@AminSharaf Bisher kein Nachweis der Wirksamkeit gegen Covid-19. Einige Studien laufen noch. https://t.co/G5qJUkYkPP https://t.co/DlvCreSVie
@DaeminErish @LasseHagman @HattenHelander https://t.co/oBRo2m1hJp Här samlas 31 stora undersökningar. Resultatet är tyvärr att det inte fungerar. Men visst, tron på placeboeffekten kanske kan hjälpa
@DannieldeK @DaanDutch @remcoh @bplusandabit @PvanHouwelingen De hoogste standaard is wat de Cochrane groepen doen. Dat zou je moeten lezen en daaruit komt dat Ivermectine niets doet bij Covid https://t.co/Z9mOYPDaD1
@BlakesWort @enielaK @MrPropaganda030 Das wäre der Link, ich hab keine Zeit das gerade alles zu lesen. https://t.co/gXinTJ8Ceb Es gebe dann ja noch diese Analyse https://t.co/vE0B5sr4aS die alles diesbezüglich verneint.
@RickNas95547619 @DiddyPersisted @Chicago1Ray How about a link to multiple types of studies done vis such a small sample of the public. I don't trust shit from Florida. Here is a better wider student with multiple study sorces of data proving once again it
@BlakesWort https://t.co/QNcksLtGbD Studien stehen noch aus. Weiß nicht inwieweit bekannt ist, wie verzweifelt die Lage für MECFS ist. Leute kleben sich zb Nikotinpflaster auf beim geringsten Hinweis auf mgl. Besserung. Das ist nicht Schwurbelei sondern Ve
@222doc @JoshWalkos @stella_immanuel No there isn’t “many more”, relative to the total number of physicians nationwide. You want to know why? Evidence shows ivermectin is not an effective treatment https://t.co/ZXWSFUf6yz
@222doc @JoshWalkos https://t.co/ZXWSFUf6yz No therapeutic benefit
@VigilantFox @Plandemic3Movie Quite a large number of trials have now been done and from what I can see almost all say not affective against covid 19. I.e patients had same results/outcome as those on placebo. Here's 2: https://t.co/6fIszfuVmx… https:/
@vinksta87 @VigilantFox @Plandemic3Movie Quite a large number of trials have now been done and from what I can see almost all day ivermectin not affective against covid 19. I.e patients had same results/outcome as those on placebo. Here's 2: https://t.c
@drnathimdladla @MauritzPreller @AlastairMcA30 @maggsnaidu @ShabirMadh @Jay_Naidoo @MarikaSboros @DrAseemMalhotra @TheSecretSarah @SouthAfricanASP Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID‐19 https://t.co/N6H1Si6fji
@MauritzPreller @drnathimdladla @AlastairMcA30 @maggsnaidu @ShabirMadh @Jay_Naidoo @MarikaSboros @DrAseemMalhotra @TheSecretSarah @SouthAfricanASP Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID‐19, Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health. https:
@Tomarakh @RoyTyrrell1 @ellymelly A Cochrane review aggregates all completed trials of drugs. Here's the recent Ivermectin one: https://t.co/JmD3w97Oaj
@LizHighleyman If an intervention has no evidence it works, we say it is ineffective. For example, we don't say "we haven't proven that ivermectin doesn't work." https://t.co/Dexwsl6UBG
@nbatokcmo @Keggs719 If an intervention has no evidence it works, we say it is ineffective. For example, we don't say "we haven't proven that ivermectin doesn't work." https://t.co/Dexwsl6UBG
@ob_alves @belini @filipe_rafaeli Onde que vocês estão baseando a ideia de que “não há evidência de eficácia”? Vocês sabem que vários estudos relevantes foram deixados de lado dessa análise — o texto que colei, pra quem se deu trabalho de ler, cita alguns.
