“Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von COVID‐19‐Impfstoffen” lautet der Titel eines nun auch in #CochraneKompakt auf Deutsch zu findenden #CochraneReviews, der einen Überblick über die Studienlage vermittelt. https://t.co/8SG9Llcqvj https://t.co/7XxW3qeu85
@NorbaTuli1970 @DogAndDice @kevinnbass @Dr_Bry_So_Fly https://t.co/bCQQtvCVrP They are safe for the long term because there are no plausible mechanisms for them not to be safe for the long term.
@Francz20 @siphon69 @LeMediaEn442 Lis ! Pour info, même Dede Raoult clame que Cochrane est LA Rolls des public scientifiques -> https://t.co/IBbAXZ5nXM
@Francz20 @LeMediaEn442 /… comprends pas dans « diminuer » -> cf les chiffres de la mortalité dûe à la Covid-19 depuis la vaccination. https://t.co/IBbAXZ5nXM
RT @MicroClinicoVLC: - La incidencia de acontecimientos adversos graves fue tan baja que no hubo pruebas suficientes para determinar una di…
@laziestbullfrog @DogeAccept @Doge4Faithful @elonmusk FYI, this is what a peer reviewed soorce looks like. https://t.co/jHleuGmCdg
@PCamparen @Bella641216 Den mest väsentliga effekten av vaccinet är att signifikant minska risken för allvarlig sjukdom och död. Klart och tydligt redovisat redan i de första studierna. Bifogar färsk översiktsartikel. Tyvär är den något tungläst för icke i
- La incidencia de acontecimientos adversos graves fue tan baja que no hubo pruebas suficientes para determinar una diferencia entre la vacuna y el placebo. Fuente: https://t.co/JyGplAEshu
@orwell2022 @FrankfurtZack Tja, und wenn man den Verdacht ausgeschlossen hat? https://t.co/JqUvlbPA2p
@ZorikaZr @Hughesdk @LooksfarB @healthbyjames Yeah they do. There are tons of studies like this. Will you continue to ignore them if I send them all? Don’t want to waste my time https://t.co/ANROSqMxZQ
@VoilaLamort @DeBunKerEtoiles @BigMonarque Je suis ravi de te l'entendre dire. Du coup, tu es certainement d'accord quand des revues Cochrane confirment l'efficacité des vaccins ? https://t.co/9PQMC9SKQo
RT @tavlesh: @DrEliDavid Metastudy, >400k ppl • “Most vaccines reduce, or probably reduce, the number of people who get COVID‐19 disease a…
@PeterRobes @UllmannMdB Sie sind anscheinend nicht mal in der Lage, den Volltext zu finden, aber wollen anderen erklären, wie Wissenschaft geht. Ihnen hat ihr Lehrer die Test auch umgedreht zurück gegeben, ne? https://t.co/JqUvlbP2cR
@holmenkollin Letzteres bleibt zu hoffen. Ein Unding, dass darüber nichts bekannt war geschweige untersucht worden ist. Hier ein besonderer Leckerbissen, was diese Impfung betrifft: https://t.co/DZRQuzdZDw
@ArsElegantiae @silvano_trotta C'est à vous de prouver vos délires. Les vaccins ont obtenu leur AMM avec des études. Études confirmées depuis par d'autres études dans la vie réelle. Vous ne vous en tirerez pas comme ça. https://t.co/aOI7O8wlSE
RT @tavlesh: @DrEliDavid Metastudy, >400k ppl • “Most vaccines reduce, or probably reduce, the number of people who get COVID‐19 disease a…
@DrEliDavid Metastudy, >400k ppl • “Most vaccines reduce, or probably reduce, the number of people who get COVID‐19 disease and severe COVID‐19 disease.” • “Many vaccines have little or no difference in the incidence of serious adverse events compared
@ImyJohnson35 @Dragonw01246170 @AlastairMcA30 Thats bcs has I said many times you dont understand math ... https://t.co/Xqczpg7agC
@PeterRobes @UllmannMdB Melden Sie sich, wenn Ihnen etwas aufgefallen ist, was dieser Cochrane-Studie nicht aufgefallen ist. https://t.co/JPpiW5heLX
@kahnyayeast @AlastairMcA30 @healthbyjames This is from a meta study that examined COV vaccine research from across the globe. Data from 400,000+ patients and 12 vaccines showed: "Many vaccines have little or no difference in the incidence of serious adve
@SandraDucreux @MariusJacob67 Donc toujours 0 arguments de votre part à part des insultes et de l'homme de paille. Une méta-analyse Cochrane sur ces vaccins: https://t.co/LfkFeHgxpj Mais je suis sur que vous préfererrez croire une vidéo youtube...
