RT @CantorUnendlich: Das wird jetzt ein Problem für die QD, die gerade COCHRANE als Goldstandard der Wissenschaft feiern, weil sie Masken-A…
RT @CantorUnendlich: Das wird jetzt ein Problem für die QD, die gerade COCHRANE als Goldstandard der Wissenschaft feiern, weil sie Masken-A…
@MariaSi71704701 @Natali19181716 Hatten Sie nicht Cochrane gepriesen? https://t.co/g3sXYyf9lE
RT @CantorUnendlich: Das wird jetzt ein Problem für die QD, die gerade COCHRANE als Goldstandard der Wissenschaft feiern, weil sie Masken-A…
@stillerfisch @Chris32770312 @einfachich2017 @haintz_markus Ja na klar 😅. Ihr Quarkdenker feiert doch gerade die Cochrane Maskenauswertung als Goldstandard... Cochrane kommt übrigens zu einer hohen Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der mRNA Impfstoffe. https://
RT @CantorUnendlich: Das wird jetzt ein Problem für die QD, die gerade COCHRANE als Goldstandard der Wissenschaft feiern, weil sie Masken-A…
RT @CantorUnendlich: Das wird jetzt ein Problem für die QD, die gerade COCHRANE als Goldstandard der Wissenschaft feiern, weil sie Masken-A…
RT @CantorUnendlich: Das wird jetzt ein Problem für die QD, die gerade COCHRANE als Goldstandard der Wissenschaft feiern, weil sie Masken-A…
RT @CantorUnendlich: Das wird jetzt ein Problem für die QD, die gerade COCHRANE als Goldstandard der Wissenschaft feiern, weil sie Masken-A…
RT @CantorUnendlich: Das wird jetzt ein Problem für die QD, die gerade COCHRANE als Goldstandard der Wissenschaft feiern, weil sie Masken-A…
Das wird jetzt ein Problem für die QD, die gerade COCHRANE als Goldstandard der Wissenschaft feiern, weil sie Masken-Analyse falsch verstehen. COCHRANE-Analyse IMPFUNG weist nämlich offensichtlich die hohe Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit Impfung nach! https:
Was sagt #Cochrane zum Thema #COVID19 Vakzine? Da hier aktuell so gerne die Cochrane Meta-Analyse herumgereicht wird, die angeblich "eindeutig" belegt, dass #Masken keinen Einfluss auf das (Corona)infektionsgeschehen hatten.. 1/ https://t.co/MUdM8ZmZ2Q
@1776IsHereNow @IainGunn11 @NoPinePizza @TaraBull808 Here is data showing with the strongest data one can get (meta analysis of RCT data) showing vaccine prevent seriously illness and hospitalization. https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
RT @David_Quinones: @BearFlagFan @JennyErikson I’m curious if you also agree with Cochrane’s findings that that the vaccine is safe and eff…
@BearFlagFan @JennyErikson I’m curious if you also agree with Cochrane’s findings that that the vaccine is safe and effective? https://t.co/9gTPCGJ61K
@SpeakinFromTN @JennyErikson I was looking through and they do seem legit, although their methodology aggregating other studies, not conducting their own. Do you agree with their findings that the COVID vaccines are safe and effective? https://t.co/44BQsw
@genki_sudo 少なくともコクランライブラリーの 解析結果に反論できるように! 理解できる❓ https://t.co/O5a82qiBCH
@MNHR_Labo コクランライブラリーの「マスク効果ない」との結果は、 水戸黄門の印籠で医師なら誰しもがひれ伏すのだったよね‼️ ワクチンの結果も 文句の付けようがなく受け入れるよねぇ⁉️ https://t.co/O5a82qiBCH
https://t.co/CXxU2yuNkl Efficacité et tolérance des vaccins contre la COVID‐
@UGymbo @tenebra99 @healthbyjames But you have no evidence whatsoever. Trust me bro? https://t.co/RQqQHjR6zK
@madforfree @RJ_Hellion 5 di Impact Factor e l'affiliazione all'American Society for Virology rendono una rivista scientifica Topolino? https://t.co/jYTzg8RhIB Forse preferisce qualcosa di ancora più alto nella gerarchia? https://t.co/diat2vwq1H
@madforfree @LaVeritaWeb Ah non basta la letteratura pubblicata finora? Nemmeno la review della Cochrane Library (sempre che sappia quale sia la sua importanza)? https://t.co/diat2vwq1H https://t.co/FggIhcfYWj https://t.co/l7VrpOVrAg https://t.co/fsR8rthth
@SevenSpec @wyonaf @TheNWMagpie I'll see your papers and raise you 2 reviews: https://t.co/gBk8c1GpLW https://t.co/gBk8c1GpLW They establish the link btwn COVID&myo, and mention smoking and hypertension as comorbidities with non-COVID myo. Like your Ko
@Drew_Weiler @EdKrassen @_Drew_2_U https://t.co/dcXFb8qHVL there you go. Pretty easy search
@Tesorocibola2b @Julbert__III Et comme tu iras pas chercher : https://t.co/jOgMPWvcxw
@InfoEmpires @ABridgen Why did he delete it, then? Would you like a nuanced discussion of the benefits and risks? Of course not. You only want to spread fear. https://t.co/Wydd4y5tey
@PacklessW @ABridgen Because the benefits outweigh the risks, and we didn't want health systems around the world being overwhelmed. https://t.co/Wydd4y5tey
@KerrAldous @pkcanada1 @GrandpaKen05 Science that was current at the time convinced me to get the vaccine. No smoking gun. They are effective and safe. No need to admit otherwise. https://t.co/nF9S5xBS2r
@shela2003 @Fraulein_Antje Sie haben aus einer Datenbank für Studien, die ihnen genehme Studie ausgesucht oder? https://t.co/yCVuknj7hT
@adamsanchez00 @CarolynZaremba @shailjapatel You are presuming a time travelling vaccine. Very advanced technology! https://t.co/7b57ykrqc5 "Efficacy and safety of COVID‐19 vaccines (Review)" 07 December 2022, 302 page Cochrane review.
