@Mayk_vehemente @AlexGnarcia Incorrect again. https://t.co/sN2Sr6wj6t
@Canal_do_Void Artigo da UFOP: https://t.co/YG7T6AVq1G Artigo da Cochrane postado em 2022: https://t.co/diOpu4ZqZF Próprio laboratório da Ivermectina dizendo que não existe evidência (em 2021): https://t.co/zifE23FWWp
@DanSKeenan @DiedSuddenly_ It's not effective. https://t.co/yxqSioBf1r
@LangostaReborn @DoctoraPrego Acá tienes muchas pruebas, hasta del Colegio Médico del Perú que prohibió su uso pq NO hacia nada contra el Covid. Ahora, crees en los Chemtrails? Pregunta simple https://t.co/D0bQoYZ3A0 https://t.co/TSnIksAiZW bba-covid-19
@hate_eyeNerds @Trey_00001 @HillaryClinton Here's the meta analysis of 14 studies of ivermectin's efficacy for covid. https://t.co/FgiEB8KPsJ
@lorraine_dubuis @CarreHarold @Fraslin Toutes les études sérieuses démontrent l'inefficacité complète de cette molécule. https://t.co/x8piH8Zbt5
@JStraub84870867 @raider_lee @daniel_d223 @jonathanstea You can find the full systematic review here, and it's not terribly favorable to ivermectin's efficacy: https://t.co/9VPHxa2dl6
@Trey_00001 @hate_eyeNerds @HillaryClinton They were 14 studies of ivermectin as a treatment for covid, none found it effective. https://t.co/FgiEB8KPsJ
@hiros_jp @SgVnYDTilrYxxpm イベルメクチンも効果不明。マスクと同じ。 良い結果を出した試験も沢山ある。 ただし日本の試験は早期投与が出来ていないから効果は出ずらい。 発症当日か翌日に服用しなければ、特に病原性の低くなったオミクロンでは効果が出ずらい。 https://t.co/zF97s2wr7s
@KickieJVay @SophieHendry01 @CartlandDavid There are many sources that show it doesn't work. https://t.co/hI8hzpNbQY https://t.co/23rAj1FINl https://t.co/k3qYENnZOJ
@SenatorRennick @Bluebir54188696 And rather than take Nurse Campbell's biased, distorted misrepresentation of Ivermectin, you see out second opinions such as this Cochrane report on Ivermectin: https://t.co/x0ntUHGCiu
@CllrDalton @susannebartz1 @BBC @stkirsch @ClareCraigPath @CartlandDavid @mwendling This is an actual meta-analysis, based on valid high quality RCTs, which found no evidence of benefit https://t.co/ePSk3TDbre
@0minus_Prime @Scary7Dr sure dude sure.... now lets see real people doing really metas ... https://t.co/65LQdoegF3 it does not work... but you will now tell me they did not follow the hocus pocus scenario that makes it work (i bet its having alot of worms
@elemenohpeeisme @Antiwoke7777 @edgoppelt @eGomes2107 @johnswine87 @Debunk_the_Funk @Johnincarlisle But sure, the inability of some clowns to simply google: https://t.co/5z79dprkz9 https://t.co/oBTThRbQWe
@LLegendreParis @Redkiraz N’importe quoi. Démonté depuis trois ans. https://t.co/3xDhy0hjxV Le plus intelligent est de se vacciner et de renouveler la vaccination tous les six mois ou plus souvent si on a des fragilités déclarées. Autres références : http
@Aceboogieoffic1 @1atheistcat @Snizz807 @jonathanstea They can prescribe it for parasitic infections. https://t.co/YdxNPewJeF
@roninmma_ @HStrongs @TheCjordan24 @gobillsnsabres https://t.co/cZSjCt86Bb literally the same site says this lol https://t.co/9LB8XQqtEq
@LBower32390965 @SChiasson3 @HeyNurseKat @MSerdikoff @KJW2022 @gaudall @IanCopeland5 @CryptoFLmoon That's fair. It's useful for strongyloides patients https://t.co/WVrrlc9DHa
@MerjaTuulikki1 @Robiq14861284 Tässä on uudempi, paljon laadukkaampi systemaattinen katsaus Ivermektiinistä ei ole hyötyä https://t.co/FUqDRMi3xG
