@Monkie6669 @kroontwit @BsSlayah @CMC42 @AmberTunatya @CheapExWife @CrazyWines @Saints_75 @GrahamAllen_1 Every major clinical trial shows absolutely no effect https://t.co/60OMQfjTNV
@HenryFordHealth @Abiomed When are you going to advocate for ivermectin Zinc and vitamin D? You know the thing... https://t.co/xDgBzB6DH8
@Bernard57502817 @sickofitall2222 @bickley200 @ClareCraigPath @Jikkyleaks @profnfenton @statsjamie @MineurMineure @Hawley_Richard @JamesMelville @Johnincarlisle @ONS Yes please don’t go down the early treatment rabbit hole. Here is Cochrane’s opinion of iv
@AndreBensson @Chadwanger3 @Tino_Kunze @estenfeld1 @tagesschau Die Studien, die eine positive Wirkung belegen, kannst du gerne den Autoren der Metastudie des Cochrane-Instituts melden. Die fanden keinen Beleg für Wirksamkeit in Verbindung mit Covid. http
@AlexBerenson If Cochran can't make a call due to a lack of quality data, you are really entering pseudoscience arena that you claim to hate. https://t.co/bjFPOdRmUC
@adlpie @cafelockedout It’s been proven by doctors and research scientists that immavecten doesn’t work…full stop…ok if you are a horse with worms. Good update here https://t.co/IW25lQR9qe
@CKellyUAP OMG Tess was debunked years ago. She is a shill for IVM Follow the money, ya plonker. https://t.co/3IsLZlBswO
イベルメクチンの有用性を未だに主張する方がおられるのなら、是非以下のレビューに御反論ください。 https://t.co/SuEOxw1mtc
@naomi_nakano703 書き方というより内容そのものです。 イベルメクチンが有効だとされる科学的根拠はあるのでしょうか。 https://t.co/SuEOxw1mtc あるのならば挙げ、上記のレビューに対して反論ください。
@insins31544458 @dupontaignan Tweet de 2021, pas d'étude retrouvée dans Cochrane donc Bullshit Voici ce que dit Cochrane https://t.co/1G14ZTWMrU
@Invermectin1 @Alice_Weidel Zu Invermectin: https://t.co/EPPw2nqdal
RT @JerryTa50216668: @goddeketal @P_McCulloughMD @jimmy_dore @SabinehazanMD @KanekoaTheGreat @PierreKory Ivermectin was ineffective in COVI…
@goddeketal @P_McCulloughMD @jimmy_dore @SabinehazanMD @KanekoaTheGreat @PierreKory Ivermectin was ineffective in COVID-19 patients and did not reduce hospitalization time compared to placebo. Cheap and generic drugs were not suppressed: dexamethasone cort
@MartinDaubney You're so far out of your depth it's painful. https://t.co/33ekCq1nZ8
@AndyBandy1954 @dupontaignan @LyonCocoon Vous l'avez toujours dit?! Mais sur quelle base?! Au doigt mouillé ? Pas besoin de faire de la recherche alors 😜 https://t.co/A3thACxuLA
@lepoussin87 @dupontaignan Il raconte effectivement n'importe quoi. Il a fait pareil pour l'HCQ, il se moque de la vérité, il fait du populisme https://t.co/A3thACxuLA
@marc_g_wathelet @FloreSol2 @MareaMalga @nicomedbxl @EricMuraille @mariusgilbert Après je ne sais pas, mais une capture d'écran d'une source moyennement fiable à moins tendance à me convaincre ceci par exemple. https://t.co/A3XweLLEjb
@ABridgen That’s was two years ago and didn’t proceed. You must try harder 1/10. Ivermectin didn’t work then and doesn’t work now. BUT you are now saying the pandemic was a scam😂😂 https://t.co/JmY7ItG9Sr
@tKT2T2n81J4uCBJ @alo3677 @ivermectin_sub @hikaru1032 https://t.co/LXC8hVTbtF https://t.co/xWAqd69ZfP 早川先生もこれだよね。 イベルメクチンは効果が疑わしく重篤な副作用がある為に治療、予防に使用することを支持しない。
RT @DrJackieStone: @SeivwrightTrudy https://t.co/8e8uO2RMJp This was the nail in their coffin for me. They join the Lancet, NEJM and JAMA…
@SeivwrightTrudy https://t.co/8e8uO2RMJp This was the nail in their coffin for me. They join the Lancet, NEJM and JAMA. Can't trust them. Whether incompetent, fraudulent or both - their conclusion was incorrect. Doctors believed them and lives were l
@davidwetton @CMO_England There's no evidence of ivermectin being of benefit in Covid https://t.co/YmPj4laQxe https://t.co/PsDmUfC5tl https://t.co/Ui9a5keO3E
Os dejo algunas revisiones publicadas 1-https://t.co/HIftixeXtY 2-https://t.co/A6QUgyoMdb 3-https://t.co/ZeJuxUXlNo 4-https://t.co/9AyL8PCUnO Y este reanalisis de la revisión de Kory y otras revisiones que apoyaban a la ivermectina: https://t.co/HD3zrOF
