RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
Great informatics
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3wV Sign up to our newsletter: https://t.co/kFSB8GJRh8 #Physicians4InformedConsent #1stDoNoHarm #Vaccines #Vaccination #InformedConsent
@nz_cate @kiwiwayne1 I wouldn't take the risk. Only gives 1.2% extra protection. https://t.co/ehC492IpBP
@justteacher4 @LimppuL @heliramax "Eipä olla valitettu influenssarokotteen tehosta." Kyllä on. Itse en moiseen turhuuteen ole ikinä ryhtynyt. "Valitusta" löytyy myös arvovaltaisista tiedejulkaisuista vertaisarvioituna. https://t.co/0TqxCgQYbm https:/
@Michigan_Noah @doritmi @thereal_truther It does seem low, but incidence was "2.3% without vaccination" in this Cochrane review, that's 1 in 43 people per season, so roughly every 43 years, if my math skills haven't let me down. https://t.co/FW43RnkMxK
2011年の研究 31件のデータをまとまたメタ分析 ワクチンは子供への効果が高く、成人にもそこそこの効果との結論 https://t.co/Zma3h3zUAA 2014年の研究 90件のデータをまとまたメタ分析 ワクチンにはそこそこの効果ありとの結論。特に副作用もない https://t.co/R8o20KkX5Z #自分用メモ
@DrKate_Miller Evidence - Inactivated vaccines can reduce the proportion of healthy adults who have influenza , but their impact is modest. We are uncertain about the effects of inactivated vaccines on working days lost or serious complications of influen
@simonious1967 You can have mine. https://t.co/RFFs2pJsk7
@ZelenkoZev @RoystonPotter Definite no! Cochrane found little benefit from the flu shot; however, they didn't consider all cause mortality including the shot itself. That study will never get funding, but if it did, all hell would break loose at FDA/CDC/NI
@qldhealth The flu jab is useless at preventing complications, in fact it increases your risk of fever, does not decrease missed days from work: https://t.co/anCcx4SPxu
@azra_wi @SSI_dk They reduce the risk from 2.3 to 0.9, nearly no effect in healthy adults. https://t.co/Rbf3tNzStg
@maxisecret99 @lili250909 https://t.co/77Vulpintj Efficacité 2%
@GrumpyOldDoc @ProfSpada 2) There is evidence that the flu vaccine doesn’t reduce demand on hospitals. https://t.co/Kn22euh6SH
Many people claim that getting a covid shot is like getting a flu vaccine. However, have you taken the time to actually read about the efficacy of influenza vaccines? See the Cochrane review of the studies. They do indicate many are biased. https://t.co/up
This Cochrane Report is about flu, not COVID: "Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults" https://t.co/ddhVo8R3ew This report doesn't apply to people my age: I'm 74. I'm concerned with death, not time off work!😬 I've had annual flu vaccinatio
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
ކިޔެވި ކިޔެވީނުން ބުއްދި ހިނގާވަރު އެނގޭތާއެވެ.
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
No flu shots for me 👇
Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3wV Sign up to our newsletter: https://t.co/kFSB8GJRh8 #Physicians4InformedConsent #1stDoNoHarm #Vaccines #Vaccination #InformedConsent
@Mephiston @jeremyy_997 @VicGovDH Flu vaccines dont really work either https://t.co/TFaS947ely
@Nucleics_Inc @JCochra50722415 @petedavo_au @GidMK Also cochrane review on flu vaccines https://t.co/yuqd9uCKaG
@AnslowJA @ItsSamson2 @Jeremy_Hunt https://t.co/CZPU18peq2 Flu vaccines do not work well Mr Anslow. Please read the author's conclusions from the Cochrane database. I am a Health Care Professional, I will practice evidence based medicine.The evidence base
@Jeremy_Hunt https://t.co/ZpjijnFy8V Doesn't seem like the best evidence provides much of a justification of what 'you' were going to do but then in reference to the job your after if get it your just the next embarrassment anyway
@deborahh Cochrane Collaborative had little good to say about flu shot consistent with my experience. Seems to be another magic-potion mythology. https://t.co/yeZse6PpWW https://t.co/LWHHr8U7JS
@GregorGrezel @marcfriedrich7 Nein. Man hat mit der Grippeimpfung keinen statistisch messbar besseren Schutz als ohne. Die Grippe Schutzimpfung ist reiner Tokenglauben. Und ebenfalls eine Lachnummer gemessen etwa an der Tetanus Impfung: https://t.co/B5vMn
De door het #RIVM gepresenteerde cijfers met betrekking tot de effectiviteit van de griepvaccinatie in het griepseizoen 20217-2018 (https://t.co/FWG1kpr9mB) lijken #schromelijk #overdreven wanneer je ze vergelijkt met serieuze wetenschappelijk data: https:
@fjmostert @mijntwiets Zoek een op een echte medische database, niet met dit soort onwetenschappelijke nonsens komen, alsjeblieft zeg! https://t.co/BPcF1oGb6O succes ermee!