@smartwookiee @cafelockedout Ivermectin is useless against covid unless you have worms. The only folk still going on with it have bruised egos are are flogging it to simpletons who use the term "big pharma" like "commie." https://t.co/x0ntUHGCiu
@zzi_bf @alo3677 よく判らんというのは私が理解できないということではなく、貴方の挙げた記事がエビデンスレベルが低いということを言っているんだよ。 Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19 (Review) https://t.co/SuEOxw0ODE 知見というのはすなわちこういう論文の積み重ねだよ。
@filoabismo @VeronicaManjon IVERMECTINA? Hay varios estudios que no encontró evidencia que respalde el uso de la ivermectina para el tratamiento de la covid-19 o la prevención de la infección por el SARS-CoV-2. https://t.co/481p0fv6IH
@VigilantFox @MedFactChecks This @cochranecollab review doesn't support the claim ivermectin being effective treatment for COVID. https://t.co/DCZoxQ3rdx https://t.co/WOW71XRlNy
RT @vitorborin_: @sourenanmartins Revisão sistemática da Cochrane sobre Ivermectina pro tratamento ou prevenção da COVID-19: Conclusão — W…
@sourenanmartins @vitorborin_ Eu sei que o OP já postou, mas tenta ler isso aqui, ignorante: https://t.co/79BHF2F1Hh
@David32856757 @yay_its_james I approve of any early treatments that are proven to work. Ivm and hcq don't... https://t.co/8qJKXy9pWS https://t.co/suqHItbgqR
RT @vitorborin_: @sourenanmartins Revisão sistemática da Cochrane sobre Ivermectina pro tratamento ou prevenção da COVID-19: Conclusão — W…
@sourenanmartins Revisão sistemática da Cochrane sobre Ivermectina pro tratamento ou prevenção da COVID-19: Conclusão — We found no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating COVID-19 or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection. https://t.co/8oxCpWadY
@Nico_Klus @rvandenhaak @Raiser2001 @ArtsenC Uitgebreid is aangetoond met veel studies dat ivermectine niet werkt."We found no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating COVID-19 or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection. The evidence base improved sl
@SwtCharlemaigne @GetSchwifyinere @HopiNg66966500 @DrJBhattacharya @drsimonegold @DrAseemMalhotra @ZelenkoZev @DrTrozzi @RWMaloneMD @P_McCulloughMD @shanejett @CramerSez @RobertKennedyJr Incorrect. Comirnaty is available in the US and has a different labe
@sudokuvariante @Pr_ChabriereE @GrenetGuillaume @lega_jean On n’a pas publié d’article estimant le nombre de vies qui aurait pu être sauvé avec l’ivermectine car L’ivermectine ne sauve pas de vie dans la prévention et le traitement de la COVID-19 Fin de
@KellyLMcCarty Here's the Cochrane Review's take: "Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use of ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID‐19 outside of well‐designed randomized trials." https://t.co/WI0HP1cjGX
RT @m_apelle4: @Saorise69 @CHBMPorg Wrong, my sources are from private and public institutions. You didn't post facts. Scientific studies h…
@Saorise69 @CHBMPorg Wrong, my sources are from private and public institutions. You didn't post facts. Scientific studies have logical methods and interpretations, showing that Ivermectin failed meta-analyses of legitimate clinical trials for COVID-19 pat
