@benedictecallan @cmyeaton @Twitter The studies that I have tweeted represent the work of many researchers. Here they are again: https://t.co/LWnsCxpoo0 https://t.co/pObXALWIWJ https://t.co/Uz7N9HHVnK https://t.co/VQq1muHHcG And there is more.
@LockKerrUp @cmyeaton Don't wear a mask: https://t.co/vsslaL7JpM https://t.co/Uz7N9HHVnK https://t.co/VQq1muHHcG https://t.co/2eTvwgB9RJ and there's more.
@WhipClyburn @Deoliver47 Don't wear a mask: https://t.co/kBm3YiYems https://t.co/Uz7N9HHVnK https://t.co/VQq1muHHcG https://t.co/2eTvwgB9RJ and there's more.
@LockKerrUp @cmyeaton No. Here are the two RCTs, again. https://t.co/Uz7N9HZwfi https://t.co/VQq1muZi4e
@LockKerrUp @cmyeaton Well, again you might want to scroll down. But here is one that shows the same rate of infections in patients when surgeons worked over them masked and unmasked. Thank you, it good to be challenged. https://t.co/Uz7N9HHVnK
RT @flattenedOA: which 'experts'? here's an RCT study (not a probabilistic model, or just 'expert' opinion) that gives real findings on th…
which 'experts'? here's an RCT study (not a probabilistic model, or just 'expert' opinion) that gives real findings on the matter: https://t.co/L9dItqoyvD also: https://t.co/bVdScGD7oW
@nicolathorp_ @MetroUK This is utter garbage. The only randomised trial hasn’t been completed yet https://t.co/NPiwWANzbE and gold standard Cochrane review suggests ineffectiveness if masks even in sterile settings! https://t.co/lnqkAUgkid
RT @docdu16: Notre monde s'écroule : https://t.co/btaOiPctnl Porter un masque pour prévenir l'infection des plaies en chirurgie propre n'a…
@milietw Et ce n’est pas valable que pour le Covid ! https://t.co/ri2twmolQO
RT @drwaltjohnson: Reality; what a concept.
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
@marcorubio And yet... https://t.co/yeeUX6rDjR As with many interventions, surgical face masks were introduced without standard specifications or formal evaluation. 2 of 3 studies show LOWER INFECTION IN UNMASKED (CLEAN) SURGERY
RT @docdu16: Notre monde s'écroule : https://t.co/btaOiPctnl Porter un masque pour prévenir l'infection des plaies en chirurgie propre n'a…
RT @docdu16: Notre monde s'écroule : https://t.co/btaOiPctnl Porter un masque pour prévenir l'infection des plaies en chirurgie propre n'a…
Dire que j'ai encore lu aujourd'hui quelqu'un expliquer doctement qu'un charlatan est quelqu'un qui trompe le public avec des traitements "non (suffisamment) démontrés". La frontière serait, en réalité, donc si floue ? ;)
@DocCyrReb88 c’est que le début !
Notre monde s'écroule : https://t.co/btaOiPctnl Porter un masque pour prévenir l'infection des plaies en chirurgie propre n'a pas montré son efficacité.
Reality; what a concept.
Masks in surgery having no universal standards nor at beggining use by some surgeons. This study of CLEAN surgery included 3 trials, total of 2106 participants. NO statistically significant difference in infection rates SURGICAL masked & unmasked group
RT @ChristosArgyrop: For every important question there is a useless Cochrane meta-analysis of the lack of evidence. This is about masks in…
RT @ChristosArgyrop: For every important question there is a useless Cochrane meta-analysis of the lack of evidence. This is about masks in…
RT @ChristosArgyrop: For every important question there is a useless Cochrane meta-analysis of the lack of evidence. This is about masks in…
RT @ChristosArgyrop: For every important question there is a useless Cochrane meta-analysis of the lack of evidence. This is about masks in…
For every important question there is a useless Cochrane meta-analysis of the lack of evidence. This is about masks in the operating room https://t.co/PlSwv5cYwV After reading this , would you be comfortable with the surgical team not wearing a mask duri
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @kidsmomofmany10: @johnrobertsFox @IHME_UW This study of CLEAN surgery included 3 trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There…
@deepolice12 Sir, with due respect please consider this from the Cochrane Collaboration, one of the world's most respected medical research review groups. https://t.co/utV87Itb5j
@johnrobertsFox @IHME_UW This study of CLEAN surgery included 3 trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the SURGICAL masked & unmasked group!!! Debunking masks efficac
@hartl73516271 @adeolindaclara @Francis_Hoar @RobinTilbrook @ukcolumn @briangukc I think arguing for face coverings is ridiculous they obviously will do nothing. https://t.co/RH28IbCZoL
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
@frap007 @AnthonySabatini This study of CLEAN surgery included 3 trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the SURGICAL masked & unmasked group!!! Debunking masks effica
@wsteaks https://t.co/yeeUX6rDjR As with many interventions, surgical face masks were introduced without standard specifications or formal evaluation. 2 of 3 studies show LOWER INFECTION IN UNMASKED (CLEAN) SURGERY
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
@CyberneticsFTW @King_Optimus1 2016 Cochrane: "There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials." https://t.co/yJUjTVZdFc
@GovMikeDeWine @GoldmanSachs Fuck you. This study of CLEAN surgery included 3 trials, involving 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the SURGICAL masked & unmasked group!!! Debunking masks eff
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
@TakeThatChem Equivocal feelings for equivocal evidence. The only randomised trial yet to be completed. https://t.co/NPiwWANzbE and seemingly until yesterday everybody agreed that gold standard reviews from Cochrane meant something! https://t.co/lnqkAUgkid
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
@PrisonPlanet Average pore size of a surgical mask = 20+ microns Covid virus particle = 0.12 microns Result = 166 virions can pass through EACH pore of a surgical mask. RCT meta-analysis shows they don’t even provide meaningful barrier protection: http
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @Francis_Hoar: ‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in in…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @Francis_Hoar: ‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in in…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @Francis_Hoar: ‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in in…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @Francis_Hoar: ‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in in…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @Francis_Hoar: ‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in in…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @Francis_Hoar: ‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in in…
RT @Francis_Hoar: ‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in in…
RT @Francis_Hoar: ‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in in…
So much of what we do in medicine and surgery lacks a scientific basis. Will surgeons stop wearing masks? I doubt it. Doesn’t mean we all should start. @OZmandia @UnbridledMd @FatEmperor @justin_hart
RT @Francis_Hoar: ‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in in…
‘Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery.’ Evidence of no decrease in infection even in those conditions. HT @adeolindaclara https://t.co/y9lrWH1b9k
@HKrassenstein @realDonaldTrump less twitteneering, more reading https://t.co/s3YxTtZ6Mm
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…
@tonytony1316131 It's a tradition. They don't do anything, according to the published literature. https://t.co/eRdb0JIjRt
RT @TuckerGoodrich: This is mind-boggling. There seems to be no evidence that surgical masks do anything. 😳 2016 Cochrane: "There was no s…