@VivaciousAmanda You may prefer this review as a more academic resource Data from >14million children https://t.co/abnG6krgXy
@Rectitude20 @PeterHotez @megoliver @CBSEveningNews For example this Cochrane review of >14 million children showing MMR is safe and effective 👇 https://t.co/abnG6krgXy "evidence on safety and effectiveness of MMR supports policies of mass immunisation
@pregnantandfab1 @dr_zenitram @kmerian @thereal_truther Nope. You are wrong. https://t.co/aphH8Q27cN We could assess no significant association between MMR immunisation and the following conditions: autism, asthma, leukaemia, hay fever, type 1 diabetes,
@stele_3 No, they dont. https://t.co/aphH8Q27cN We could assess no significant association between MMR immunisation and the following conditions: autism, asthma, leukaemia, hay fever, type 1 diabetes, gait disturbance, Crohn's disease, demyelinating dise
@TamarHaspel You may want to read this. https://t.co/aphH8Q27cN "We could assess no significant association between MMR immunisation and the following conditions: autism, asthma, leukaemia, hay fever, type 1 diabetes, gait disturbance, Crohn's disease .
@NicoleB_MD Science is clear. No evidence that MMR causes autism, in studies of 15 million kids https://t.co/i9HykbwIKa https://t.co/BgBHiCB9h0
@Ahammadhu2 @Faisalnaifaru @HPA_MV @presidencymv @cscmaldives https://t.co/QIGWjFDznD We could assess no significant association between MMR immunisation and the following conditions: autism, asthma, leukaemia, hay fever, type 1 diabetes, gait disturbance
@Charbrevolution @Charbrevolution this Cochrane review gives helpful information on MMR safety and effectiveness. Combined data from 14 million children. Conclusion is: safe and effective 👇 https://t.co/abnG6krgXy
@declanoscanlon The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies , both pre- and post - marketing is largely inadequate. https://t.co/BEIjCHGWVa
@jaredbriggs0125 @BethKamna Actually there have been many placebo controlled vaccine trials There are also studies of vaccine vs no intervention For example https://t.co/abnG6krgXy evaluates studies of MMR vaccines You can find these for yourself in US
@jaredbriggs0125 @BethKamna Because it seems that the science does not indicate high risks of serious side effects, e.g. MMR https://t.co/abnG6krgXy
@Charbrevolution @PJMoore1958 @EraseObamanow @BethKamna @arieljones411 @jaredbriggs0125 @PeterHotez Cf multiple studies described in great detail here, showing no association between MMR and autism https://t.co/i9HykbwIKa
@PJMoore1958 @Charbrevolution @EraseObamanow @BethKamna @arieljones411 @jaredbriggs0125 But the evidence about MMR and autism doesn't rest on one or two retracted studies. This Cochrane review carefully examined multiple studies. None of the 10 on autism f
@MrsMMissy @tikkierechts @sandravogelaar Waar doel je precies op met die ‘onhandige formulering’? Dat ‘totaal gesloopt’? Ik heb letterlijk geciteerd van de site van Cochrane. Als jij een andere tekst wilt uitlichten, moet je dat duidelijk doen. Hier is m
@Charbrevolution @JTTHEGAME Okay. Here's a Cochrane review of a large number of MMR studies in children. Rigorous assessment of evidence quality, multiple types of trial including several placebo controlled RCT. https://t.co/i9HykbwIKa No association bet
RT @_InThisTogether: @Rosewind2007 @bam57581565 @DoctorChristian Yes indeed. They certainly had concerns about MMR safety studies. "The d…
RT @_InThisTogether: @Rosewind2007 @bam57581565 @DoctorChristian Yes indeed. They certainly had concerns about MMR safety studies. "The d…
@Rosewind2007 @bam57581565 @DoctorChristian Yes indeed. They certainly had concerns about MMR safety studies. "The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre‐ and post‐marketing, are largely inadequate." https://t.co/EDW5r2
