@RadioCanadaInfo Les vaccins contre la grippe peuvent peut-être donner une légère protection aux personnes agées, mais pour les adultes en bonne santé, ça donne rien ou pas grande chose, comme le montre cette méta analyse de la Cochrane https://t.co/39GSe7
@WineSpirit3 @RadioCanadaInfo En fait ni un ni l'autre, c'est des mauvais vaccins qui ne réduisent pas la circulation du virus, ni le nombre de malades, les méta analyses le prouvent au mieux c'est une baisse de 2% https://t.co/39GSe7qEdF https://t.co/7iQS
@RadioCanadaInfo Une autre arnaque de Big Pharma, le gouvernement est rendu une branche marketing et de vente des vaccins, on sait depuis longtemps, meta analyse à l'appuis que ces vaccins donnent pas grand chose voire rien, au mieux une baisse de 2% des m
RT @normanpie: @szu1977 @MariuszJagora Link mam przygotowany, bo bardzo wielu o to pyta. Praca jest z Cochrane Library - nie ma lepszego źr…
RT @normanpie: @szu1977 @MariuszJagora Link mam przygotowany, bo bardzo wielu o to pyta. Praca jest z Cochrane Library - nie ma lepszego źr…
RT @normanpie: @szu1977 @MariuszJagora Link mam przygotowany, bo bardzo wielu o to pyta. Praca jest z Cochrane Library - nie ma lepszego źr…
@GrazynaCebula88 @Agniesz01418755 @kjfilipiak Masz tu i się nie próbuj wymądrzać i przy okazji obrażać. Więc jak już pisałem, doucz się https://t.co/YfIcfTWtin
RT @normanpie: @szu1977 @MariuszJagora Link mam przygotowany, bo bardzo wielu o to pyta. Praca jest z Cochrane Library - nie ma lepszego źr…
@szu1977 @MariuszJagora Link mam przygotowany, bo bardzo wielu o to pyta. Praca jest z Cochrane Library - nie ma lepszego źródła. Vaccines to prevent influenza in healthy adults https://t.co/1qPQHp8ZRa
@crohlfsen @CDCFlu @CDCgov Glad you asked [https://t.co/tkp8Hu9J2e, https://t.co/eI712DF44J, https://t.co/rSPe3Wc3Pi, https://t.co/zI2gbd34W9, https://t.co/sH3t0dCzuo, https://t.co/zI2gbd34W9, https://t.co/IOCSeHMLDh]! I'd say there's enough peer reviewed
@AnnaJoy44488862 @respect65 On data, not a material difference: https://t.co/jKxegZ6iKV
RT @marginoferos: @NinaMinister @_Janey_J Agreed. Here’s the link to the Cochrane review if anyone is interested: https://t.co/h4zPL3DiTP
@NinaMinister @_Janey_J Agreed. Here’s the link to the Cochrane review if anyone is interested: https://t.co/h4zPL3DiTP
@JReinerMD Cochrane says the number needed to vaccinate to prevent 1 case of flu is 71. How many cases turn into hospitalizations? 1 in ? cases x71 to prevent 1 hospitalization. This is not the kind of intervention we need to be shaming people about. Or
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
@_Janey_J @ITV @Schofe @hollywills @VanessaOnAir Imagine if she hadnt - Wouldnt have made a shit of difference! https://t.co/LLa58nJUPA
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3w…
Did you know that 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated in order to avoid one case of the flu? https://t.co/lWycXKE3wV Sign up to our newsletter: https://t.co/kFSB8GJRh8 #Physicians4InformedConsent #1stDoNoHarm #Vaccines #Vaccination #InformedConsent
@CTVNews That’s dumbest thing you can do. According to real studies it’s less then 1% efficacious! https://t.co/1vzynYAbyC
@ShamezLadhani The pertussis vaccine doesn’t do anything of the sort. One could argue that flu doesn’t either. Not touching covid for obvious reasons 😅📚 https://t.co/aBCV9LGHtu https://t.co/91C4B9Uh3U
@CTVNews Here’s proof they do https://t.co/1vzynYAbyC
@Mikeska @VPrasadMDMPH There's no quality evidence that the flu vaccine reduces hospitalization by a useful amount. https://t.co/JiqeN7D4vf
@Seeking109 @daveirl @ajlamesa @Prebens Let me rephrase: "There's no evidence flu vaccines reduce hospitalizations." https://t.co/JiqeN7D4vf
@BearishSeb @basiukiewiczpaw Dam Panu dwa najważniejsze. Resztę może Pan sobie sam poszukać. Vaccines to prevent influenza in healthy adults https://t.co/1qPQHp8ZRa
RT @OrdoMedicus: https://t.co/52n8bbsPsJ Panie Niedzielski, daj Pan spokój z tym marketingiem dla Big Pharmy i niepotrzebnym narażaniem lu…
This 2018 Cochrane review also found flu vax to be marginally effective. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults - PubMed https://t.co/Q62bmRs6hM
RT @OrdoMedicus: https://t.co/52n8bbsPsJ Panie Niedzielski, daj Pan spokój z tym marketingiem dla Big Pharmy i niepotrzebnym narażaniem lu…