@LerouxArthur10 @VirusWar D'après Cochrane il n'y a pas de données probantes pour affirmer que les vaccins améliorent les chances de survie...en outre leur efficacité contre les variants n'a pas été évaluée... donc rien d'étonnant dans cette nouvelle sauf
@Limportant_fr Il n'y a pas de données probantes pour affirmer que les vaccins améliorent les chances de survie...en outre leur efficacité contre les variants n'a pas été évaluée... https://t.co/2o2Zjfk9hq
RT @wileyinresearch: A recent @CochraneLibrary review of #COVID19 vaccines shows they are effective. Authors reviewed all the evidence ava…
A recent @CochraneLibrary review of #COVID19 vaccines shows they are effective. Authors reviewed all the evidence available from randomized controlled trials of COVID-19 vaccines up to November 2021. Read it here: https://t.co/obzUpNpLr2 https://t.co/ANj
@unbekannt799 @Tim_Roehn @BBCNews @doc_ecmo Zum Beispiel die hier in dieser Meta-Analyse https://t.co/JPpiW5gGWp
@DirtBikeMC @Reuters Only this one that says they are all effective and safe 😂
@TaxRest @jsm2334 @WhiskeyTangoFTr @SarahCaul_ONS @ImTruthHunting @boriquagato @PaulMainwood @dobssi @OmicronData \2 we even have rcts for that and a review from cochrane of alot of those https://t.co/xV36BB21zq https://t.co/lFB9ADW44R
RT @catknightjapan: 出たー! ワクチン信者特有の信じたいものだけ信じる。 有効性のある論文⇒論文報告から明らか 有効性のない論文⇒古い どっちも論文なのに、信じたいものだけ信じる。 「論文があることが正しい証明にはならない」 この大前提がわかってい…
RT @catknightjapan: 出たー! ワクチン信者特有の信じたいものだけ信じる。 有効性のある論文⇒論文報告から明らか 有効性のない論文⇒古い どっちも論文なのに、信じたいものだけ信じる。 「論文があることが正しい証明にはならない」 この大前提がわかってい…
出たー! ワクチン信者特有の信じたいものだけ信じる。 有効性のある論文⇒論文報告から明らか 有効性のない論文⇒古い どっちも論文なのに、信じたいものだけ信じる。 「論文があることが正しい証明にはならない」 この大前提がわかっていないのが情弱。プロパガンダにやられやすい情弱。
わざわざ一年以上前の古いリンクを貼り付けるのはネタですかワザとですか?あなたのサイエンスは2021年で止まってるんですか? まぁそれは置いといて、個別の論文の話をすると数が多過ぎてキリがないのでSystematic Reviewを読みましょう。 https://t.co/tjihyz7tiu
@Wishmich @Michele_Tafoya There is so much data out there supporting this. SO MUCH. Please just have a look yourself. https://t.co/lEBiMQID1W https://t.co/Q3vw86QeHC
@RisatoNicola @FlumiselZ @matt7gh Dillo ai cardiologi. Quando trovi articoli autorevoli che smentiscono questi ne riparliamo. https://t.co/7VziE8sX5r
@CarloPalmerio @Woobinda2 @DrPaoloMezzana I dati a cui si riferisce Mezzana e sui quali basa la sua opinione sono pubblici e verificati da diversi studi, ad esempio la revisione Cochrane sull'efficacia e la sicurezza dei vaccini Covid-19 → https://t.co/x3i
Another (small) mistake in the @CovidNma database https://t.co/FHmDwKCyNN and Cochrane review. Number of deaths in the placebo group in Sahly et al. study is 16 https://t.co/97O2HgNXx7, indicated 17 in the database. FYI @IsabelleBoutron, @TEvrenoglou. http
@ppsj_7 Y otro...... https://t.co/p8pbZ3iMX0
RT @cochranecollab: Efficacy & safety of #COVID19 #vaccines 🤓 Read the full @CochraneLibrary #systematicreview & #PlainLanguage Summary:…
@annaannaanna77 @ann_mcnitt Compared to placebo, most vaccines reduce, or likely reduce, the proportion of participants with confirmed symptomatic COVID‐19, and for some, there is high‐certainty evidence that they reduce severe or critical disease. https
