.@SenHannahBeth http://t.co/mGFQRJStyL #SB277 #MINE #CDCwhistleblower RT! Pans testimony FAIL! http://t.co/IeR6yjBBXL
.@SenHannahBeth http://t.co/mGFQRJStyL #SB277 #MINE #CDCwhistleblower RT! Pans testimony FAIL! http://t.co/IeR6yjBBXL
RT @SenHannahBeth Pan used this in testimony! FAIL! http://t.co/sc9OBCmkPe http://t.co/C8DNAkFru2 RT! #SB277 #MINE http://t.co/aUdKfMy4og
.@SenHannahBeth http://t.co/mGFQRJStyL #SB277 #MINE #CDCwhistleblower RT! Pans testimony FAIL! http://t.co/IeR6yjBBXL
@MolDizzle @VaccineResist MMR not asstd with autism http://t.co/ewLYskoELq low bias: Hviid 2004, Vestergaard 2004 etc. Just some of many
@Ciiaqap After 2012 study on 14.7 million kids that found no link with Autism, you can't expect another to find any http://t.co/bOCfxJGCtw
@SenHannahBeth my story too. "normal" http://t.co/mGFQRJStyL #CDCwhistleblower #SB277 http://t.co/gF7WrMlXRp
@SenHannahBeth my story too. "normal" http://t.co/mGFQRJStyL #CDCwhistleblower #SB277 http://t.co/gF7WrMlXRp
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children The Cochrane Library Demicheli Wiley Online Library http://t.co/CRfscmuDBw
@BeckyCT Weird how this meta-study found 5 RCTs and a CCT just for the MMR vaccine... http://t.co/ZtmeBRQF11 @Wonderwon @LorenaAD80
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella... - PubMed Mobile - NCBI #cdcwhistleblower http://t.co/jTUpKgZUC7
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella... - PubMed Mobile - NCBI #cdcwhistleblower http://t.co/jTUpKgZUC7
Design & reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies are largely inadequate: http://t.co/d3zXXbzGX5 @antivaccines @antivaccination
Design & reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies are largely inadequate: http://t.co/d3zXXbzGX5 @antivaccines @antivaccination
The design & reporting safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies are largely inadequate: http://t.co/d3zXXbzGX5 @ladygaga
@HomeopathicDana Your link wasn't to Cochrane, it was to a blog. Here's the actual Cochrane review: http://t.co/6fKfczaN61 It supports MMR!
MMR ... not ... associated with autism, asthma, leukaemia, hay fever, type 1 diabetes, gait disturbance, Crohn's... http://t.co/x9dbgEhSJi
MMR vaccine research which included 15 million youths http://t.co/x0jC25YutX
#CDCwhistleblower Pub Med read carefully risk and admitted not enough research. Lab rats come hither for MMR trials http://t.co/YRdmloBG9H
#CDCwhistleblower Pub Med read carefully risk and admitted not enough research. Lab rats come hither for MMR trials http://t.co/YRdmloBG9H
#CDCwhistleblower Pub Med read carefully risk and admitted not enough research. Lab rats come hither for MMR trials http://t.co/YRdmloBG9H
@goodnewsgoddess courts are not laboratories. There are many studies on the autism connection, eg http://t.co/DWPqaam6fq
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and... http://t.co/BYYiidJxib
President Obama says vaccines are perfectly safe, yet a Cochrane Review says "The design and reporting of safety... http://t.co/nDwn49jNd8
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children The Cochrane Library Demicheli Wiley Online Library http://t.co/93kYhdKSDg
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children. - PubMed - NCBI http://t.co/1GnsinDFNh
@DrWakefield @FolkWhoAwoke Robust reasearch shows NO LINK between MMR and Autism. http://t.co/P1lhojf4YU #VaccinesWork
@lightlovetruth @MarcellaPiperTe Robust reasearch shows NO LINK between MMR and Autism. http://t.co/P1lhojf4YU #VaccinesWork
@dlynnmarie78 Robust reasearch show NO LINK between MMR and Autism. http://t.co/u6kqmg2TpM #VaccinesWork
@@cgammicchia @ZimJay Robust reasearch shows NO LINK between MMR and Autism. http://t.co/P1lhojf4YU #VaccinesWork
@@CanaryParty @NoreenR1 Robust reasearch show NO LINK between MMR and Autism. http://t.co/JjFAh1rvJ3 #VaccinesWork
MMR vaccine studies round-up: Here’s the fixed link. http://t.co/Acli5oRGQc
MMR vaccine studies round-up: Here’s the fixed link. http://t.co/Acli5oRGQc
@kristen_pol Does this one? http://t.co/Acli5oRGQc
@nnago より質の高い情報を隠蔽して、センセーショナルな結果を出している質の低い研究だけを紹介するのはやめてほしい。もう一度紹介しておく。メタ分析でワクチンと自閉症の関連は見いだされていない。http://t.co/XwtJQSfcvq
@nnago より質の高い情報を隠蔽して、センセーショナルな結果を出している質の低い研究だけを紹介するのはやめてほしい。もう一度紹介しておく。メタ分析でワクチンと自閉症の関連は見いだされていない。http://t.co/XwtJQSfcvq
@nnago より質の高い情報を隠蔽して、センセーショナルな結果を出している質の低い研究だけを紹介するのはやめてほしい。もう一度紹介しておく。メタ分析でワクチンと自閉症の関連は見いだされていない。http://t.co/XwtJQSfcvq
@nnago より質の高い情報を隠蔽して、センセーショナルな結果を出している質の低い研究だけを紹介するのはやめてほしい。もう一度紹介しておく。メタ分析でワクチンと自閉症の関連は見いだされていない。http://t.co/XwtJQSfcvq
@suzakubo_m 観察研究や生態学的研究の欠点を上げだせばきりないでしょう。そこにこだわるよりますこういう質の高い論文のチェックを。http://t.co/XwtJQSfcvq
Cochrane review, 2012: "The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and... http://t.co/T2tta8Kc5e
@pinkyprincess Yes there is one! http://t.co/6VYQYs36Of
Guess who get's f'ed in the A tomorrow.. http://t.co/v2Xgh0XPO5
Using the combined vaccine for protection of children against measles, mumps and rubella http://t.co/9dlFnxk8hS #vaccineswork
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children http://t.co/U8vMWRidFJ Published two... http://t.co/4zAPRZ4y3W
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children http://t.co/U8vMWRidFJ Published two... http://t.co/4zAPRZ4y3W
@DiegoCuneo Cochrane Library, studio di revisione su 62 studi vaccini/autismo, conclusione: nessun legame http://t.co/BZL8G7z5BF basta?