@aytekinkilicli Eğer aşılara sözde yan etki riski dolayısıyla karşıysanız, konuyu yeterince okumuş olamazsınız. Sevgiler. https://t.co/1F7h7dgWhO
RT @evrimagaci: @seyranari @say_cem Evet, tek tek okumak gerekir. Tek tek okumak yoruyorsa, tarama makalelerini (review) okumak gerekir. O…
@seyranari @say_cem Evet, tek tek okumak gerekir. Tek tek okumak yoruyorsa, tarama makalelerini (review) okumak gerekir. O da yoruyorsa, Cochrane Review'ları okumak gerekir. Ama okumak gerekir. Evet. https://t.co/1F7h7dgWhO
@ClaireKenya @JenFreedomFight @jumpslut @alissa914 @senatortesta @BillSpadea Big pharma have a lot to answer for when it comes to price gouging and sometimes with the quality of their funded studies. But you fail to realise most research is independent of
RT @vaccinologie: @peyo3319 quand aux effets "secondaires" (ya quoi de secondaire a faire une encephalopathie post vaccinale svp ? on parle…
@kuriousmind93 MMR vaccine is the best form of defense we have https://t.co/tCyuL0NWmz
@_m_o_ni @sebseb7 @Kreed77M @L_Sbd_SPD @tagesschau Eine behandelte Autoimmunerkrankung macht die Masern-Lebendimpfung sowieso unmöglich. Eine kausal umgekehrte Reaktion wurde bislang nicht nachgewiesen, sogar nahezu ausgeschlossen. https://t.co/Gi4Hz8ZaFr
RT @Smile_Martini: @OrthDc @Rosewind2007 Here, you can’t start with is one: https://t.co/7CWhUjCJdS
RT @Smile_Martini: @OrthDc @Rosewind2007 Here, you can’t start with is one: https://t.co/7CWhUjCJdS
@WalkerEsdaile Ich habe eine Auswahl an Quellen unterschiedlicher Qualität zur Verfügung gestellt, je nach Leseverständnis. Allerdings habe ich Ihnen auch die Einschätzung des Cochrane Stiftung angeboten. Gern noch einmal: https://t.co/ToAh4tzQjY
@WalkerEsdaile Diese Quelle hätte ich ja beinahe vergessen: https://t.co/ToAh4tzQjY
@HaraldMeling @Ingeborgborg Så du har dine kilder fra Naturalnews og egen omgangskrets. Disse stoler du mer på enn f.eks. Cochrane: https://t.co/qwdCWRHRUK
@HaraldMeling @Ingeborgborg De som er vaksinert mot meslinger har 95% sjanse for å ikke bli syke av meslinger. Hvis nok vaksinerer seg blir ikke de 5% siste heller syke, for da finnes ikke meslinger der lenger. Vaksine mot meslinger virker! https://t.co/zp
@peyo3319 quand aux effets "secondaires" (ya quoi de secondaire a faire une encephalopathie post vaccinale svp ? on parle d'effet désirable/indésirable plutot) ils ne sont pas si connu que ca, vous pouvez consulter cochrane : https://t.co/ISIBAfd7xg https
@MartinCooper222 @Charbrevolution @jeremyrhammond @jdgimzek @IrishDO33 @Just4TheCause The report also says: "Existing evidence on the safety and effectiveness of MMR vaccine supports current policies of mass immunisation aimed at global measles eradication
@SpoonMN @RepMaryFranson @delbigtree You are factually incorrect. 1. Liability was not removed. 2. Placebo controlled studies have been done. eg https://t.co/Cibo26jQ0X 3. The HHS claim is a lie. https://t.co/jn6akdDS56 You should think critically before
@va_shiva @NIH @CDCFlu @CDCDirector @US_FDA Here's five https://t.co/gT7bO8yzJr
RT @LaughlandMorgan: @jhan79601992 @snpsandsnRNPs @lapsed_liberal @PeterHotez Here is IOM https://t.co/fNSVoC6cG0 Here is Cochrane on MMR…
RT @LaughlandMorgan: @jhan79601992 @snpsandsnRNPs @lapsed_liberal @PeterHotez Here is IOM https://t.co/fNSVoC6cG0 Here is Cochrane on MMR…
@jhan79601992 @snpsandsnRNPs @lapsed_liberal @PeterHotez Here is IOM https://t.co/fNSVoC6cG0 Here is Cochrane on MMR https://t.co/YhhVuljmX8 Here is ICAN where you will find info on HHS https://t.co/YhhVuljmX8 Here is Children's Health Defense where HHS i
@Dejvid66 @vgfors @raulolleulf Vaccinet mot svininflunensa hade absolut det. Inte MPR-vaccinen. Däremot ger det åtminstone 95% skydd mot mässling. Jag skulle föreslå att man ska tro på den samlade forskningen snarare än en jeppe på twitter utan källhänvisn