@VPrasadMDMPH Here’s one: https://t.co/O5asNPLmft
@Potholer54T Good example of the debunking Scott Alexander acts like skeptics don't do. Maybe Alexander should try it, instead of coddling conspiracists in his audience + blaming skeptics for people's choice to go further into conspiracism. https://t.co/
@ryha33 @Gudetube @jeanna_weed @drsiyabmd No I posted this in reply to you
@ThomeCampo Tja, manchmal zeigt sich, wieso Schauspieler bei ihrem Fach bleiben sollten.🤗 https://t.co/6aWG6pnI4F https://t.co/3so1EXTD0y
Plenty of people on my TikTok/Twitter/IG comments sections asking me if I accept the results of the Cochrane mask review. If you believe it, do you also accept this Cochrane review that showed ivermectin does not work for COVID-19? https://t.co/UmkbLZdUvl
RT @AtomsksSanakan: @C_Kavanagh Scott Alexander also coddles his contrarian audience by misrepresenting what academia effectively communica…
@C_Kavanagh Scott Alexander also coddles his contrarian audience by misrepresenting what academia effectively communicated https://t.co/oFt0w980z1 https://t.co/FNFPC74b1L https://t.co/HFg78DYvjE https://t.co/sLyR0qQonV https://t.co/9M8djQtXCC https://t.c
@redundanthuman @ajpadgett @SteveBarclay It just doesn't work with Covid19 unfortunately ☹️ https://t.co/907lTo148R
@kecg1234 @DrHorwitz @frizenio @kevinnbass @RWMaloneMD @PierreKory …. already been carried out, show no benefit whatsoever. https://t.co/XyvWg9mc2Q
@davidebrady @soxthewavingcat @thecoastguy Nice link, shows how good #Ivermectin is for live parasites, given that was written in 2011 you're not doing very well, are you ? Here look at some recent and up-to-date science....Enjoy 😉 https://t.co/lwB9LTjPv
@thecoastguy Yep let's............ That snake Oil remedy doesn't work, although the drug is useful for what it was actually designed for. Real science, not someone on Twitter 😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/lwB9LTjPvb
@Paddythebaddy42 @krassenstein @GovRonDeSantis You did click on the Erratum list - right? https://t.co/khth0xHM9m
@leonardo_lss_pf @Alenasw @karinamichelin @LulaOficial Fui bloqueado pelo autor desse twitter. Aqui tem um estudo confiável. https://t.co/6VHjhuxgm4
@mpowley01 @CKellyUAP The reality is, whatever the narrative we support, there is data to back it up…. Here you go, here is just one: https://t.co/lV2ebgmJtx
@r_y_a_n__t Re: "Like I said before - time will tell. Perhaps we wager ? How about - loser deletes account?" Delete. Your. Account. https://t.co/hjdIaMjTQS https://t.co/sLyR0qQonV https://t.co/9M8djQtXCC https://t.co/zb4TidfQR1 https://t.co/ty49vjZitF h
@alsloggy @DropBelow @Demo2020cracy “Ivermectin is a medicine used to treat parasites, such as intestinal parasites in animals, and scabies in humans. It is inexpensive and is widely used in regions of the world where parasitic infestations are common” ht
RT @kraster: @maija_hahn "Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use of ivermectin for treatment or prevention of CO…
RT @Balgor11: @maija_hahn What Cochrane actually said about IVM for C19. https://t.co/rIvSol1woV https://t.co/skMGGgDDzu
@ConstitutionLo1 @docchai2022 @KanekoaTheGreat Do you mean the Cochrane meta-analysis that concluded, “We found no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating COVID-19 or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection.” https://t.co/Bl1zkFkPdb
I ❤️ Cochrane database!