RT @OrdoMedicus: https://t.co/52n8bbsPsJ Panie Niedzielski, daj Pan spokój z tym marketingiem dla Big Pharmy i niepotrzebnym narażaniem lu…
RT @OrdoMedicus: https://t.co/52n8bbsPsJ Panie Niedzielski, daj Pan spokój z tym marketingiem dla Big Pharmy i niepotrzebnym narażaniem lu…
RT @OrdoMedicus: https://t.co/52n8bbsPsJ Panie Niedzielski, daj Pan spokój z tym marketingiem dla Big Pharmy i niepotrzebnym narażaniem lu…
https://t.co/52n8bbsPsJ Panie Niedzielski, daj Pan spokój z tym marketingiem dla Big Pharmy i niepotrzebnym narażaniem ludzi na skutki uboczne, które są zawsze mocno zaniżane i niechętnie widziane. Ministerstwo zdrowia powinno zmienić nazwę na Ministerstw
@Nils_Littorin Mycket bättre....https://t.co/lenS4M6Gwb
@RedSquirrelFtw @komradeperogie Cochrane is/was widely considered to be the be all and end all for unbiased meta-analyses of medical studies. https://t.co/Q4Ql1Kcp6A
@gmbutts @ShopprsDrugMart 71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated to prevent one of them experiencing influenza https://t.co/G2tCRNF3Hf
@RadioCanadaInfo Le vaccin contre la grippe ne protège pas ou très peu contre la grippe, c'est encore pire que celui contre la Covid, les études qui disent le contraire sont de l'industrie pharmaceutique et c'est celle dont on parle, mais une méta analyse
@springcanadian1 @CPHO_Canada @WalmartCanada All the best science shows flu shot have minimal benefit. Cochrane concluded that for healthy ppl there's very little difference in hospitalization and working days lost. https://t.co/Q4Ql1Kcp6A
@fairytail2890 @takavet1 ソースが弱すぎる...原著論文で示してください笑 インフルエンザhttps://t.co/BNVZkdlcou コロナファイザー最初のワクチン https://t.co/Xliybc7BwO ワクチンは絶対発症しないわけではなく、発症リスクを下げるだけです。100%発症抑制できるならこの世に感染症はないです。
@TinaiPunkt @MarthaCarola3 @FrankfurtZack @UlrichKelber Bei einer Kosten/Nutzen-Rechnung würde man die Influenzaimpfung als bedingt sinnvoll erkennen. https://t.co/wKsShbx3MJ
Además, una revisión Cochrane de 2018 7 de 52 ensayos clínicos que evaluaron la efectividad de las vacunas contra la influenza no encontró una diferencia significativa en las hospitalizaciones entre adultos vacunados y no vacunados. https://t.co/rWKgTOZwdX
RT @DomCorner3: @jyduclos @GouvCanSante @ShopprsDrugMart @PharmaprixQC C'est pas efficace du tout, la science, la vraie, une méta analyse d…
@jyduclos @GouvCanSante @ShopprsDrugMart @PharmaprixQC C'est pas efficace du tout, la science, la vraie, une méta analyse de plusieurs diziaines d'études démontrent qu'au mieux ça réduit de 2% la ciculation du virus et des jours d'écoles ou de travail perd
@karenkbauer @JemNicoleRN Waste of time! Flu vaccines are just something people have grown up with and never questioned. https://t.co/LLa58nrLBs
RT @agargmd: @KamathGurudutt @DrPlantel @TrishaPandey25 For example healthy adults of average age: https://t.co/upUAZJaHBB https://t.co/Srf…
@KamathGurudutt @DrPlantel @TrishaPandey25 For example healthy adults of average age: https://t.co/upUAZJaHBB https://t.co/SrfVk6ZpRk
On voit ici dans cette méta analyse, mise à jour en 2018 que le vaccin contre la grippe ne réduit pas ou très peu les infections et les conséquences de l'infection, hospitalisation, école ou travail manqué https://t.co/39GSe7q6o7 2/3 https://t.co/Ulg7giIt5
@LaScienceDAbord On sait que les vaccins contre la grippe sont très très peu efficaces, la cochrane a fait plusieurs métaanalyse sur ça et j'ai l'impression que c'est la même chose pour ceux contre la Covid. Mais merci quand même pour vos réponses. Pas + c
@PGtzsche1 the ineffectiveness of flu vaccines👇 https://t.co/mKU7cl6Vm9
@DoctorAnarchist I’m sure you read through the Cochrane review that basically showed no benefit. https://t.co/BpGQJR3dij I always read these things now and assume there’s a built in study bias toward the sought after result. In addition, neg studies are
@nytimes Here's what experts say: "Certainty of evidence for the small reductions in hospitalisations and time off work is low." https://t.co/vuo2XHeSJf
@ElliotColburn Neither work so its a bit of a waste of time really. I find at 50 that working out several times a week, eating well, prioritising sleep and managing stress are the actual keys to staying healthy and having a fully functional immune system.