@Larsonauti @Lisathefirst20 ⚠️ Das ist eine gefährliche Falschinformation. Ivermectin ist nachweislich nicht zur Behandlung von SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen geeignet. Es handelt sich um ein Mittel gegen Parasiten z.B. Krätze. Siehe auch: https://t.co/XvAMf7Iwd
@Hausfrau4ever @Ivi81 Nachtrag dazu: https://t.co/UEnqD2eWNx
@TheFreds @ChrisWickNews Anecdote does not equal evidence. Scientific experts' consensus is "Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use of ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID‐19" https://t.co/juWYPrtstJ
@ChrisWickNews Scientific experts' consensus is "Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use of ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID‐19" https://t.co/juWYPrtstJ
@EthicalSkeptic What about the Cochrane review? https://t.co/3dHtLDVSGi
@danomanho @thevegdoc @JohntheLyricist Cochrane would have been a better choice for you to cite. Standardised methodology and review. More comprehensive. https://t.co/Tgr71Gl6Ss
@JeremiahWaldron @AuthorityLies @sjs856 Did you take too much IVM? To achieve antiviral efficacy (maybe), you would have to take very high doses that cause harmful side effects. And since anti-maskers love Cochrane Reviews, this one found no evidence to su
@Woodynist @Maitre_Eolas @princesse_rasta C'est bon ? Tu as fini de flood avec ton cherry picking ? Maintenant tu lis une méta analyse solide sur le sujet et ça fera du bien à tout le monde. https://t.co/uw8Z7ajG0x
@JayOppold @TheMan1oss @RoughCoPhoto @LukaszukAB Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19 - Cochrane https://t.co/CYgIdQ3Q88
@marc_g_wathelet @wagneregger Pas ce que dit la revue de littérature cochrane. J'imagine que vos conclusions reposent sur "la votre" ... qui se nomme? https://t.co/NVQFzRMRRv
@EbikT2020 @BurgerManfred @HAmesbauer Weils nicht stimmt. Prüfen Sie mal ihre Quellen. https://t.co/hgzihBPJXo
@taipan168 @PoeBrianL You must also know that ivermectin doesn't work - because the Cochrane Review shows no significant benefit of ivermectin in COVID-19 https://t.co/5ktMEG4yG8
RT @EdwardJohn2022: @BJ19791 @Incog5678 @OfficialWickedR @JakeTurpinLUFC @Chr1st1anBale Only one degree, bless. Ivermectin was never, ever…
@BJ19791 @Incog5678 @OfficialWickedR @JakeTurpinLUFC @Chr1st1anBale Only one degree, bless. Ivermectin was never, ever proven to work when the body goes into CRS. Most vaccine firms never made a penny as it was NFP... https://t.co/q4up5SiItD
@yesnicksearcy Again why do you assume that I like the government? I’m in the U.K. & I loathe them. I get my information from the science. https://t.co/X34wdGHkG4
@yesnicksearcy @BlameBacchus What’s the government to do with it? https://t.co/X34wdGHkG4
RT @FredBeamer3: @Amy_Walker20 @slocumfortexas @MdBreathe @myedpillus Ivermectin and HCQ are used to treat parasitic infections, not COVID-…
@Amy_Walker20 @slocumfortexas @MdBreathe @myedpillus Ivermectin and HCQ are used to treat parasitic infections, not COVID-19. https://t.co/luDHOvnHD6
@Jeff_mc2 @unhealthytruth Ah, so you fall for that sort of garbage source. Ivermectin does not work for SARS-CoV-2. https://t.co/173oqokGcO https://t.co/sLyR0qQonV https://t.co/9M8djQtXCC https://t.co/zb4TidfQR1 https://t.co/ty49vjZitF https://t.co/u6Hz
@jkuehne745 @VigilantFox @IvoryHecker @gatewaypundit @VigilantNews @PierreKory I mean seriously, pull your head out of your ass. You've been conned, you dribbling nincompoop. https://t.co/x0ntUHGCiu
