📚 En el manejo del parto pretérmino, una revisión @CochraneLibrary de 2019 no encontró diferencias en pérdida de sangre materna > 500 cc en CLAMPAJE TARDÍO vs INMEDIATO, aunque hubo una marcada heterogeneidad de los datos https://t.co/zEt7hVG9aR
A continuación de algunas ideas mejores: - Pinzamiento tardío de cordón: https://t.co/pcSqJUijSX
@3V0zCHzxrGAHvpX @hiyo_hairyheart コクランでは、「臍帯遅延結紮は、早産児の死亡リスクを減少させる可能性がある。臍帯早期結紮には何らかの害があると考えられる。」と言っています。エビデンスレベルでは無いですけど。 ただ30分というのは感染症のリスクもありますし、どうなんですかね… https://t.co/wCJzYIIS13
『臍帯結紮を遅らせることや、臍帯ミルキングは早期産児の健康を向上するか?』2019年 https://t.co/M9qSCKenVp https://t.co/3rIMDNGV4v
米国産婦人科学会では全ての児に臍帯結紮遅延を推奨してるけど、cochraneでは「早産児の死亡リスクを減少させる可能性がある」程度のエビデンス✂️ 助産GLとか見る限り、日本ではまだ早期結紮推奨ぽいけど実態どうだろ? 欧米と比べ黄疸リスクもあるしなあ。 https://t.co/Ri5EXPw1SC
Delayed clamping leads to a lower risk of baby death and sudden infant death disorder but it is very rare. Almost all hospital born babies are clamped immediately within 30s. https://t.co/VWZqqlZYXq
@matronicidio @anti_miri Tardío me queda claro , porque lo añadieron el el año pasado en todas las recomendaciones también y llevamos tiempo estudiándolo para opes . Si puedo donar con pinzamiento tardío, pues estupendo. https://t.co/39hDB7d7hq
@jenhock13 @fedupobstetric1 @hannahdahlen @jimgthornton @bwmol @sarahjestock @rcog @cochranecollab @ivanoransky @RetractionWatch @deb_cohen @SandallJane @RCPCHtweets @RCPCHPresident @NPEU_Oxford @Marianfknight We must also shout about ending interventions
RT @matronicidio: Por aquí os dejo los enlaces Momento idóneo del corte del cordón umbilical en recién nacidos a término. https://t.co/Sqi…
RT @matronicidio: Por aquí os dejo los enlaces Momento idóneo del corte del cordón umbilical en recién nacidos a término. https://t.co/Sqi…
Por aquí os dejo los enlaces Momento idóneo del corte del cordón umbilical en recién nacidos a término. https://t.co/SqibYPtm0I Momento idóneo en prematuros. https://t.co/RQS6ZjgW5t
RT @MHLahaye: .@decodeurs @lemondefr le clampage tardif semble même être bénéfique pour les prématurés. https://t.co/PW7MULO4ps
RT @MHLahaye: .@decodeurs @lemondefr le clampage tardif semble même être bénéfique pour les prématurés. https://t.co/PW7MULO4ps
.@decodeurs @lemondefr le clampage tardif semble même être bénéfique pour les prématurés. https://t.co/PW7MULO4ps
@aomt619 臍帯結紮遅延なんてものもあるらしいですが、せいぜい数十秒から数分くらいなんだとか。 不衛生なハサミで切る地域ならともかく、日本のように滅菌した器具しか持ち込まない場合はデメリットの方が多いのかもしれませんね… こんなの見つけました〜 https://t.co/FD4nov5YWf
Est-ce que le fait de retarder le #clampagecordon ou d'utiliser la #traitecordon à la naissance améliore la #santé des #bébés nés trop tôt ? : https://t.co/j2310kKrgW
Does delaying cord clamping or using cord milking at birth improve the health of babies born too early? https://t.co/Tzt0HwmAbR https://t.co/F8KsNSBnAq
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too early? Hear from the lead @CochranePCG author https://t.co/vLLEUEocPC and read the full systematic review https://t.co/8nLKiQh6Tw https://t.
RT @Cochrane_DE: Neuer #CochraneReview: Verbessert ein verzögertes Abklemmen der Nabelschnur bei der Geburt die Gesundheit von Frühgeborene…
Neuer #CochraneReview: Verbessert ein verzögertes Abklemmen der Nabelschnur bei der Geburt die Gesundheit von Frühgeborenen? https://t.co/PskR33vCCy; zum vollständigen Review: https://t.co/GuxMzRW4KV. @CochranePCG https://t.co/CngraQ9Uk2
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too early? Hear from the lead @CochranePCG author https://t.co/vLLEUEocPC and read the full systematic review https://t.co/8nLKiQh6Tw https://t.
RT @Cochrane_Child: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too early? Hear from the lead @CochranePCG author https://t.co/SwXOv5Kn7B and read the full systematic review https://t.co/DnAFCniaJO https://t.