@realRobPlumber @rq_99 @mualphaxi @P_McCulloughMD here, have some peer-reviewed research done by medics, physicians, scientists and epidemiologists or are ALL these scientist worthless? https://t.co/VjhTFsGU8x https://t.co/im4NOZcSWt https://t.co/0INS372
RT @CochraneFrance: Quels sont les bénéfices et les risques des #vaccins dans la prévention de la #COVID19 ? Nouvelle revue comprenant 41 e…
@Machado_Danilo @_FNARDINI Leia a vontade, RS fresquinha, antes de você falar groselha 👇 https://t.co/ptFCrfV9pM
"There is probably little or no difference between most vaccines and placebo for serious adverse events." Efficacy and safety of COVID‐19 vaccines https://t.co/1wbTUBL9tN
RT @RetractionWatch: “We also searched the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, regulatory agency websites, and Retraction…
“We also searched the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, regulatory agency websites, and Retraction Watch.” “Efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.” https://t.co/qUfR3KaTV5 https://t.co/kvFsSgUGLN
RT @VladimiroZacch1: @Lawrence5688 @DrPaoloMezzana @giulianopessot Intendi materiale tipo questo↙️ https://t.co/7fiXgKR089 O quest'altro? h…
@DavidPi74336203 @ABridgen Let’s start with this systematic review of vaccine efficacy and serious adverse events https://t.co/VfyuyVUayS What evidence do you have for these coincidental side effects?
@BobLeithiserPhD @AGHuff @MarioNawfal 7 December 2022. (Red flag for you citing an old paper.) https://t.co/7b57ykqSmx
RT @VladimiroZacch1: @Lawrence5688 @DrPaoloMezzana @giulianopessot Intendi materiale tipo questo↙️ https://t.co/7fiXgKR089 O quest'altro? h…
@Lawrence5688 @DrPaoloMezzana @giulianopessot Intendi materiale tipo questo↙️ https://t.co/7fiXgKR089 O quest'altro? https://t.co/zWqTroxPwz O ancora questo?⬇️ https://t.co/UUyg3K0EaI E c'è anche quest'altro↘️ https://t.co/A2dzaot56t E per finire questo: h
@J46381456 @korpse123 @AlienSuccubus @jmw_SEATTLE @_aussie17 You didn’t provide ample information yesterday. You gave an anecdote and asked some questions. But here are just a few of the many studies demonstrating that covid vaccines are safe and effective
@TimTrippDesign @sival84 @dhambrick63 @jimigrev @DrNeilStone There have been more studies since as I showed you. Anti-vaxxers tend to keep shifting the goal posts to find ways to ignore any evidence which contradicts them. https://t.co/Vzui65a2EA
@TimTrippDesign @thedotconnectr @DrNeilStone All claims with no evidence base so no-one from a science background is likely to agree. Meanwhile, researchers continue to build up the evidence base for the safety and efficacy of the vaccines which contradic
@molchmeister @sival84 @dhambrick63 @jimigrev @DrNeilStone That was the most current data when I wrote the article about a year ago. If I was writing it today, this review from Dec 2022 is more current. Vaccines remain one of our strongest tools for pandem
RT @MedBunker: La buonanotte di oggi è una bella notizia per chi ama la scienza e non perde tempo con le bufale. Una review Cochrane confer…
@DublinTaxi @jmw_SEATTLE @_aussie17 https://t.co/JuPJrCwhKQ https://t.co/3khzvK4FVB https://t.co/Q5N7saxR5e https://t.co/8Qfzqlh30w Or you can ask just about every virologist or immunologist.
