@PBasiukiewicz Kolejne badanie, które mówi o tym, że noszenie maseczek chirurgicznych nie zmniejsza liczby powikłań infekcyjnych podczas operacji. https://t.co/GJSqqoM3CT
@elgregkon @jotes461 @ZdzKrasnodebski https://t.co/GJSqqoM3CT Inne badanie i wniosek ten sam: MASECZKI CHIRURGICZNE NIE MAJĄ WPŁYWU NA ILOŚĆ ZAKAŻEŃ RAN PODCZAS OPERACJI.
@rdijkema @_Bakhtali ja onderzoek wees niet uit dat het verschil maakt; https://t.co/M9R9BOrx9D
@tamegorou___ @heyy_ime https://t.co/GXYds1nMnd これも結びが「研究量少ない上に質悪くて参考にならんから結論出せん」だし
@jantunen_matti @1st_sealord @LiusvaaraMarjo @domekarukoski @eroonkoronasta Tämä oli PL I leikkauksista, niukasti dataa, ei yleistettävissä...mutta inkonklusiivinen kuitenkin näillä https://t.co/QddEBo3ey6
@Bente666 @DrPuerner 2/2 Wir schließen daraus, dass es keine klare Evidenz dafür gibt, dass Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Wundinfektionen nach der Operation beeinflusst. https://t.co/DR2Islz8Xg
@BrokenBarnet @LibertarianEcoS The evidence for face masks doing much at all is not good either in surgery - https://t.co/hHDxls5sKD - or in the community https://t.co/ee1NrQM6OQ
Lipp & Edwards reviewed the surgical literature in 2014 and found no significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials. Vincent & Edwards updated review in 2016 and conclusion was the same https:/
@steekso @sparkys22_chris @streps61 @BootsieCat2 @RFewtrellUK @Chris_RoyMtl This is a fun video: https://t.co/Oq3MlKb3ES Surgeons wear a mask to stop droplets falling into open wounds. https://t.co/TUcZsRXval. Don't see many open wounds walking around AS
@jen1nifer @Zigmanfreud Surgeons use surgical 😷 in sterile settings, use them properly and change them frequently... By the way, surgical masks are useless even for them...😷s do not ⬇️ surgical wound infections either https://t.co/ff9q4xnFQb
@SmHrouda @rebel2021xyz @CDCgov Surgical masks are not about respiratory viruses. https://t.co/fYxmaXyXk1
@morvjn @alex_baur Quelle? Und bitte keine Modellierungsscheiße aus England oder sonstwo! Ich hätte die hier: https://t.co/WOkRTurOuv
@SkooJay @oneoffcondo @andyholloway "The purpose of face masks is thought to be two-fold: to prevent the passage of germs from the surgeon's nose and mouth into the patient's wound and to protect the surgeon's face from sprays and splashes from the patient
@SoupisF @tetjerry @mariellebxl @conseils_fs @CChaffoy @PaulMau72062314 Source? Parce que "des études montrent que" ne reflète que votre opinion! Surtout, avec le corona on ne parle absolument pas de plaies ouvertes, hors sujet donc. Et les études en quest
RT @spasskultur: 2/2 Wir schließen daraus, dass es keine klare Evidenz dafür gibt, dass Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von…
RT @spasskultur: 2/2 Wir schließen daraus, dass es keine klare Evidenz dafür gibt, dass Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von…
2/2 Wir schließen daraus, dass es keine klare Evidenz dafür gibt, dass Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Wundinfektionen nach der Operation beeinflusst. https://t.co/DR2Islz8Xg #OPMasken
@TccBacker44 @Noisy_ninja @drcraigwax @JoeBiden @drsimonegold @DrKellyVictory @dockaurG @IP4PI @AAPSonline @Covid19Crusher @ProlongingCovid @aier @BillSpadea Another with a lack of education... https://t.co/c1ZZOx7Mvl.