@JeanLoupSalzman @EricBillyFR Puisqu'il faut faire le boulot des professeurs. Vaccin Grippe sur personnes en bonne santé : https://t.co/BnQwluaQMY
Soru sorunca cevap gelmiyor ama ben yine de sorayım. Bu kas içi aşılar enfeksiyonu önlüyorsa neden önlemiyor? https://t.co/x8sQsoZdhe https://t.co/PNbHYZsMmS
@EsatReloaded @Moonris0207091 Hocanınki gayet yerinde bir soru. Kas içi aşılar enfeksiyonu engelliyorsa neden engellemiyor? https://t.co/x8sQsoZdhe https://t.co/OCb3XhGUlf
@ark_610 @omeroguzhannn @ArslanYigitoglu @jskdksld Bilimsel sorularımıza cevap alamıyoruz. Hocanın bir soruyla temel tıp kurallarını nasıl hiç ettiğini de öğrenemedik. https://t.co/R6KJOflhOS
@omeroguzhannn @ArslanYigitoglu @jskdksld Çalışmalar üzerinden gidelim o zaman. Etkili aşıdan anladığınız bu mu gerçekten? https://t.co/x8sQsoZdhe https://t.co/IkZ3eGNs5Z
https://t.co/u7VyQFF6er For anyone who hasn't read it
@dobssi @johnyoung81 @abirballan @BallouxFrancois Flu vaccination is basically pseudoscience: https://t.co/u7VyQFF6er > 71 people would need to be vaccinated to avoid one influenza case, and 29 would need to be vaccinated to avoid one case of ILI. Vac
@CraigMurrayOrg @GarnethillG Every vaccine is different. Some are bad, some are good. This is a relatively neutral take: https://t.co/0w6s9kbvGq Perhaps some people should take the vaccine, but surely not everyone. I wouldn't take the flu shot either: htt
@gerdantes Und dieser relativ überschaubare Effekt bei der Influenza-Impfung könnte(!) auch durch sozioökonomische Einflussfaktoren in der geimpften bzw. ungeimpften Population erzeugt werden. https://t.co/Bw1fcDcOzp * weil sozioökonomische Einflussfakto
RT @JosephMarion669: All doctors should have their medical permissions to "practice" revoked, & be forced to unlearn their big pharma indoc…
@ZenTraderMx Pues las vacunas vs la Influenza así que sirvan un chingo, pues no eh. https://t.co/LS3KQ4ZcEt
@DirkHafermann @MrJonasDanner Nee, daran liegt es nicht. https://t.co/XsNrxkEf7z
@GrayConnolly It became "political" when vaccines were marketed and recommended by political bodies where benefit was not that great eg Influenza vaccination in healthy adults https://t.co/s6GKBTAKWq
@fayeflam @firefoxx66 Did someone look at the effect of the seasonal influenza vaccine? No kidding, I’d like to hear from an immunologist as to how influenca vaccines could give their protection against other ILI (this is apparently evidence-based). https
@haldol Selon la Cochrane, il y a pratiquement aucun bénéfice pour les adultes en bonne santé https://t.co/39GSe7q6o7 Et selon Arruda et DeSerres, ça pourrait être même mauvais la vaccination à répétition chez les gens en santé
@FantasyMang @TheDailyShow Hardly anyone knows that flu vaccines do not prevent deaths, ICU or hospital admissions https://t.co/qDIx7Y1TmI
@mullymt @TheDailyShow Hardly anyone knows that flu vaccines do not prevent deaths, ICU or hospital admissions. https://t.co/qDIx7XKhY8
@R4nd4hl Nogle gange, har en effektiv vaccine, bare ikke nogen effekt. Som f.eks. Influenza vaccinen når den gives til raske voksne. Se her: https://t.co/tmgLnzBma8 Vi må til at tale om, at risikoen for Corona er stærkt aldersbestemt.