See also this study: https://t.co/e4IIdwIRiv , that will be mentioned in the next OPEN News Brief https://t.co/kaoWkgIHiY #bsrcON
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
@Dnj_jordmor @JordmorHanne
RT @cochranecollab: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
RT @cochranecollab: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too early? Hear from the lead @CochranePCG author https://t.co/aowtjxo12v and read the full systematic review https://t.co/GemQf3xyUP https://t.
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too early? Hear from the lead @CochranePCG author https://t.co/vLLEUEocPC and read the full systematic review https://t.co/8nLKiQh6Tw https://t.
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @cochranecollab: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
RT @cochranecollab: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too early? Hear from the lead @CochranePCG author https://t.co/aowtjxo12v and read the full systematic review https://t.co/GemQf3xyUP https://t.
RT @CochraneLibrary: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ea…
Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too early? Hear from the lead @CochranePCG author https://t.co/vLLEUEocPC and read the full systematic review https://t.co/8nLKiQh6Tw https://t.
RT @cochranecollab: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
RT @cochranecollab: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
RT @cochranecollab: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
RT @cochranecollab: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
RT @cochranecollab: Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too ear…
Featured Review: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at #birth improve the health of #babies born too early? Hear from the lead @CochranePCG author https://t.co/aowtjxFBU3 and read the full systematic review https://t.co/GemQf3fXwf https://t.
RT @JuanGrvas: Delayed, rather than early, #cord clamping may reduce the risk of death before discharge for babies born preterm. ¿Prematur…
RT @JuanGrvas: Delayed, rather than early, #cord clamping may reduce the risk of death before discharge for babies born preterm. ¿Prematur…
Delayed, rather than early, #cord clamping may reduce the risk of death before discharge for babies born preterm. ¿Prematuro? Mejor cuanto más tarde se pince el cordón umbilical, mejor cuando ya ha dejado de latir. https://t.co/JjVEf9hvuA
RT @Cochrane_Child: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at birth improve the health of babies born too early? https://t.co/Dn…
Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at birth improve the health of babies born too early? https://t.co/DnAFCniaJO Updated review from @CochranePCG includes 40 studies which data on 4884 babies & their mothers. #preterm @CochraneNeonate #c
"In this Cochrane Review, we set out to determine if delayed cord clamping or umbilical cord milking improves the health outcomes for babies born before 37 weeks' gestation. These interventions were compared with early cord clamping." https://t.co/YhwhV5wD
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @Wiley_Health: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discharge…
For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discharge. Updated #CochraneEvidence from @CochranePCG @CochraneNeonate https://t.co/T2eceQRXHs https://t.co/7XEJNF5BmB
For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discharge. Updated #CochraneEvidence from @CochranePCG https://t.co/ZbP0B7Y2sV @CochraneNeonate @NeonatalResearc @EBNEO https://t.co/2Bu482Utg
RT @sgdambrauskas: When taking care of preterm Babies at delivery, remember not to cut the cord inmediatly. You Could be saving lives while…
RT @sgdambrauskas: When taking care of preterm Babies at delivery, remember not to cut the cord inmediatly. You Could be saving lives while…
When taking care of preterm Babies at delivery, remember not to cut the cord inmediatly. You Could be saving lives while NOT doing that @CochraneNeonate review is out #NICU https://t.co/Hj9gvAhCKk
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @SamOddie: Hugely important that this Cochrane updates previous CR which appeared to show otherwise. Pub bias?DCC does reduce mortality,…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @SamOddie: Hugely important that this Cochrane updates previous CR which appeared to show otherwise. Pub bias?DCC does reduce mortality,…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @SamOddie: Hugely important that this Cochrane updates previous CR which appeared to show otherwise. Pub bias?DCC does reduce mortality,…
Hugely important that this Cochrane updates previous CR which appeared to show otherwise. Pub bias?DCC does reduce mortality, but ?how = big Q. No effect on IVH. NB deleterious effect in big RCT of milking not clear in this CR. Rave, H 2019 | Cochrane Lib
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @optimalclamping: Hot off the press. Updated Cochrane review on delayed cord clamping with pre term infants. https://t.co/ryQgseV5d8
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Does delaying #cordclamping or using cord milking at birth improve the health of babies born too early? https://t.co/8…
Cochrane:Delayed, rather than early, cord clamping may reduce the risk of death before discharge for babies born preterm. The optimum time to clamp the umbilical cord remains unclear. https://t.co/sk0m5u3j1X
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
RT @CochraneLibrary: For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discha…
For babies who are born #preterm: delayed, rather than early #cordclamping, may reduce the risk of death before discharge. Updated #CochraneEvidence from @CochranePCG https://t.co/8nLKiPZvuW @CochraneNeonate