@crabb_vicki @mamasaurusMeg @JATetro @eliowa @WholesalerH @justin_hart Since you brought it up it doesn’t appear the evidence for that practice is particularly strong. https://t.co/zPe4o6YNE2
@MckKimmy @therocker897 @FullFact You’re wrong https://t.co/OvI9qy7NGn
@1Annathomas @trishgreenhalgh The evidence doesn't suggest they do much for anyone in the operating theatre https://t.co/hHDxls5sKD
Näyttöä maskien hyödyistä kirurgiassa on olematon❗ Aivan. https://t.co/zWAmH0vqhP Mutta mielestäsi on varmaan hyvä, että kirurgilla on #maski, kun tulet leikkauspöydälle. Ei vängätä "haitoista" tai ympäristöongelmista. Miksi et siis laittaisi kauppareis
@TimsGamingDen @SaLowland @vanranstmarc @federalepolitie @thermaepalace Daar zeg je het, in ziekenhuizen, door chirurgen.. tijdens operaties.. en dan nog voornamelijk om bloedspatten tegen te gaan.. voorkomen van infecties is statistisch niet aantoonbaar..
@kattascha aber OP masken!!!11 Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Wundinfektionen nach der Operation beeinflusst. https://t.co/DR2Islz8Xg
This is science. More than a decade back when I stopped using gowns in NICUs when almost everyone in India used it there was a furore & I was rebuked for breaking protocol publicly. I held my ground asking for evidence & a decade later I have more
RT @AleksiReito: "There is no evidence that masks work!"😠 I'm sure these people would be terrified if I did ACL surgery or shoulder arthro…
RT @AleksiReito: "There is no evidence that masks work!"😠 I'm sure these people would be terrified if I did ACL surgery or shoulder arthro…
"There is no evidence that masks work!"😠 I'm sure these people would be terrified if I did ACL surgery or shoulder arthroscopy without wearing a mask. There is actually very little evidence that face mask prevent infection in clean surgeries.🤭 #logic ht
@dendrades @A_Garns @Adam_Creighton Surgeons use surgical 😷 in sterile settings, use them properly and change them frequently... By the way, surgical masks are useless even for them...😷s do not ⬇️ surgical wound infections either https://t.co/ff9q4xnFQb
(2016) "From the limited results it is unclear whether the wearing of surgical face masks by members of the surgical team has any impact on surgical wound infection rates for patients undergoing clean surgery." #EndMaskMadness https://t.co/9zM3T7JFtS
RT @foofu: @GabiMoomin @robkhenderson Nope, studied before already: meta-study: https://t.co/Upkz9AH1EO literature study: https://t.co/kO8Q…
RT @foofu: @GabiMoomin @robkhenderson Nope, studied before already: meta-study: https://t.co/Upkz9AH1EO literature study: https://t.co/kO8Q…
@GabiMoomin @robkhenderson Nope, studied before already: meta-study: https://t.co/Upkz9AH1EO literature study: https://t.co/kO8QUBDOSh Data analysis: https://t.co/HaYlyGgaZ5 All same result: at best inconclusive, no evidence found masks help in operating t
@Cofboy_ @Jrock59520885 @ToxicExplodley @Militant_Poncho @warningshout @BreitbartNews Another regarding surgeons and masks. “From the limited results it is unclear whether the wearing of surgical face masks by members of the surgical team has any impact o
@MarxSimpsons @measkmeaskme3 @Ree_Lucci @marsilcos @volhovade Op's, isso já foi estudado,.. que merda hein 😂😂🤣🤣 https://t.co/ePdCMerIIl
@timtron2020 @RustyMark4 @ragnorakishere @MichaelRosenYes @markoftheD @ValiMD Just been looking and only thing I found was this https://t.co/qadC7ZeZZQ This was about masks https://t.co/rRUzRS4hrz Then we have other studies that find other results li
@RustyMark4 @SusanFairweathe @NellietheN Well Jilly Chapman liked this account when it was all for Jeremy Corbyn but it must be hard for some people to read research which is what i have to do to remain on the NMC register https://t.co/5YxH8XNC8r https://
And another self-styled social expert with no nursing or medical experience has read extensively all the research on face masks https://t.co/5YxH8XNC8r that is just one of many studies and there are many more.