@sweethoneycandy @Jerome_bg Être pro ou anti vax, c'est être limité, et vous démontrez que vous l'êtes. Les vaccins ne sont pas tous bon, et pour tous, et certains ont des effets secondaires, vous savez ce qu'est une méta analyse, la cochrane? Une méta su
@BobbySm77266804 @tvanouvelles En fait c'est toi qui est imperméable à l'information, Quel pays a moins de cas ou voir plus de cas du tout à cause de la vaccination? Sans oublier que pour la grippe, plusieurs méta analyses démontrent que c'est presque inut
RT @DrEliDavid: And the three individual detailed reports: For “healthy adults”: 👨👩 https://t.co/EwsqCz8oJh For “healthy children”: 👦👧 ht…
@gomez_rial5 Por completar la información, permítame incluir aquí la revisión Cochrane sobre resultados para tomar una decisión informada: Adultos: https://t.co/lPuXpwKEWJ Niños: https://t.co/8D6GMD5rgE
RT @strummaster42: “Over 200 viruses cause ILI, which produces the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches, pains, cough, and runny nose) as…
RT @MariaFR47: @Ari_Arifu2 https://t.co/hKiTHwMnEA Diles que se lean las conclusiones sobre la vacuna de la gripe para adultos sanos de Ins…
@NFZ_Kielce @NFZ_GOV_PL @CentrumeZdrowia @NaczelnaA @MZ_GOV_PL Z badań wynika, że szczepionki przeciw grypie kiepskie są.. https://t.co/61nchq0t0a
RT @MariaFR47: @Ari_Arifu2 https://t.co/hKiTHwMnEA Diles que se lean las conclusiones sobre la vacuna de la gripe para adultos sanos de Ins…
“Over 200 viruses cause ILI, which produces the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches, pains, cough, and runny nose) as influenza.” https://t.co/09rEPWdBBw
RT @strummaster42: @FredJoh26842729 Check out the conclusions of the totality of evidence on them so far by the Cochrane Collaboration “7…
Flu jabs 😬👇👇👇👇 #russianroulette
@FredJoh26842729 Check out the conclusions of the totality of evidence on them so far by the Cochrane Collaboration “71 people would need to be vaccinated to avoid one influenza case, and 29 would need to be vaccinated to avoid one case of ILI.” https://
@Ari_Arifu2 https://t.co/hKiTHwMnEA Diles que se lean las conclusiones sobre la vacuna de la gripe para adultos sanos de Instituto Cochrane, tardan 1 minuto y tiran todas las vacunas a la basura.
@SteveBakerHW No thanks, dont work! https://t.co/LLa58nrLBs
@LaticsExile @LynPaul6 How can anybody distrust their own immune system so much? Flu jabs also a waste time - https://t.co/LLa58nJUPA
@sanidadgob La vacuna de la gripe es otra vacuna fallida Virus RNA mutantes con múltiples reservorios animales … impossible thing
RT @DrEliDavid: And the three individual detailed reports: For “healthy adults”: 👨👩 https://t.co/EwsqCz8oJh For “healthy children”: 👦👧 ht…
RT @RobertBe15: Wnioski z przeglądu kilkudziesięciu badań klinicznych💉na grypę: ➡️ "Injected influenza vaccines probably have small…
Wnioski z przeglądu kilkudziesięciu badań klinicznych💉na grypę: ➡️ "Injected influenza vaccines probably have small protective effect against influenza and ILI" ➡️ "Vaccination may have little or no appreciable effect on hospitalisations" h
RT @strummaster42: “Injected influenza vaccines probably have a small protective effect against influenza and ILI (moderate-certainty evide…