@TrevorMarshall4 @beverleyturner No, it really doesn’t. Gold standard meta-analysis. https://t.co/X34wdGHkG4
@GohmyO @TheRealDKGray https://t.co/el54q7RrKe https://t.co/HoIxJpzZfs i can keep going
@JoernCarmaker @JRBadKiss @haake_daniel Nein, dafür gibt es keine Daten https://t.co/oUjdDHUiOu
@FMachl Für Ivermectin ist keine Wirkung bei COVID nachgewiesen. Das ist seit Juni 2022 bekannt. Wer seitdem noch von Wirkung parliert, der führt Böses im Schilde. Oder ist einfach brunzdumm: https://t.co/aTxc8Q2xAS
@Alessandro_Flaj @ElideMirce L'ivermectina fa molto male, 6000 ricoveri e oltre 400 decessi negli USA per uso di quel farmaco tra il 2021 e il 2022. Ed è totalmente inutile con la Covid. https://t.co/VqoF98aeQG
@Math3145 @MartinZ_uncut Pour l'ivermectine même topo.. Rappel c'est un vermifuge. ' https://t.co/kek3gbEpnj
RT @abbyobenchain: @KarlaODell11 @HeyNurseKat @JohntheLyricist @HilaryWollis @Debunk_the_Funk @FiveTimesAugust Anyone who self-prescribes i…
@ProCanadian5 @WogPogReal Ivermectin is anti-parasitic and not anti-viral against SARS-CoV-2. https://t.co/luDHOvnHD6
@VictorSinclair3 @PlumeLiberty @le_Parisien Ivermectine ça ne fonctionne pas https://t.co/ltUFhvYA30
@real_seeking @SwaledaleMutton @NobodyHadToDie @shinko_hadoken @IraIrleague @IanCopeland5 Also from Cochrane... https://t.co/suqHItbgqR
@KarlaODell11 @HeyNurseKat @JohntheLyricist @HilaryWollis @Debunk_the_Funk @FiveTimesAugust Anyone who self-prescribes ivermectin as a covid treatment has a fool for a patient and may end up on a transplant list. https://t.co/0aXP6LXhVg https://t.co/GbPa
@Lihartke @growthfactororg This anecdote does not prove causation between the intervention (Ivermectin) and recovery. Confounding variables such as co-morbidities were not adjusted. Ivermectin did not cause him to recover from COVID-19. https://t.co/IV1g8
@GiggaMAGA @dragonfishy @CShoemakerMD Nope. he data proves you are demonstrably wrong sunshine: https://t.co/a9OYJeVZEg
RT @FredBeamer3: @JanciToxDoc @CHBMPorg Ivermectin and HCQ are not anti-viral against SARS-CoV-2. https://t.co/luDHOvnHD6
@JanciToxDoc @CHBMPorg Ivermectin and HCQ are not anti-viral against SARS-CoV-2. https://t.co/luDHOvnHD6
@JGisSatoshi @216_Eliot_Ness @donutveclue Your link is as worthless as the similar c9ivermectin + ivmmeta websites. https://t.co/woeVbFAhBf https://t.co/sLyR0qQonV https://t.co/9M8djQtXCC https://t.co/zb4TidfQR1 https://t.co/ty49vjZitF https://t.co/IPVvM
@IPiikki Varhainen lääkitys eli syyhyhoito 😂 https://t.co/IUvuoNhv9I Jos ymmärrät mitä COCHRANE tarkoittaa https://t.co/IXRW9440EY
@mitchvaugh @DrNice2022 @Doctor_Eric_B Of course he loves the garbage meta-analysis over all the others that show no benefit. https://t.co/SQinkea8Ty
RT @FredBeamer3: @sco0psmcgoo Ivermectin failed double-blind randomized clinical trials with saline placebo for SARS-CoV-2 patients. Iverme…
@sco0psmcgoo Ivermectin failed double-blind randomized clinical trials with saline placebo for SARS-CoV-2 patients. Ivermectin is not a SARS-CoV-2 treatment. https://t.co/luDHOvnHD6
RT @dr_jon_l: @sco0psmcgoo @tylerblack32 @thereal_truther @EUScienceInnov LMAO - oh, you want to play that game? Cochrane: https://t.co/…