@SetJulianFree @CarolynZaremba @shailjapatel Time travelling vaccine. Very advanced technology! https://t.co/7b57ykrqc5 "Efficacy and safety of COVID‐19 vaccines (Review)" 07 December 2022, 302 page Cochrane review.
@Ateam1977a @healthbyjames Why not just go to the highest level of evidence with the most credibility: meta-analysis of systematic review of RCT data by the world most reliable group (Cochrane) : https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv (ps “areas” not so dumb after all).
@dmorabe1 @healthbyjames i don't disagree with you. my only suggestion is to have everyone make an INFORMED decision. too much misinformation out there. suggest looking at quality evidence (such as a well done meta-analysis of randomized trials). http
@donc61849 Here is the data. Not in the market for bridges but thanks. https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@DanAdam49505368 @healthbyjames Proof. Boom goes the dynamite. https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@ImSooooOverIt @nemospencer1 @healthbyjames In case you didn’t see it here is mine…. Now show me yours…. https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@skersSR @healthbyjames sorry you had to wait 3 hours (must have seemed like forever for you, and for that i am sorry but just saw your tweet now). here you are (with control group as you requested): https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@spearo56 @DrBloodLetter @pons_princess @1NewsNZ From the systematic review: "We included and analyzed 41 RCTs assessing 12 different vaccines, including homologous and heterologous vaccine schedules and the effect of booster doses." You can look in the re
@spearo56 @DrBloodLetter @pons_princess @1NewsNZ Vaccines *reduce* transmission, they can't always eliminate it. And they do - it's right there in the systematic review, I provided. Look for "reduce the incidence of symptomatic COVID‐19 compared to placebo
@ArrestCastreau @healthbyjames this fucking data for one: https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@donaldjanda1 @healthbyjames it doesnt matter what i say or anyone says.... it only matters what the data shows. https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@Bushwacker513 @healthbyjames here is real numbers https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@har26606511 @healthbyjames ok explain this (non-US and ultra reliable source): https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@MichellePeterNP @IainGunn11 @Hikergirl84 @healthbyjames explain these numbers from an ultra-reliable source: https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@PatriciaRyan17 @healthbyjames you are misinformed. https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@PaulYoung1227 @healthbyjames most twitter accounts say don't trust numbers. however reliable sources of information tell twitter to sit down and stay in their lane: https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@greatapekikn @healthbyjames nope.. here is actual data that is as good as you get and is one of the most stringent and reliable groups in the world. https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@GordeyDeb @healthbyjames consider it brought.... https://t.co/zAa2ku4sDv
@farkamerica @pons_princess @1NewsNZ You can read the scientific evidence here if you want: https://t.co/cP0DKmC2Mi
@DrBloodLetter @spearo56 @pons_princess @1NewsNZ The extensive scientific evidence contradicts your claims. More here: https://t.co/cP0DKmC2Mi
@spearo56 @DrBloodLetter @pons_princess @1NewsNZ Not quite. Vaccine effectiveness measures vary by specific vaccine and what specific feature you're talking about: symptomatic infection, serious illness, mortality, etc. More here: https://t.co/cP0DKmC2Mi
@DupahDoo @MeghanEMurphy https://t.co/zFiEOSW0hg https://t.co/3qhL1BNevF https://t.co/ROOdvcFoKZ these are just a couple. it's easy to find more yourself as they are publicly available i agree with @MeghanEMurphy that it wasnt sufficient to warrant manda