@ShivversLaw @Jason_de_Savary No good evidence they serve their intended purpose in this environment (https://t.co/hHDxls5sKD) or in the community as a means of mitigating resp virus spread (https://t.co/ee1NrQM6OQ)
@1noTon1 @complextalk @Incorparated2 @ksorbs And another.... https://t.co/fRl857a0xF
@DaFeid @ver_linkt OP masken gegen bakterien: Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken Alle drei Studien zeigten, dass das Tragen einer Gesichtsmaske während der Operation die Zahl der Infektionen, die nach der Operation auftreten WEDER ERHÖHT NOCH VERRINGERT. https://
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
@laurenboebert Or why the Cochrane Collaboration couldn't find a beneficial effect for surgical masks in "protecting others?" The data were not ideal, but I think we all simply assume masks have great effect. If that were true, they would have been able
@Ravenwild9 @KRAVCHICK Shame you're wrong about surgeons and masks. https://t.co/pkMC68C51r https://t.co/F4EaYumFLN
@stevewelch3 @Redmond_1753 @boilerskier @FlorioGina Nothing to do with viruses: https://t.co/3pjNybbxsi.
@TeamBaDJane @malmphegor @thomasowen101 @HonestDrJohn @ClarkeMicah What they actually say is “From the limited results it is unclear whether the wearing of surgical face masks by members of the surgical team has any impact on surgical wound infection rates
@JeanneLenzer1 😷does not make any difference for surgeons either https://t.co/oedc09XVez Last capture from the last document on 😷by WHO No problem with wearing a 😷 in crowed indoors but it is illusion of control “It is better to do some thing” and “it is
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
@lmessenger_dl @JordanSchachtel @GovChristie For fuck's sake educate yourself already https://t.co/hTeMNLc4Lj
@epigwhisp Surgeons wear them for a reason. whether they help a little or a lot against what is going on, however much they can help is worth it. They're cheap, they don't hurt, & what you don't know can hurt you. Just in case it helps is good enoug
@NHSMillion No, it's the face of someone having been forced to wear a mask at work, despite the lack of evidence that they are actually indicated https://t.co/kd2fdC9i9N https://t.co/Yj2pCxKmjd
@ilkkah @markusohraaho @j_seppola Kirurgin maskikäyttö ei lisää/vähennä ei potilaan leikkausinfektioriskiä. Toki estää potilaasta roiskuvan veren ja eritteiden roiskeet, ettei tule suoraan suuhun ja nenään. https://t.co/QddEBo3ey6
RT @TheJohnMach: @willhuw @MichaelSnow10 @YardyJeff @drdavidsamadi Here's another one: https://t.co/qOrA8gBzAi "We included three trials,…
@nickolasdreyfus @Kevin_McKernan Surgeons wear surgical masks to prevent their spit getting literally into the patient, and blood splatter on their face. They aren't strictly necessary, esp. in clean surgery. Here's a Cochrane review if you're looking f
@willhuw @MichaelSnow10 @YardyJeff @drdavidsamadi Here's another one: https://t.co/qOrA8gBzAi "We included three trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and u
@DSaluste @reitschuster So einfach ist es nicht. "Main results: We included three trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the tria
@thomas_wachtler @usouedi @MaxBN1984 @AnnBenioff @kuenziMV @veryhappy75 Wir schließen daraus, dass es keine klare Evidenz dafür gibt, dass Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Wundinfektionen nach der Operation beeinflusst. https://t.co/DR2I
@gdi_mai @DE87595556 @YukiSilverlance @fablistanon @Duendedelsur72 Anda, leé y te vas a dormir, por el esfuerzo aplicado. https://t.co/yKi1Uaolv1
@MrTwiz1 @Bret_Sears “Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same. https://t.co/J5Et1ly4Wy
