Optimal Cord Clamping / #WaitforWhite,
The rapid response is posted on the BMJ https://www.bmj.com/content/383/bmj.p2680/rr-1 Please spread the word
The rapid response is posted on the BMJ https://www.bmj.com/content/383/bmj.p2680/rr-1 Please spread the word
Adakah penundaan mengepit tali pusat atau menggunakan teknik pemerahan kord ketika kelahiran meningkatkan kesihatan bayi yang…
Penundaan pengapitan kord umbilikal berkemungkinan mengurangkan risiko kematian bagi bayi yang lahir…
Strong evidence for delayed cord clamping in preterm babies: The updated Cochrane review about cord management in preterm…
(2) Efectul momentului clampării cordonului ombilical și al altor strategii de influențare a transfuziei placentare la nașterea…
(1) Efectul momentului clampării cordonului ombilical și al altor strategii de influențare a transfuziei placentare la nașterea…
Associating the known iatrogenic causes of mortality and brain injury in extremely preterm…
Neuer Cochrane Review: Verbessert ein verzögertes Abklemmen der Nabelschnur bei der Geburt die Gesundheit von Frühgeborenen? …
Neuer Cochrane Review: Verbessert ein verzögertes Abklemmen der Nabelschnur bei der Geburt die Gesundheit von Frühgeborenen? …
Delayed cord clamping (DCC) probably reduces the number of babies who die before discharge compared with Early cord clamping (ECC…
Featured Review: Does delaying cord clamping or using cord milking at birth improve the health of babies born too early? This…
"In this Cochrane Review, we set out to determine if delayed cord clamping or umbilical cord milking improves the health…
For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discharge.
Effect of timing of umbilical cord clamping and other strategies to influence placental transfusion at preterm birth on…
Does delaying cord clamping or using cord milking at birth improve the health of babies born too early? The Cochrane review of…
Does delaying cord clamping or using cord milking at birth improve the health of babies born too early? The Cochrane review of…
Hot off the press. https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD003248.pub4/full Delaying cord clamping appears…
Strong evidence for delayed cord clamping in preterm babies: The updated Cochrane review about cord management in preterm…
Strong evidence for delayed cord clamping in preterm babies: The updated Cochrane review about cord management in preterm…
Strong evidence for delayed cord clamping in preterm babies: The updated Cochrane review about cord management in preterm…