@zepmacM @bernathoustra @lemondefr @rene_chiche Le vaccin contre la grippe est-il efficace ? A t-on des données solides fournies par des essais cliniques rigoureux ? https://t.co/y6k0iUMtFB
@Westegnen @4dorthe @JamenJohanne @AnneBoukr Influenza vaccinen har næsten ingen effekt på raske mennesker, derfor giver det kun mening at bruge den på de udsatte. https://t.co/zrstkuvhKa
RT @nana7770214: さらに、世界中の医師や研究者から高い評価を受けているコクランレビューでは、健康成人のインフルワク接種の効果は非常に小さく、労働日数ロスや入院日数の低減効果は殆んどないと報告されている。 https://t.co/twjaaic05x htt…
@2opHmazhbjjHvho @kkemwan 厚労省委託の調査研究は介護施設高齢者の死亡を(驚くような数値の)82%低減すると報告。 一方、世界中の医師から高い評価を受けているコクランレビューは健康成人の労働日数ロスや入院日数の低減効果は殆んどなく、あってもごく僅かと結論。(→) https://t.co/jCn7E7pUkA https://t.co/HlrV9fMPB8
@JonasHerby Raske mennesker har ingen effekt af Influenza vaccinen: https://t.co/Rbf3tNzStg
コクランのメタアナ。健康成人(16歳〜65歳)に対するインフルエンザワクチンはインフルエンザリスクを減少させた。(接種した場合0.9%,接種しなかった場合2.3%,リスク比0.41, 95%CI 0.36-0.47)。https://t.co/M8ayV5GmzJ
RT @nana7770214: さらに、科学的信頼性が高く評価されているコクランレビューでは「インフルワク接種の効果は非常に小さく、労働日数ロスや入院日数の低減効果は殆んどない」と報告されています。(→) https://t.co/jCn7E7pUkA
さらに、科学的信頼性が高く評価されているコクランレビューでは「インフルワク接種の効果は非常に小さく、労働日数ロスや入院日数の低減効果は殆んどない」と報告されています。(→) https://t.co/jCn7E7pUkA
@Westegnen @jonasholmdk Influenza vaccinen har nærmest ingen effekt hos raske mennesker: https://t.co/tmgLnzBma8 Det er kun de svækkede immun systemer der har effekt, nok også derfor mange ikke vælger at få vaccinen.
@sarahbeth345 @HelenBranswell @CDCgov This was a worthwhile read as well since the topic of flu shots are now making the rounds. https://t.co/kSqo4wW0h2
@LorenzoenMilan @Igarro @jlandreu2014 @ladycrocs @RecuerdameBot Hazles un favor, y estudia el tema. La vacuna de la gripe es una estafa y probablemente dañina. Te dejo la revisión de Cochrane https://t.co/kfZBlFVrDl https://t.co/Xhp2kwr4Eh
This 2018 meta-analysis concludes that "29 healthy adults need to be vaccinated to prevent one of them experiencing an influenza-like illness", which I think is a pretty good deal: https://t.co/kRer8eZPml
@mariette_knaap @jokearends @zorgenzo Effect griepvaccinatie is slechts beperkt Aan de andere kant zijn verplk en verzorgenden tijdens de Covid pandemie bereidt geweest om patiënten te verzorgen met slechte of zelfs afwezigheid van #PBM ondanks alle (onb
RT @jassogne: Vaccination -- All this for nothing ! #BelgiumFailedState #begov 👉 https://t.co/27ch6f98Ex
Vaccination -- All this for nothing ! #BelgiumFailedState #begov 👉 https://t.co/27ch6f98Ex
@F_I_Briest @ChipotleChipot3 Kinder gegen Grippe, aber nicht gegen COVID zu impfen, erscheint mir evidenzbasiert, obwohl ich das wohl trotzdem nicht machen würde, weil mich der Nutzen nicht überzeugt. Spricht bei Erwachsenen die Studienlage i.d.R. nicht kl
@_stah I may get it soon! But interested your thoughts about the Cochran’s Report and their lack-luster review of the flu vaccine. https://t.co/FMO838yY21