Studie zum (nicht-)Nutzen des #MundNasenSchutz im Operations-Saal. "All three studies showed that wearing a face mask during surgery neither increases nor decreases the number of wound infections occurring after surgery." https://t.co/UfuDmaH0u2
@Larsens_ @S3ifenblase @WehendeB Nachtrag 2: Main results: There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials. https://t.co/e7xLV8x7r1
@medwoman1 @peterframpton There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials. https://t.co/AxUB3NuADx
@trishgreenhalgh The Cochrane Review showing no effect: https://t.co/02AO2jrsOT
RT @Fla_Mom: @MichaelCoudrey He should sue them for quackery. "From the limited results it is unclear whether the wearing of surgical face…
@OttawaPolitico “Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same. https://t.co/J5Et1ly4Wy
@SuperUKfan1990 @212TruthSeeker @catturd2 Bless your heart Nikki. Here, I Googled it for you. I figured you might be challenged with that. https://t.co/JF3m1zl0Qq
@MichaelCoudrey He should sue them for quackery. "From the limited results it is unclear whether the wearing of surgical face masks by members of the surgical team has any impact on surgical wound infection rates for patients undergoing clean surgery." >
@RSLott70 @RexChapman Then you should look at this science: "From the limited results it is unclear whether the wearing of surgical face masks by members of the surgical team has any impact on surgical wound infection rates for patients undergoing clean su
@timj1958 @seirra171 @197John @VancouverSun “Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same. https://t.co/J5Et1ly4Wy
@washingtonpost Next must go the authors of the following reviews: https://t.co/dIbVzw3Bdo https://t.co/9gPKrtOYNc https://t.co/FO5iDhVYnz
@seirra171 @197John @VancouverSun “Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same. https://t.co/J5Et1ly4Wy
RT @MarkChangizi: Face mask motivation for surgeons is to not get droplets directly into the open wound. But, even there, “wearing a face…
@philippk_94 @DCS_PLS @Frank2_2 @SHomburg "keine klare Evidenz dafür gibt, dass Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Wundinfektionen nach der Operation beeinflusst" gegen viren nützen sie eh nix https://t.co/DR2Islz8Xg
@philippk_94 @DCS_PLS @Frank2_2 @SHomburg Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken Alle drei Studien zeigten, dass das Tragen einer Gesichtsmaske während der Operation die Zahl der Infektionen, die nach der Operation auftreten weder erhöht noch verringert. https://t.co/
@LoveStillHidde1 @GetInTheGame18 @amyklobuchar “Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same. https://t.co/J5Et1ly4Wy
@mastegustaria2 @wowlefou @VogelfreiCAT Ya q al parecer t gusta pensar q “la Ciencia” está d tu parte, t recomiendo leer estas 2 revisiones publicadas por organizaciones d reconocido prestigio sobre la eficacia d las mascarillas quirúrgicas en la prevenció
@Sambacon25 @AndrewPanagis @Rx4truth123 @FatEmperor Proper surgical hygiene against respiratory viruses? There's Cochrane review below, read it and educate yourself. https://t.co/B5sLVq7T3P
RT @iahphx: @thedatadonald @RoverGrover @ProgenyOfEld @DWUhlfelderLaw Yup. And, btw, the evidence that even this works - in a hospital sett…
@thedatadonald @RoverGrover @ProgenyOfEld @DWUhlfelderLaw Yup. And, btw, the evidence that even this works - in a hospital setting no less - is questionable. The odds that unfitted masks work in a general population on a respiratory virus is a number appro
@horowitz_b לא נעים , אבל מעולם לא הוכח שמסיכות מורידות זיהומים בחדר ניתוח. https://t.co/IY1rsPMTkb
@roizmangbn "Для дальнейших выводов касательно применения лицевых масок в хирургии необходимы дополнительные исследования в этой области" - https://t.co/pHdiEdnRGj Я бы аргументировал необходимость ношения масок сейчас другой статьёй. Ссылка на статью внут