@maija_hahn What Cochrane actually said about IVM for C19. https://t.co/rIvSol1woV https://t.co/skMGGgDDzu
Ivermectin not proven to work in Covid https://t.co/x1CKqh5zV2
@maija_hahn "Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use of ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID‐19 outside of well‐designed randomized trials." https://t.co/CFB9FhzD0v
@maija_hahn No. It doesn’t It shows the opposite. You’re being utterly dishonest https://t.co/sUtcm2s8ZI https://t.co/X34wdGHkG4
@LaraRodr1guez @goonerterry @beverleyturner @LeftHandedKeith https://t.co/nXRhEgC6dj I'm no expert but isn't Cochrane the 'gold standard' for these types of things? Also aren't there other 'off-patent' medicines being used to treat COVID? That kinda destr
@inewton31536845 @TexasLindsay_ @PapaSan801 @MdBreathe Naaah. Not how it functions. Doctors will use things that work, period. https://t.co/BKct6ja1D4
@inewton31536845 @TexasLindsay_ @PapaSan801 @MdBreathe No it doesn’t. https://t.co/BKct6ja1D4
@ken16020977 @TexasLindsay_ @PapaSan801 @MdBreathe “Your article” ? No. A scientific study. Of course you respond with vague conspiracy. Here’s another study. It is factual. Learn up. https://t.co/BKct6ja1D4
@SandraA95355324 @TexasLindsay_ @PapaSan801 @MdBreathe Don’t say research when you mean using a search engine until you find an opinion that agrees with you. It is proven to not be effective and there are many such studies. Studies, which are actual resea
@inewton31536845 @TexasLindsay_ @PapaSan801 @MdBreathe No it doesn’t and that’s been proven. https://t.co/BKct6ja1D4
RT @JohannaSzabo1: @hedleyrees @senatormcdaniel They can call all they want, but ivermectin is unsupported by scientific evidence https://…
@KimFlorey2 @ABridgen @ukmfa1 @BreesAnna @JamesMelville @Docs4PatientsUK @C4Dispatches @MarkSteynOnline @DailyClout @DoubleDownNews @LBC @GBNEWS @tntradiolive @PleaseDoTheMath @DrHoenderkamp @naomirwolf @zoeharcombe It may be safe but is not effective for
@sirswa77 @DoranHunter1 @RepMTG The date of this article is Nov. 2020. The updated article, on the same site, dated July 2021, is the updated info on Ivermectin. I think you'll find a much different outcome. https://t.co/Qywg1oa7QZ
@RickMcCargar @StuyvesantAnna @Heatherjaney1 @CartlandDavid @JeffNewman_ You're still pathetically blind to even the gold standard of evidence reviews that says, at this point in time, the evidence shows ivermectin is as useful as gnats' piss when it comes
RT @JohannaSzabo1: @hedleyrees @senatormcdaniel They can call all they want, but ivermectin is unsupported by scientific evidence https://…
@LoveroNicolas @f_philippot dis la personne qui ne croit que des articles de journaux (et BFM, mdr) qui vont dans son sens :) ou sont les etudes ? les essais cliniques ? regardez, ça ressemble a ça par exemple https://t.co/ee8HaSw0pa
@DrEliDavid Well if you want to go with Cochrane, https://t.co/CHSNTwncjP
@Tricia43080829 @CodyCra99873300 @ZeitgeistMirror @ClayTravis @BWLH_ https://t.co/JoJ0OQqYgP Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID-19
@_RickConnor @DrEliDavid And please feel free to stop following me. Not my patience left for credulous non-experts still peddling asinine conspiracy theories and medical disinformation on COVID-19 https://t.co/wqlgpTFVHR https://t.co/9ktQvXTs7s
@JBrazzi3 @parg02s @boulware_dr @ACTIV6study Medical professionals do care about Cochrane review, as any scientists. https://t.co/MJNfi9vFM2
@KariTikkinen @JesperKivela @TomimPAAN @IhisTeemu Niinpä niin. Pitääkö linja? Vai valitaanko ne, jotka tukevat linjaa? 🤔 https://t.co/ze3IldGb9H
@AlBowers1 @Mark9290296 @jejquade @drsimonegold "EMA has reviewed the latest evidence on the use of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and concluded that the available data do not support its use for COVID-19 outside well-designed clin
@RejectTyranny @IanCopeland5 https://t.co/nXRhEgC6dj I didn't read it, I freely admit that. I base my opinion ultimately on the Cochrane reviews.