@ChrisiLove1 @thetimes There have been trials of the MMR vaccine. Indeed, the Cochrane Collaboration published a meta-study. That is, there are enough studies to study those studies...... https://t.co/GJFGgqO2hK
@momandworld @AssemblyDems @GavinNewsom @AssemblyGOP "Cochrane is able to generate authoritative and reliable information because we never accept commercial or conflicted funding. This policy means Cochrane contributors can work freely, unconstrained by co
Esta información sobre la vacuna triple vírica ( Sarampión, paperas, rubeola) es de locos y un insulto a la inteligencia https://t.co/U2MTxx1RrY
@ChanelleJepson Here is a review of multiple randomized and controlled studies of the MMR vaccine. This paper will reference the studies you seek. https://t.co/xGkyMbFKbS
@Skibo4PA @peculiarliz @kevinclarkjpi @DrJenGunter I understand that you think slinging insults at me is enough. After all, that is the tone that Dr. Gunter set. However, you really need a little more substance. https://t.co/ktt43NMPip
@tabbyday @weewendles @peculiarliz @kevinclarkjpi @DrJenGunter Cochrane on the HPV vaccine https://t.co/0lwLgarfsA IOM review on vaccines https://t.co/fNSVoC6cG0 Cohrane on MMR https://t.co/YhhVuljmX8
It's time to get a new 21 century solution to this tired big pharma product.
@Gilt_Elephant @HUW1967 @brexit_sham @SMC_London Apologies: work intervened. There is no serious controversy about this. If in doubt over matters of scientific evidence, always consult Sense About Science (@senseaboutsci ) and the Cochrane Library. https
@JeffBro61583859 @LorenaSGonzalez @thereal_truther This Cochrane review shows that there are 5 randomized controlled trials for MMR along with 59 other studies involving 14 million children. That's a lot of safety data. https://t.co/uyOYbsE0jK
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children - Demicheli, V - 2012 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/ZbcfqlOC1W
RT @Rosewind2007: @velo_lola @mcfunny @melissactweets @epochchanger Same review: "Existing evidence on the safety and effectiveness of MMR…
@velo_lola @mcfunny @melissactweets @epochchanger Same review: "Existing evidence on the safety and effectiveness of MMR vaccine supports current policies of mass immunisation aimed at global measles eradication and in order to reduce morbidity and mortali
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
RT @MeganFoxWriter: Hey @JeffreyDinowitz and @bradhoylman read this. How can you mandate this? Why don't you mandate Merck make a safer pro…
Hey @JeffreyDinowitz and @bradhoylman read this. How can you mandate this? Why don't you mandate Merck make a safer product?
RT @DrKND: CONCLUSIONS: Design & reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.…
RT @InsideVaccines: They always fall back on "but the vaccine works" and ignore the part about the mountain of crappy science. https://t.co…
RT @DrKND: CONCLUSIONS: Design & reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.…
RT @DrKND: CONCLUSIONS: Design & reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.…
RT @griepprik: BMR - is de Bof-Mazelen-Rubella (kinkhoest) vaccinatie echt 100% veilig? Cochrane 5/2/2012: “Het ontwerp en de rapportage va…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
@MC94171896 @DominicCardy @AndrewSosna A Cochrane review of more than 60 MMR vaccine studies states, “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.” https://t.co/lBR31O8Si8
@Ashrion1 @Chena_Punim I know you'll say this doesn't count. So, care to tell me why? https://t.co/DWxAqngioA
@immunotoxPhD @kn_dn_40 @DrPanMD @VaccinateCal @CMAdocs @AAPCA1 @AAPCA2 @AAPCA3 @RobertKennedyJr @ChildrensHD Here's something from US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health" "The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know MMR vaccine studies lack statistical power to show MMR vaccine is safer than measles infection? https://t.c…