrane review on 'Taxation of the fat content of foods for reducing their consumption and preventing obesity or ot…
RT @CochranePH: New Cochrane review on taxation of fat content in food. Limited but suggestive evidence with missed opportunities for evalu…
RT @LSchwingshackl: NEW Cochrane Review on fat taxation for preventing obesity: "Currently no evidence on the effect of a tax on total fat…
RT @LSchwingshackl: NEW Cochrane Review on fat taxation for preventing obesity: "Currently no evidence on the effect of a tax on total fat…
NEW Cochrane Review on fat taxation for preventing obesity: "Currently no evidence on the effect of a tax on total fat or saturated fat on total energy intake or energy intake through SFAt or total fat, or preventing overweight or obesity."
RT @cochranenutri: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
RT @cochranenutri: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
RT @CochraneIberoam: Nueva revisión de interés📢 ¿Funciona gravar los alimentos con alto contenido en grasas para reducir su consumo? #obesi…
RT @cochranenutri: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured overview: and the full @CochranePH systematic review: #publichealth #nutrition #systemat
RT @CochraneIberoam: Nueva revisión de interés📢 ¿Funciona gravar los alimentos con alto contenido en grasas para reducir su consumo? #obesi…
RT @CochraneIberoam: Nueva revisión de interés📢 ¿Funciona gravar los alimentos con alto contenido en grasas para reducir su consumo? #obesi…
RT @CochraneIberoam: Nueva revisión de interés📢 ¿Funciona gravar los alimentos con alto contenido en grasas para reducir su consumo? #obesi…
Nueva revisión de interés📢 ¿Funciona gravar los alimentos con alto contenido en grasas para reducir su consumo? #obesidad #evidencia #alimentación @sanidadgob @CochraneLibrary
A review has been published on ‘Taxing the fat content of foods to reduce their consumption and improve health outcomes but due to lack of evidence it was unable to reliably establish if such a tax would work’ See
RT @DanielBerglind: Cochrane review: no evidence that a tax on total fat/saturated reduces intake of saturated fat or total fat, or prevent…
Cochrane review: no evidence that a tax on total fat/saturated reduces intake of saturated fat or total fat, or preventing the incidence or reducing the prevalence of obesity:
RT @cochranecollab: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
RT @Wiley_Health: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Read the n…
Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Read the new @CochraneLibrary systematic review here: #publichealth
Compare this quote with the authors’ conclusions of the review.
RT @centinel5051: Efecto del aumento de impuestos en función del contenido de grasa de los alimentos, con el objetivo de reducir su consumo…
Efecto del aumento de impuestos en función del contenido de grasa de los alimentos, con el objetivo de reducir su consumo y prevenir enfermedades y obesidad, revisión Cochrane No hay evidencia de efectividad.
RT @CochraneAT: #Fettsteuer gegen ungesunde Versuchung hilfreich? Neue #Cochrane #Evidenz @Cochrane_DE @CochraneSui…
#Fettsteuer gegen ungesunde Versuchung hilfreich? Neue #Cochrane #Evidenz @Cochrane_DE @CochraneSuisse
RT @cochranecollab: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
RT @cochranecollab: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
RT @cochranecollab: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured overview: and the full @CochranePH systematic review: #publichealth
RT @cochranecollab: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
RT @cochranecollab: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
Um imposto sobre o teor de gordura dos alimentos reduz #obesidade e ajudar as pessoas a comer menos gordura e menos #gordurasaturada
RT @cochranecollab: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured…
Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured overview: and the full @CochranePH systematic review: #publichealth
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
消費を減らし、肥満やその他の健康への悪影響を防ぐための食品の脂肪含有量への課税 お肉もアイスも美味いからなぁ _(:3」z)_
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured overview: and the full @CochranePH systematic review: #publichealth
New #CochraneReview co-authored by @vkatikireddi did not find enough reliable evidence to conclude whether a tax on the #fat content of foods is effective in reducing people's consumption of fat or saturated fat. #obesity #overweight Read the review👉 http
RT @tvytter: Does a #tax on the #fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured over…
RT @CochranePH: New Cochrane review on taxation of fat content in food. Limited but suggestive evidence with missed opportunities for evalu…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
Does a #tax on the #fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured overview: and the full @CochranePH systematic review: #public… target="_blank" href="">
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Feature…
Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce #obesity and help people to eat less fat and less #saturatedfat? Featured overview: and the full @CochranePH systematic review: #publichealth
RT @CochranePH: New Cochrane review on taxation of fat content in food. Limited but suggestive evidence with missed opportunities for evalu…
New Cochrane review on 'Taxation of the fat content of foods for reducing their consumption and preventing obesity or other adverse health outcomes'-Limited but suggestive evidence with missed opportunities for evaluation. Available at:
New Cochrane review on taxation of fat content in food. Limited but suggestive evidence with missed opportunities for evaluation. Open access
RT @vkatikireddi: New £0 Cochrane review on effects of food fat taxes with Stefan Lhachimi @Frank_Pega out today. Limited but suggestive ev…
New £0 Cochrane review on effects of food fat taxes with Stefan Lhachimi @Frank_Pega out today. Limited but suggestive evidence with missed opportunities for evaluation.
Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce obesity and help people to eat less fat and less saturated fat? #Obesity
Does a tax on the fat content of foods reduce obesity and help people to eat less fat and less saturated fat? | Cochrane