@ABridgen Latest Cochrane review - no evidence to support IVM use in CoVid. 31 trials in progress https://t.co/wdSzSGFdsc
@TheQueeny777 @ABridgen There is no current verified evidence to support the use of Ivermectin in CoVid, but plenty of reports of IVM toxicity in duped Americans taking horse doses of the stuff. Further trial results are awaited https://t.co/wdSzSGFdsc
@realstewpeters My pet rats were so happy to have ivermectin to treat parasites .Shame about the parasites spreading covid misinformation.https://t.co/1rui3aizSN
@kcmoana @DJGRY7 @d5_rss @cotupacs Ivermectin didn't help mate. An anecdote is not proof. https://t.co/907lTo148R
@MIpomene @VigilantFox Ok thank you for reading it for me ..but if you go to the Cochrane library which is the most trusted independent medical research meta analysis organisation on the planet you will see the efficacy of ivermectin on C19 is inconclusiv
@MarkkuKarttune2 Älä viitsi valehdella, ei ollut vaihtoehtoja. https://t.co/jZPD70gb2Y
@lorraine_logie @CKellyUAP You're fixated on Thalidomide. Yet not ivermectin. Ivermectin has been through about a dozen large trials for Covid globally. It failed 100%. So hey ho, you're flailing. READ https://t.co/5z79dprkz9
@ColdSpearo @HealthcareGlob1 @HeyNurseKat It’s also for river-blindness (onchocerciasis) and deworming humans. It’s a good drug, that does nothing much for Covid. https://t.co/Tgr71Gl6Ss
@Francis_Watts @goddeketal Suppression of ivermectin information was a big mistake. The government should have simply explained why there was no good mechanistic reason why ivermectin should work, and meta analysis showed no clear signal. https://t.co/95V
@DrJackieStone @FoxtrotBilly @RickyShaw07 This is a different topic entirely and your results are encouraging (accepting the limitations listed in the trial) but sadly larger studies investigating IVM have not been able to replicate these findings into cli
@DoctoraPrego @BreatheMD Estudios y artículo sobre la ineficacia de la ivermectina (hay cientos) y una muestra de cómo los estudios favorables han sido retractados o fuertemente criticados: https://t.co/cdJBLSS401 https://t.co/dvCdHHWOio https://t.co/2253
@IbachPeter Habe nochmal das mit der cochrane-Review zu Ivermectin gefunden: https://t.co/99RL9BcJBg
@lorraine_logie @Iansn57 @profnfenton @DiegoHAWK666 @ICS_updates It’s such a shame that ivermectin hasn’t been shown to work against covid. It would have been brilliant if it did (cheap, off patient, widely available including in LMIC) https://t.co/eUGwhvB
@HarryBlack303 @profnfenton Because they were trialled & found not to be effective https://t.co/eUGwhvB0V7
@insins31544458 @kamikukamiku @Janec71 @rogerpointe @Nain_Portekoi De quelle qualité sont les études ? Parce que c'est pas tout mais voici un truc un poil solide qui va pas vraiment vous plaire. https://t.co/xcRWhQgMNp
@pia_mapia @PhilTornade @ben_oit @Renkatroussier2 Bah alors mon petit troll pourquoi tu ne mets pas le lien du Cochrane et leur conclusion... en 2021 ! Pour info l'étude du Cochrane figure dans la méta analyse du "site pourri" (étayé par rien évidemment) P
Qué bueno que sabe analizar, e interpretar la evidencia científica, doctor. Lo que no dudo es que sus pacientes con COVID19 esten con menos piojos y helmintos. https://t.co/aHM8PJEdEB
RT @Witch_d0ct0r_: @poisonJadeVine Ojo q Cochrane aún no ha encontrado evidencia irrefutable de q no sirva nada o que haga daño https://t.c…
@poisonJadeVine Ojo q Cochrane aún no ha encontrado evidencia irrefutable de q no sirva nada o que haga daño https://t.co/4XRjDMCRfN , además, viendo en perspectiva lo que sucedió, no se tuvo evidencia de ningún tratamiento al principio, se atrevieron a da
@Bradd_Hatfield @hanassa35 @MakisMD Here is what real evidence, and not the ravings of a murderous psychopath, look like: https://t.co/Dw1fe2C9AR https://t.co/KMfs0RLmCZ