@78dy1 コクラン共同計画のメタアナリシスもはっとく(コクランについては何て言うかな?わくわく) https://t.co/tBw6pgsjOD
@CartlandDavid You have google. Why don't you try 'safety efficacy systematic review'? It's not hard and will lead you straight to things like this Cochrane Library systematic review: https://t.co/cP0DKmC2Mi
@IslandRehabHub @ABShaheen115 @derekberes @thedailybanter Again... like a broken record... like this? https://t.co/xV36BB2zoY
@anu_haavisto Ei ole oikein kirkkaasti jäänyt mieleen yksittäisiä tutkimuksia, nehän on silleen vähän pitkästyttäviä kun vakavia haittoja on niin vähän :) Mutta käviskö Cochrane-katsaus? https://t.co/bEw3pMhCOV https://t.co/gZO29jcfpH
@Dirty_Diver_ @rectangleinpalm @USMortality For you dummies this is all wrong and all are lying 🤣😅 https://t.co/xV36BB2zoY
@MarieMaryB @francebleu @DeborahGrunwald "à l'époque où on pensait que le vaccin était efficace" 🤔 https://t.co/BMjGlOFTMc
@DannieRay23 @VaushV @thevivafrei https://t.co/ev4Yrktqdj "this particular vaccine" go read a book
@Jaamra @AdrianE09031134 @MoctezumaWhw @jc_jugo @AntonioArauz_I Recortando videos para no sacar todo el contexto, muy típico del manipulador de Tucker. Menos charlatanes y más estudios serios, bebelejías 😉👇 https://t.co/3AUlFNEDqD
@Jaamra @AdrianE09031134 @MoctezumaWhw @jc_jugo @AntonioArauz_I Yo solo puse dos capturas de las gilipolleces que compartes, tu chillastes cual cerdo intentando desmentirme poniendo fuentes de magufos de mierda. Y diferencia de ti, yo sí he pongo fuentes
RT @SaltaoVladimir: @USMortality @dobssi Humm many RCT and cochrane (wich I would say are better in this then you) disagree ( but they mus…
@hrtk4141 @MIKITO_777 探せば3秒で見つかりますよ。 https://t.co/BnkEujLH1g
@krimestyles @CartlandDavid Of course, but I predict you're probably going to find reasons to ignore it. https://t.co/cP0DKmC2Mi
@USMortality @dobssi Humm many RCT and cochrane (wich I would say are better in this then you) disagree ( but they must be lying) https://t.co/xV36BB21zq
@DCleeve @PeterSweden7 This is what evidence looks like in this context, see if your niece can bash one out and get it published. https://t.co/QA1aZ4V4mF.
@JuusoJrvenp1 @MyllymakiJuhani @UrsinAnna Tuossa on analysoitu yli 300 koronarokotetutkimusta. Mukana 12 eri rokotetta. Todettiin että ovat suojanneet hyvin vakavalta taudilta ja haittavaikutukset eivät ole eronneet plaseborokotteista. https://t.co/QPzhrSu
@IslandRehabHub @derekberes @thedailybanter Ok I will play... vaccines have a very high efficacy (specialy versus hosp/death), I made this opinion based on rct and a cochrane review of those , am I wrong? https://t.co/xV36BB21zq
RT @Cochrane_DE: “Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von COVID‐19‐Impfstoffen” lautet der Titel eines nun auch in #CochraneKompakt auf Deutsch zu f…
RT @Cochrane_DE: “Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von COVID‐19‐Impfstoffen” lautet der Titel eines nun auch in #CochraneKompakt auf Deutsch zu f…
RT @Cochrane_DE: “Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von COVID‐19‐Impfstoffen” lautet der Titel eines nun auch in #CochraneKompakt auf Deutsch zu f…
“Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von COVID‐19‐Impfstoffen” lautet der Titel eines nun auch in #CochraneKompakt auf Deutsch zu findenden #CochraneReviews, der einen Überblick über die Studienlage vermittelt. https://t.co/8SG9Llcqvj https://t.co/7XxW3qeu85
@NorbaTuli1970 @DogAndDice @kevinnbass @Dr_Bry_So_Fly https://t.co/bCQQtvCVrP They are safe for the long term because there are no plausible mechanisms for them not to be safe for the long term.
@Francz20 @siphon69 @LeMediaEn442 Lis ! Pour info, même Dede Raoult clame que Cochrane est LA Rolls des public scientifiques -> https://t.co/IBbAXZ5nXM
@Francz20 @LeMediaEn442 /… comprends pas dans « diminuer » -> cf les chiffres de la mortalité dûe à la Covid-19 depuis la vaccination. https://t.co/IBbAXZ5nXM
RT @MicroClinicoVLC: - La incidencia de acontecimientos adversos graves fue tan baja que no hubo pruebas suficientes para determinar una di…