@greyzone513 @LizzieShane8 @VigilantFox Cochrane review (the gold standard) disagrees. https://t.co/Qnfry4aOw4
RT @oatila: Desculpa, não tinha entendido. Queriam um comentário sobre a meta análise da @cochranecollab mostrando a ineficácia de medidas…
RT @oatila: Desculpa, não tinha entendido. Queriam um comentário sobre a meta análise da @cochranecollab mostrando a ineficácia de medidas…
@Mark9290296 @AlBowers1 @Theryhan7661 @drsimonegold Have you got your peer reviewed study to say it does? This has links to them.https://t.co/5sbpUhdW9R https://t.co/OnifbPqBf8 https://t.co/KKKrOe1dLQ https://t.co/N5rHCuGT6U For some examples.
RT @oatila: Desculpa, não tinha entendido. Queriam um comentário sobre a meta análise da @cochranecollab mostrando a ineficácia de medidas…
RT @oatila: Desculpa, não tinha entendido. Queriam um comentário sobre a meta análise da @cochranecollab mostrando a ineficácia de medidas…
Desculpa, não tinha entendido. Queriam um comentário sobre a meta análise da @cochranecollab mostrando a ineficácia de medidas contra a COVID baseada em evidências e vários estudos. Também concluíram que Ivermectina não funciona contra a COVID: https://t.
@TwitsyItsy @IanCopeland5 Re: "The study you linked is explicitly about late stage." 🤦♂️ Your source is tripe. Read the study. https://t.co/YqxsHgUqbd https://t.co/zNQWVdmF0M https://t.co/sLyR0qQonV https://t.co/9M8djQtXCC https://t.co/zb4TidfQR1 http
@MikiLaMalice @arikouts Et donc ? Il y a le cochrane si vous préférez : https://t.co/c2eZFCkWFZ Et merde on est en février 2023 il faut évoluer et apprendre à lire, ça dévient grave la.
@TinaPachivas @pills_truth If you got better after two days you had a mild dose of covid,not one study shows it makes a difference You will have got rid of your dose of worms though 😆 https://t.co/9It6uC9Uwx https://t.co/r5WL9GGhpm
@DaveW22112081 @DonnaSlaybaugh @MidwesternDoc @JesslovesMJK c19ivm + ivmmeta are trash websites, FirstNameBunchOfNumbers. https://t.co/YqxsHgUqbd https://t.co/sLyR0qQonV https://t.co/9M8djQtXCC https://t.co/zb4TidfQR1 https://t.co/ty49vjZitF https://t.co
@alcapone403 @BCdigitall @scientist_pop @stkirsch @ContrarianSaver They pretty much all say the same thing. https://t.co/ZDupg16Pbs
@Susan4Freedom @Victor_Boulder @JeannieBowers20 @IanCopeland5 It's not banned. It's simply not recommended for covid-19 b/c there's not much evidence for it. Meta analysis of 14 studies: https://t.co/o7EBHz54DI
@marcelle2_20 Pour l’instant, aucune fiable ne valide l’efficacité de l’ivermectine dans le traitement du Covid. https://t.co/hHJ022kr9r
@TomChivers @C_Kavanagh And which was also noted in the Cochrane Review of Ivermectin, in which quite some other trials fared way worse. https://t.co/gOHixIm7pn
@MLaatikainen D-vitamiini on toki tärkeää yleensäkin immuniteetille, kuten myös terveet elämäntavat, mutta ei kuitenkaan ratkaisevassa roolissa koronan suhteen. Ivermektiini puolestaan ei ole osoittautunut tehokkaaksi: https://t.co/F9S0kO48oO
@kcarlskat1 @MicrobiomDigest I'm very sceptical that Ivermectin is effective against Covid. https://t.co/SybEml0OQG