RT @fleroy1974: @DiscoStew66 @MadPharmacist1 @TheTodayShow But.. But... Whole grains prevent cardiovascular disease! Oh wait... https://t.c…
@DiscoStew66 @MadPharmacist1 @TheTodayShow But.. But... Whole grains prevent cardiovascular disease! Oh wait... https://t.co/r4fp0zdJgX https://t.co/URL8z5bSBw
@TrejbalChris @KenDBerryMD Sorry. Not correct. Cochrane says no for diabetes and CVD. https://t.co/3BCbBHIqZg https://t.co/lNR0iMe6x4
RT @DiscoStew66: “There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to…
“There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, or lower blood cholesterol, or blood pressure." https://t.co/CWP05JOm1e
RT @DiscoStew66: Do whole grains reduce cardiovascular disease, cholesterol, or blood pressure? https://t.co/8Tz8xDOaQy https://t.co/WTT3X…
RT @DiscoStew66: Do whole grains reduce cardiovascular disease, cholesterol, or blood pressure? https://t.co/8Tz8xDOaQy https://t.co/WTT3X…
"Não há evidências suficientes de ensaios clínicos randomizados até o momento para recomendar o consumo de dietas integrais para reduzir o risco de doenças cardiovasculares ou diminuir o colesterol no sangue ou a pressão arterial."
Do whole grains reduce cardiovascular disease, cholesterol, or blood pressure? https://t.co/8Tz8xDOaQy https://t.co/WTT3XhAkdr
RT @DiscoStew66: A challenge for all healthcare professionals and all health authorities: Prove that whole grains reduce the risk of heart…
A challenge for all healthcare professionals and all health authorities: Prove that whole grains reduce the risk of heart disease Rules of challenge Observational studies not permitted Surrogate markers not permitted I’ll wait here. https://t.co/8Tz8xD
@rosestant70 @MacroFour @MHSJohnWright @foodnuthealth @leoniee54 @akmcintyre @ahhite @MatthewONeill @FionaWiller If CVD is “Australia’s biggest killer” then what place for whole grains? https://t.co/pooaN8tn18
RT @Smark_phd: Lack of experimental evidence for health effects of whole grains isn't a problem when you have a garbage machine - aka nutri…
RT @cochranenutri: It’s #WorldHeartDay! Updated review on whole-grain diets to prevent cardiovascular disease with 9 RCTs and 1414 particip…
It’s #WorldHeartDay! Updated review on whole-grain diets to prevent cardiovascular disease with 9 RCTs and 1414 participants from @CochraneHeart. See what the #CochraneEvidence says - https://t.co/YN30PDUrAM #HeartHealth @worldheartfed #CochraneNutrition h
@heartfoundation Secondly, for whole grains in particular, which are well known to be an industry marketing device for unhealthy foods, the RCT evidence for CVD is just not there. https://t.co/WWYcudezgK
@heartfoundation @puddleg If you are up to date why do you recommend to eat wholegrains when the balance of evidence (now 2 years old) says that the best standard of evidence (RCTs) do not support your recommendation? https://t.co/bY1xogVZpj
@respectfullivin No conspiracy. Just evidence. Most high carb diet advocates recommend whole grains, despite the evidence for any benefit for T2D, CVD or obesity being minimal: https://t.co/ugSWLpcwD9 https://t.co/w5up1TcRiP https://t.co/1bqooHwhuv https:
Maybe if the whole grains were mixed with pea protein, Canola oil, and bamboo cellulose, the outcome would be different? @SBakerMD @tednaiman @GHGGuru @jimcramer @MactatorMaximus @SteakAndIron
So no effect of whole grains on obesity. Minimal or no evidence on CVD, primary or secondary prevention of CVD and minimal/little evidence for T2D benefit and yet they are almost universally recommended: https://t.co/w5up1TcRiP https://t.co/dV3X6Kk63x h
RT @RobertOhMD: Well, confirms my bias. #cvd Cochrane - “insufficient evidence from RCTs to date to recommend consumption of whole grain di…
Whole grain cereals for #cardiovascular disease #cholesterol https://t.co/yBvlnTTGuE
RT @MaryanneDemasi: Cochrane 2017: there is insufficient evidence from RCTs to promote whole grain diets to reduce risk of heart disease ht…
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @RobertOhMD: Well, confirms my bias. #cvd Cochrane - “insufficient evidence from RCTs to date to recommend consumption of whole grain di…
RT @RobertOhMD: Well, confirms my bias. #cvd Cochrane - “insufficient evidence from RCTs to date to recommend consumption of whole grain di…
RT @RobertOhMD: Well, confirms my bias. #cvd Cochrane - “insufficient evidence from RCTs to date to recommend consumption of whole grain di…
RT @RobertOhMD: Well, confirms my bias. #cvd Cochrane - “insufficient evidence from RCTs to date to recommend consumption of whole grain di…
Well, confirms my bias. #cvd Cochrane - “insufficient evidence from RCTs to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, or lower blood cholesterol, or blood pressure.” https://t.co/bdh4IZ8z08
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease https://t.co/OUtE4uNJ8b
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
Wow.. hmmm not right..
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
For those who were still wandering: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/czQF6C9Ou7
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
@vankarine Oh oh... https://t.co/DPVl7kz2SQ
RT @MaryanneDemasi: Cochrane 2017: there is insufficient evidence from RCTs to promote whole grain diets to reduce risk of heart disease ht…
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, or lower blood cholesterol, or blood pressure. https://t.co/gQexwccBq9
RT @MaryanneDemasi: Cochrane 2017: there is insufficient evidence from RCTs to promote whole grain diets to reduce risk of heart disease ht…
RT @MaryanneDemasi: Cochrane 2017: there is insufficient evidence from RCTs to promote whole grain diets to reduce risk of heart disease ht…
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease https://t.co/AKxGNQ5zzP
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @MaryanneDemasi: Cochrane 2017: there is insufficient evidence from RCTs to promote whole grain diets to reduce risk of heart disease ht…
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @JanetNoome: @DennisZeilstra @vankarine 🤔 ...en dan valt het bewijs dat volkorenproducten goed zijn ter voorkoming van hart-vaatziekten…
Selon Cochrane, les fameux grains entiers ''santé'' sont loins d'être magiques et ne diminuent aucunement le risque de maladies cardio-vasculaires.
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @MaryanneDemasi: Cochrane 2017: there is insufficient evidence from RCTs to promote whole grain diets to reduce risk of heart disease ht…
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @MaryanneDemasi: Cochrane 2017: there is insufficient evidence from RCTs to promote whole grain diets to reduce risk of heart disease ht…
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @KenDBerryMD: There is NO evidence showing that whole-grains benefit Heart Health https://t.co/OHTt9IJU21 #wholegrains #heartattack #AHA
RT @MaryanneDemasi: Cochrane 2017: there is insufficient evidence from RCTs to promote whole grain diets to reduce risk of heart disease ht…