RT @MedBunker: La buonanotte di oggi è una bella notizia per chi ama la scienza e non perde tempo con le bufale. Una review Cochrane confer…
RT @EricTopol: The @CochraneLibrary review of Covid vaccines https://t.co/baSjXquxkd a >300 page comprehensive assessment of the randomized…
@chancerelT Je ne vois toujours rien de scientifique à part des charlatans la. Donc ou sont vos sources mon grand ? https://t.co/8LNcBDmaMB
@CesarHjelm @Discokulan2 @Beppian @sr_ekot Ett antal jämförande studier i en nyligen publicerad översiktsartikel. https://t.co/QKZK1wWdBK
📚🔬En esta revisión publicada por Graña C et al sobre eficacia y seguridad de las vacunas frente al #SARSCoV2 encuentran que la mayoría de las vacunas reducen la proporción de participantes con COVID‐19 sintomático confirmado #SEIMCdivulgación @ligero999 ht
@jeffmybezos @mcnamara_deb @cattucks1775 @jjobrien29 @anna_sky9 @elonmusk @dogeofficialceo @GadSaad Who is saying that? People who haven't conducted sizable, replicable studies. https://t.co/0ECIkVCe8Q
@ChanceGardiner il segaiolo con le pills di Viagra, l'adepto di sburrone su ciò si è già "espresso". Ovvero, come al solito, non ha risposto, neanche argomentato. La SCENZ4 https://t.co/gV2l0yMgon (da guardare in anonima se ti ha già bloccato)
@THEVENONPierri1 Les données sont là. A un moment donné il faut trouver un autre cheval de bataille celui-là est définitivement mort. https://t.co/vFdvAM5WLr https://t.co/NYdNJEoBSH
RT @Dr_J_PhD21: @SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in…
RT @Dr_J_PhD21: @SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in…
@SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in this Twitter account is people blowing hot air. ZERO EVIDENCE!! That's not how science works, people! https://t.co/1qogaJrZbM
@SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in this Twitter account is people blowing hot air. ZERO EVIDENCE!! That's not how science works, people! https://t.co/1qogaJrZbM
@SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in this Twitter account is people blowing hot air. ZERO EVIDENCE!! That's not how science works, people! https://t.co/1qogaJrZbM
@SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in this Twitter account is people blowing hot air. ZERO EVIDENCE!! That's not how science works, people! https://t.co/1qogaJrZbM
@SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in this Twitter account is people blowing hot air. ZERO EVIDENCE!! That's not how science works, people! https://t.co/1qogaJrZbM
@SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in this Twitter account is people blowing hot air. ZERO EVIDENCE!! That's not how science works, people! https://t.co/1qogaJrZbM
@SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in this Twitter account is people blowing hot air. ZERO EVIDENCE!! That's not how science works, people! https://t.co/1qogaJrZbM
@SpartaJustice Not a single piece of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. The only thing in this Twitter account is people blowing hot air. ZERO EVIDENCE!! That's not how science works, people! https://t.co/1qogaJrZbM
RT @CochraneLibrary: Efficacy & safety of #COVID19 #vaccines 🤓 Read the full #systematicreview and #PlainLanguage Summary: https://t.co/W…
RT @RetractionWatch: The new @CochraneLibrary review of COVID-19 vaccines "also searched the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Pla…
@Andreariva16 @navida79 @DrPaoloMezzana @mvetto @Aifa_ufficiale Al riguardo, @mvetto mi suggerisce questo studio della Cochrane, una delle fonti più prestigiose in campo medico, pubblicato questo mese. Queste non sono previsioni da mago Otelma, questi son
@Anabritto2211 @guilherme_amado Trabalho em hospital, que nada nada, abrange mais de 2 milhões de habitantes. Não vi um paciente chegar com complicações devido a vacina. Leia essa revisão sistemática fresquinha da Cochrane, talvez clareia suas ideias. 👇 ht
Efficacy and safety of #COVID19 #vaccines This #systematicreview includes evidence from 141 randomized controlled trials and 12 different #COVID vaccines. #CochraneEvidence
RT @pills_ofscience: @matt7gh La differenza tra me e lei? Ciò che scrivo io è presente su Cochrane Library, l'eccellenza delle revisioni de…
RT @pills_ofscience: @matt7gh La differenza tra me e lei? Ciò che scrivo io è presente su Cochrane Library, l'eccellenza delle revisioni de…
@matt7gh La differenza tra me e lei? Ciò che scrivo io è presente su Cochrane Library, l'eccellenza delle revisioni della letteratura, mentre ciò che scrive lei è presente su "igorchudov.substak" e altri angoli dimenticati del web. Ormai provo pena per voi
Efficacy and safety of COVID‐19 vaccines - Graña, C - 2022 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/zE9abwiTiN
@bluize_cryin @lakelasvegas775 @JohnBrownsCons1 Do better than that ☝️ Like this 👇 You know, not some “media personality internist addiction medicine specialist” https://t.co/nYYIF2jF5m https://t.co/chHPPkh2gl
@lakelasvegas775 @JohnBrownsCons1 @bluize_cryin Okay, I’ll send along a recent ‘proof of efficacy’ https://t.co/nYYIF2jF5m