RT @SustainableDish: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease https://t.co/sk7sGVeqt5
Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease https://t.co/sk7sGVeqt5
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
The cornerstone of the healthy plate/ food pyramid is crumbling away... "There is insufficient evidence from... https://t.co/KOp3q5aCST
Its great that more reasearch is coming out to support the low carb/keto/paleo movement.... #researchevidence... https://t.co/YrzWRRZqyW
What's the Cochrane review on whole grain cereal and heart disease? Perhaps the issue is cereal is not "whole grain" https://t.co/t6FhSATNJ0
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
"Grain Brain" by Perlmutter argues cogently that we are not well adapted to consume any grains! https://t.co/KLI3nuxxKE
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate Cereales integrales para la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares: https://t.co/m5sbb1E37t Cc @Coc…
9 randomized studies of whole grain diets - insufficient evidence prevent cardiovascular disease, lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure. https://t.co/6JGGhmXbny
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate Cereales integrales para la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares: https://t.co/m5sbb1E37t Cc @Coc…
Yep. I wonder if the CDC ever reads stuff like this--their Diabetes Prevention Program is sooo behind as to be harmful. https://t.co/G113z4Gu3Y
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @MacroFour: This was always: "A message from our sponsors." We all knew it. It is time to rewrite our dietary guidelines. https://t.co/W…
RT @fatisourfriend: So why is whole grain recommended the world over? "We found no effects on blood cholesterol/blood pressure in favour of…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
tl;dr: None. https://t.co/GTBJIFIgfq
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @NUTRIGANdia: @martinfd78 @SEMERGENap Dependerá del tipo de HC y de la cantidad de consumo, como del tipo de grasa saturada. https://t.c…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @DrScottMurray: "Heart Healthy Wholegrains" a myth? Led by who🤔 @KelloggsUK @Nestle @AHAScience @TheBHF @heartukcharity @FatEmperor @DrA…
@martinfd78 @SEMERGENap Dependerá del tipo de HC y de la cantidad de consumo, como del tipo de grasa saturada. https://t.co/kbMzNMi1dv
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
RT @FatEmperor: Hole. Grains. Hummph... 🙄 @Gearoidmuar @bokkiedog Laoi https://t.co/FQ0j62h0YY
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
Healthy Whole Grains is a lie. https://t.co/KazNjdg2lv
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @bigfatsurprise: New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guideline…
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
New study:"Insufficient evidence" that whole grains prevent heart disease. https://t.co/Tqeq6b4Jb7 More proof Guidelines not evidence based
RT @ChrisHaskinsMD: Hearing a lot of assumptions about eat "healthy whole grains." Remember: no evidence #LCHF @garytaubes https://t.co/CwI…
RT @FatEmperor: Hole. Grains. Hummph... 🙄 @Gearoidmuar @bokkiedog Laoi https://t.co/FQ0j62h0YY
Hole. Grains. Hummph... 🙄 @Gearoidmuar @bokkiedog Laoi https://t.co/FQ0j62h0YY
Hearing a lot of assumptions about eat "healthy whole grains." Remember: no evidence #LCHF @garytaubes https://t.co/CwINIkexTG…
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
RT @FITrebelde: No hay evidencia de que cereales integrales reduzcan riesgo de enfermedad coronaria o colesterol o presión arterial https:/…
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
Mitä ajatuksia tämä herättää? @pronutritionist @MikaelFogelholm https://t.co/c0F3JfBGLR Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
Cochrane instituutti on tutkinut täysjyvän vaikutukset sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien ehkäisyyn murheellisin... https://t.co/MPcGkKMf12
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
RT @DrScottMurray: "Heart Healthy Wholegrains" a myth? Led by who🤔 @KelloggsUK @Nestle @AHAScience @TheBHF @heartukcharity @FatEmperor @DrA…
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @DrScottMurray: "Heart Healthy Wholegrains" a myth? Led by who🤔 @KelloggsUK @Nestle @AHAScience @TheBHF @heartukcharity @FatEmperor @DrA…
RT @FITrebelde: No hay evidencia de que cereales integrales reduzcan riesgo de enfermedad coronaria o colesterol o presión arterial https:/…
RT @zoeharcombe: Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
Why am I not surprised? https://t.co/aQWBySQZpt https://t.co/FRAmhVkKGH https://t.co/VsbjVIiP3y
RT @MacroFour: This was always: "A message from our sponsors." We all knew it. It is time to rewrite our dietary guidelines. https://t.co/W…
@raphaels7 @gerdosi Seen this? Yep. Wholegrains always was a marketing concept. https://t.co/W64ldc5ZYU https://t.co/xswZYXE3vH
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease https://t.co/meroLY4f2a
RT @CochraneUK: insufficient evidence about whether whole grain diets reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or lower blood cholesterol…
RT @DrScottMurray: "Heart Healthy Wholegrains" a myth? Led by who🤔 @KelloggsUK @Nestle @AHAScience @TheBHF @heartukcharity @FatEmperor @DrA…
RT @DrScottMurray: "Heart Healthy Wholegrains" a myth? Led by who🤔 @KelloggsUK @Nestle @AHAScience @TheBHF @heartukcharity @FatEmperor @DrA…
RT @DrScottMurray: "Heart Healthy Wholegrains" a myth? Led by who🤔 @KelloggsUK @Nestle @AHAScience @TheBHF @heartukcharity @FatEmperor @DrA…
RT @DrScottMurray: "Heart Healthy Wholegrains" a myth? Led by who🤔 @KelloggsUK @Nestle @AHAScience @TheBHF @heartukcharity @FatEmperor @DrA…
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
RT @DrScottMurray: "Heart Healthy Wholegrains" a myth? Led by who🤔 @KelloggsUK @Nestle @AHAScience @TheBHF @heartukcharity @FatEmperor @DrA…
RT @DrScottMurray: "Heart Healthy Wholegrains" a myth? Led by who🤔 @KelloggsUK @Nestle @AHAScience @TheBHF @heartukcharity @FatEmperor @DrA…
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
RT @cochrane_nz: Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease - what is the evidence? https://t.co/D7cT9ZFyUh https://t.co/IDhVQWj2Sm
RT @MacroFour: This was always: "A message from our sponsors." We all knew it. It is time to rewrite our dietary guidelines. https://t.co/W…
RT @MacroFour: This was always: "A message from our sponsors." We all knew it. It is time to rewrite our dietary guidelines. https://t.co/W…
RT @WeDietitians: Holy Toledo macro! A great little review! TY for tag https://t.co/zinvcotMOp
RT @fatisourfriend: So why is whole grain recommended the world over? "We found no effects on blood cholesterol/blood pressure in favour of…
RT @MacroFour: This was always: "A message from our sponsors." We all knew it. It is time to rewrite our dietary guidelines. https://t.co/W…