@graziarongo sì. Cochrane Library, studio di revisione su 31 studi vaccini/autismo, conclusione: nessun legame http://t.co/64dHYYwLae.
@freelibellula Cochrane Library, studio di revisione su 31 studi vaccini/autismo, conclusione: nessun legame http://t.co/BZL8G7z5BF. @riotta
.@piu_rivolta Cochrane Library, studio di revisione su 31 studi vaccini/autismo, conclusione: nessun legame http://t.co/BZL8G7z5BF. @riotta
The safety/efficacy of the MMR shot, in a study of over 14.7 MILLION participants. Hint: Not linked to Autism http://t.co/kxjvoD9hHM
Upotreba kombiniranog cjepiva za zaštitu djece od ospica, zaušnjaka i rubeole http://t.co/qxxFxgLPE6 via @sharethis
MMR vaccine: Design and reporting of safety outcomes both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.... http://t.co/6KxnrbyfjU
@pash22 @wordpressdotcom like wise PubHealth is a trusted institution but misleading pts as no MMR cohorts on harm? http://t.co/vHjlF1MuKz
@petermbenglish Vaccine scientists however are interested. http://t.co/eUWtckiFBE
@erikloeffen We willen graag dat vaccins onschadelijk zijn, zou dat het onderzoek (en ons denken) kunnen beinvloeden http://t.co/OsTZoNMLpl
@Benjiffy and this is a @cochranecollab review on it http://t.co/0PHseux7lP
@Benjiffy and this is a @cochranecollab review on it http://t.co/0PHseux7lP
@Benjiffy and this is a @cochranecollab review on it http://t.co/0PHseux7lP
"We did not identify any studies assessing the effectiveness of MMR in preventing rubella." http://t.co/6OKvHtcXhL #MMR #NHS
"design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies...are largely inadequate." #MMR #NHS http://t.co/6OKvHtcXhL
MMR experts: "design & reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies...are largely inadequate." http://t.co/xjI1k8eODx #newsnight
The Cochrane Library study, with over 14 million participants, finds no connection between #MMR and #autism: http://t.co/P6cShLweTD
"The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely... http://t.co/JhNAwUwLbX
"The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely... http://t.co/AngTXLdW2L
Cochrane 2012: "The design & reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies...are largely inadequate." #MMR #NHS http://t.co/RIA6yRpW60
"We identified no studies assessing the effectiveness of #MMR vaccine against...rubella." http://t.co/chhtp7MC6j"
Instead of getting your vaccine info from someone who is not a vaccine scientist, this is a good place to start #MMR http://t.co/edTHDzL4FD
Cochrane 2012 concluded "design & reporting of safety outcomes in #MMR vaccine studies..are largely inadequate" #NHS http://t.co/3SySQ7Ht6I
@MammaMumra Cochrane published this report on MMR in 2012. http://t.co/edTHDzL4FD
"We did not identify any studies assessing the effectiveness of MMR in preventing rubella." http://t.co/3SySQ7Ht6I #MMR
"design & reporting of safety outcomes in #MMR vaccine studies, both pre- & post-marketing, are largely inadequate. http://t.co/3SySQ7Ht6I
Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children The Cochrane Library Demicheli Wiley Online Library http://t.co/bGBrubSQ4N
"We did not identify any studies assessing the effectiveness of MMR in preventing #rubella." http://t.co/3SySQ7Ht6I (2 of 2) #MMR #NHS
@PublicHealthW Cochrane review "design & reporting of safety outcomes in #MMR vaccine studies..largely inadequate" http://t.co/6OKvHtuy9j
"design & reporting of safety outcomes in #MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate" http://t.co/6OKvHtuy9j
@Quovadis42 Cochrane reviews summarise MMR data http://t.co/m1EhIOSq6w
Cochrane #MMR Review;"Design & reporting of safety outcomes are largely inadequate. Evidence of adverse events" http://t.co/T8lMXCG9ak
Want to know about MMR, then read the only systemic review on MMR. It concludes safety data is inadequate. #MMR #NHS http://t.co/RIA6yRpW60
"design & reporting of safety outcomes in #MMR vaccine studies, both pre- & post-marketing, are largely inadequate." http://t.co/RIA6yRpW60
These scientists didn't vote UKIP. Please keep politics out of it. #MMR #BBC #NHS http://t.co/RIA6yRpW60
@mrsnickyclark Thinking like a member of a herd helps no one Existence of robust #MMR safety data is certainly a myth http://t.co/RIA6yRpW60
"design & reporting of safety outcomes in #MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate" http://t.co/RIA6yRpW60