@LetsGoBrando45 https://t.co/HwCwwZf7Ps Pierre Kory "successfully" treated patients who were not at high risk of complications, thus his stats were great. That's not a peer reviewed study, it's selective positioning for his own benefit. See the link for t
@CKellyUAP Wack job. Meanwhile Craig, the unqualified furniture salesman, promotes Ivermectin. He is likely responsible for the death of 100s of people by discouraging vaccination. What Cochrane says about Ivermectin: https://t.co/Tgr71Gl6Ss
@insins31544458 @Mortalvenin @philippeherlin Ah et ou sont les source de ces études.. cobaye car perso, tout ce que je trouve dit le contraire ! https://t.co/WdJ1mYriFl https://t.co/j8iHSFxNVY https://t.co/wo1Zw8iVYG
@FORCEPS4 ノーマスクさんたちが絶対の信頼を寄せるコクランに論文が出てゐますね Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19 | Cochrane https://t.co/QFTjn51twq
@Thiele1of4 @drsimonegold See also this review (no effect) https://t.co/J8ZSV1AmaZ
@unhealthytruth I think u guys have once again fallen into the medical industry trap. https://t.co/HT36CG8czb
@fnordfinder1 Really🤔 https://t.co/HI87Y0kUVn
@elonmusk Great! Did you know Ivermectin is ineffective for Covid? https://t.co/8FX3jok7JX
RT @SKDitta: @VigilantFox @RWMaloneMD Is ivermectin effective for COVID-19? Key messages We found no evidence to support the use of #iver…
@VigilantFox @RWMaloneMD Is ivermectin effective for COVID-19? Key messages We found no evidence to support the use of #ivermectin for treating COVID-19 or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection. The evidence base improved slightly in this update, but is still
@green_coaching @backtolife_2023 c19early / ivmmeta are garbage websites meant to disinform people. https://t.co/YqxsHgUqbd https://t.co/sLyR0qQonV https://t.co/9M8djQtXCC https://t.co/zb4TidfQR1 https://t.co/ty49vjZitF https://t.co/KKqaSBIX9N
@HarveyWall15 @megynkelly https://t.co/dhsLN8QaH5 Authors' conclusions: Based on the current very low- to low-certainty evidence, we are uncertain about the efficacy and safety of ivermectin used to treat or prevent COVID-19. The completed studies are smal
@Florenc61436376 @marseille_jeff @raoult_didier @chris_perronne @BonsensOrg Sur ça. Et aussi sur le fait que seule une poignée de pays l’utilise encore. https://t.co/hHJ022kYYZ
@Aldo13979390 @Nicolas28386271 @raoult_didier Votre tweet commence mal : l’ivermectine est inefficace pour soigner le Covid. https://t.co/hHJ022kr9r
@Albert36979477 @JimDoubleYou1 @guill2001 @raoult_didier Voilà une vraie meta, c’est Cochrane, LA référence mondiale des meta analyses https://t.co/GYdldk680i
@KaiserCut @factionprosa75 @jojoda3755 @SHomburg @pfizer @pfizer_de Nochmals, all diese Studien hatten Limitierungen. Lesen Sie dazu die Cochrane Metastudie. Indien hat zum Beispiel nachdem es Ivermectin verwendet hat, dies rückgängig gemacht, da kein Nutz
@insins31544458 @brunoblum @ProfitJim @raoult_didier https://t.co/TzBLy2bBCM cela dit cochrane s’est chargé de faire le taf. Je suppose que ça n’ira pas de toutes façons.
@Vieux_Rhone @CongasMaracas @ankou1976 @CananHenri @StevePascolo @CaudeHenrion Source : Cochrane. https://t.co/jhfu38zRZz
@mpc_xetts @VigilantFox @drpaulmarik1 Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19 https://t.co/8FX3jok7JX
@MartindeChamp @HugonetX Il n'y a plus aucun doute sur l'efficacité de l'ivermectine associée à un antibio contre le covid ... https://t.co/7JPSGb9VJh https://t.co/BarnpZWUfA
@JohnDyer66 @CKellyUAP Ok. Here is the peer reviewed meta analysis of every study. "Based on the current very low‐ to low‐certainty evidence, we are uncertain about the efficacy and safety of ivermectin used to treat or prevent COVID"https://t.co/9v58KS3Hu
@AminSharaf @WahnSager @NachdenkerOB Your source is nonsense (c19ivm/ivmmeta). https://t.co/dzREIe2g85 https://t.co/YqxsHgUqbd https://t.co/sLyR0qQonV https://t.co/9M8djQtXCC https://t.co/zb4TidfQR1 https://t.co/ty49vjZitF https://t.co/ngbJcX13nL
@AminSharaf Bisher kein Nachweis der Wirksamkeit gegen Covid-19. Einige Studien laufen noch. https://t.co/G5qJUkYkPP https://t.co/DlvCreSVie