@PatrioticTrauma Your suspicions on influenza are warranted. Read this Cochrane review and check the number needed to treat (NNT) for healthy adults. A dismal effect to say the least. 👇 https://t.co/u45UO9pk72
@doctorfatima التهاب الكبد الوبائي يعطي مناعة تصل الى ٢٠ سنة https://t.co/PJGG8ugSi1 و تطعيم الانفلونزا الموسمية في الأصل فعاليته في تقليل الاصابة و دخول المستشفى ضعيفة جدا https://t.co/mu9cZ9060x 🤦♂️
@DavidKSmith2022 @RWMaloneMD 3/n A 2018 review of 52 randomized trials for influenza vaccines that studied over 80,000 healthy adults reported an overall ARR of only 1.4%. So the flu vaccines don't work any better than the Covid19 vaccines. https://t.co/aA
@meimei881 @cdgplus44 以前も紹介しましたが、参考にどうぞ。 https://t.co/g0NOCZZ0ee
@NatalieGrams @supermumrik Auch wenn der Literaturhinweis veraltet ist, der aktuellere https://t.co/jVddfUdPUn zeigt ähnliche Ergebnisse (Auswertung von Studien ab 1966). Mir persönlich reicht eine Reduktion der Ansteckungsgefahr um 50 % bei geringer Wahr
@andersskyrud Muligens, men bare muligens. (https://t.co/84DmuHkqvv) Siden jeg tydeligvis er godt beskyttet ser jeg ingen grunn til å ta influensavaksinen Influensavaksinen er sterkt oversolgt, og det svekker tilliten til resten av alle vaksiner som fakti
RT @torutoridamari: 前橋レポートが「バイブル」とは古いなぁ。18年更新のコクランの評価は、 「1名のインフルエンザ症例を予防するために71名が接種する必要がある」 「入院(エビデンスの確実性は”低”)、労働時間の減少に対しての明らかな効果は殆ど無いか全く…
RT @torutoridamari: 前橋レポートが「バイブル」とは古いなぁ。18年更新のコクランの評価は、 「1名のインフルエンザ症例を予防するために71名が接種する必要がある」 「入院(エビデンスの確実性は”低”)、労働時間の減少に対しての明らかな効果は殆ど無いか全く…
RT @torutoridamari: 前橋レポートが「バイブル」とは古いなぁ。18年更新のコクランの評価は、 「1名のインフルエンザ症例を予防するために71名が接種する必要がある」 「入院(エビデンスの確実性は”低”)、労働時間の減少に対しての明らかな効果は殆ど無いか全く…
RT @torutoridamari: 前橋レポートが「バイブル」とは古いなぁ。18年更新のコクランの評価は、 「1名のインフルエンザ症例を予防するために71名が接種する必要がある」 「入院(エビデンスの確実性は”低”)、労働時間の減少に対しての明らかな効果は殆ど無いか全く…
RT @torutoridamari: 前橋レポートが「バイブル」とは古いなぁ。18年更新のコクランの評価は、 「1名のインフルエンザ症例を予防するために71名が接種する必要がある」 「入院(エビデンスの確実性は”低”)、労働時間の減少に対しての明らかな効果は殆ど無いか全く…
RT @torutoridamari: 前橋レポートが「バイブル」とは古いなぁ。18年更新のコクランの評価は、 「1名のインフルエンザ症例を予防するために71名が接種する必要がある」 「入院(エビデンスの確実性は”低”)、労働時間の減少に対しての明らかな効果は殆ど無いか全く…
おはようございます。 ご存知だとは思いますが、今朝の新聞に「子宮頸がんワクチン接種の積極的推奨」に切り替えるとのニュースが出ていました。関連ツイート検索しても9割以上の人が歓迎していますが、『新薬の罠』著者の鳥集氏としてのご意見をぜひお伺いしたいです。 (中日新聞2021/10/02より) https://t.co/nOkbQk0xDW
RT @torutoridamari: 前橋レポートが「バイブル」とは古いなぁ。18年更新のコクランの評価は、 「1名のインフルエンザ症例を予防するために71名が接種する必要がある」 「入院(エビデンスの確実性は”低”)、労働時間の減少に対しての明らかな効果は殆ど無いか全く…
前橋レポートが「バイブル」とは古いなぁ。18年更新のコクランの評価は、 「1名のインフルエンザ症例を予防するために71名が接種する必要がある」 「入院(エビデンスの確実性は”低”)、労働時間の減少に対しての明らかな効果は殆ど無いか全くないかもしれない」(成人) https://t.co/Hb7KTsGtTk…
RT @PamLongCO: We have lost the beloved patriarch of our family. His cancer was in remission for 6 years & came back aggressively last Octo…
RT @mrpire: 😢😥💔
RT @mrpire: 😢😥💔
Work just offered an influenza vaccine to everyone. According to this 2018 Cochrane Review, vaccinated healthy adults can expect around 0.05 fewer days off work: https://t.co/as5WetbaU3. The effect is much greater for the immunocompromised (e.g., elderly).
@GidMK It was what Cochrane discovered as well https://t.co/qnk1tRZh3h