@buning1980 @carlosalazraqui @jimmy_dore @bobcesca_go @HalSparks “They” aren’t hiding anything. It’s useless fir anything besides parasites. https://t.co/e7VTF39swq
@NYC2Changsha @carlosalazraqui @jimmy_dore @bobcesca_go @HalSparks The experts did and found it useless https://t.co/e7VTF39swq
@simoncynicsays @IanCopeland5 It’s anecdotal. You’re pretty awful at snark, poppet. Not a single robust trial showed any efficacy for IVM. Evidence not anecdote. https://t.co/X34wdGHSvC
@ironcryptic This is a good META study. It shows that taking 1kg of sugar is just as effective as taking horse de-wormer https://t.co/u3Z8PmVeyU
@HoowlingWolf @DropaGoldenSun @healthbyjames I'm guessing you didn't bother to actually look up ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine results either. Here you go, illiterate one. https://t.co/T7TKOzk86m https://t.co/TEr0DVLCVi https://t.co/0bHiuY79Ob https://
@BobLeithiserPhD @IanCopeland5 That's not meta-analysis. It's a collection of retracted, weak, misrepresented and in vitro studies on an anonymous glossy, well-funded website. No peer-review, no formal protocols. It's anti-vax propaganda https://t.co/IgW8
@insins31544458 @Dr_Steph_GAYET https://t.co/xK09iVeGHb Un peu plus récent. Et ça vient de @cochranecollab qui est cité dans votre site comme référent mais je trouve cela étrange. Peut être peuvent ils valider
@RepMTG No one cares. Regarding those answers, you will owe millions of us apologies, for believing your stupidity over actual MDs. https://t.co/WmZnkTgCyJ
@justkevking @lyndastraffin The following state ivermectin is not shown to be effective: https://t.co/oQY2Ti6YSa https://t.co/8XCZJwMT6I https://t.co/7cOSdGqfSJ
@libertygandalf Might it be because it has the same effect on COVID as sugar pills (placebo)? https://t.co/u3Z8PmVeyU
@balls_pepper @JohnBoweActor Some more reading https://t.co/QG88pmbNgL
@hopkinslindsay @tabby_caz @Hammancheez Yes, but that doesn't mean Ivermectin works against COVID. And EVERY study shows it doesn't https://t.co/3MTKerz1kw https://t.co/PsXDvVScQ0 https://t.co/fETiGVAuVs
@JohnRuddick2 There was proof that it didn’t work. See https://t.co/1FUbmG8NUX
@11survivorr @aquamoon_05 @yamikawadays https://t.co/UHhUhTgwiA 試験管の中で抗ウィルス効果がある物質はとてもたくさんありますが(緑茶のカテキンですらそうですし)、実用化される薬は本当に一握りです。
@11survivorr @aquamoon_05 @yamikawadays https://t.co/GzhOewbQGj コクランのリンクはこちら。 『イベルメクチンの有効性と安全性については不確実』 イベルメクチンに効果があるとしたければ、これをひっくり返すくらいの信頼度と規模が大きい論文が複数出ない限り、まあ無理だろうと思います。
RT @rosavita: @MichMcGrath59 @jamesamcgee @gregfoley2002 @FatEmperor I'm sorry but ivermectin isn't effective for treating SARS-CoV-2 infec…
@MichMcGrath59 @jamesamcgee @gregfoley2002 @FatEmperor I'm sorry but ivermectin isn't effective for treating SARS-CoV-2 infection. https://t.co/YcoJzHWkHM
@Rawdog1000000 @teslacoilduh @Partisangirl @McpeakRichie @btysonmd Ivermectin does work https://t.co/ACecguMofk
@FHabersberger @Leelah1 Sie sind sich sicher, dass IVM nicht wirkt, obwohl selbst diese Metastudie den outcome als "uncertain" beschreibt? https://t.co/0APEshm8Gq https://t.co/MZihm6KvRt
RT @45Kristina24: Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19 - PubMed https://t.co/GmApLzjhqY I found this on Freespoke, a new searc…
@BostonReckless @OldStudentnow @benj_politics @NickAdamsinUSA “Overall, the reliable evidence available does not support the use of ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID‐19 outside of well‐designed randomized trials.” From a paper that reviewed 4
@sharky36912 @CHUDROUS @jackiread also check some sources before you speak bc you're wrong lol -https://t.co/H7lZyEXL8R - https://t.co/eEvZjIX3Fd - https://t.co/ThfZRjL4hI - https://t.co/hdIEYW3U39 -https://t.co/o0eTx87M8K
@BillyBu38155902 @Johnincarlisle They’ve done both. It doesn’t work as treatment or prophylaxis. (A Cochrane meta-analysis is the highest form of evidence available) https://t.co/kuH1ELna0P
@JackSlaterPT @Tmafkab @Anymous84861064 @Mr_Magoo5 @Richbink @SpiderThors @LaymansScience @BreezerGalway @TigerlillySusan @JCresearch01 @jneill @PrinterVictor Here you go, the cochrane review: https://t.co/AQge4x50MJ
@lesaintvaccin2 @Renkatroussier2 Donc toujours pas de lien vers une revue scientifique qui démontrerait l'efficacité des antibiotiques ? Et à la place tu m'envoies un truc bidon sur l'Ivermectine ? Tu serais pas un peu perdu dans ta tête toi ? https://t.co
@Marcus_Trueman @TheChiefNerd There is little or no evidence that ivermectin was effective. It would arguably be better to give people a sugar pill. https://t.co/j163e9qblZ
@MTrumpforthewin @FionaXXs @RWMaloneMD Oh wait, I see why. Because you don't want me to look at the conclusion. Source: https://t.co/0OQsFJLUPf Look at that, your source found NOTHING. But man, better squelch that nothing right? https://t.co/LCmj7QRjU
@Horsepaste99 @JohnTal6 @PeterSweden7 Ivermectin literally does not work for COVID. It’s been studied to death. 14 studies, from around the world are summarized here: https://t.co/MNOA9wlwnh
@VickieM40917932 @bnewt1212 @toughtalkty @terrannerd @MrJamie25 Ok but ivermectin still doesn’t work for covid. Yes, truly. https://t.co/MNOA9wlwnh
@Jussi7 @sepesankkeri @heliramax Ei sitä nyt aina voi vedota siihen että annostus tai ajankohta oli pielessä, jos ei tule tulokseksi mitä toivoisi. Tämän datan perusteella en pidättelisi henkeäni, että ivm osoittautuisi vielä avoinna olevissa/raportoimatt
@k11aittchakcht @PacificNW77 @DC_Draino @CDCgov Here are a few on a quick search. Hope this helps. https://t.co/A5dvdZDFkO https://t.co/1NHSIwNCli https://t.co/dmNMo4FwYy https://t.co/gi2PUiYn8x https://t.co/NIbxQRZRGH https://t.co/p18zxhLvj9 https:
@SimplifyToOne1 @bnewt1212 @toughtalkty @terrannerd @MrJamie25 Strike 3! You’re out, Son! #IvermectinFails https://t.co/MNOA9wlwnh
@SimplifyToOne1 @bnewt1212 @toughtalkty @terrannerd @MrJamie25 …which again are right here:
@BonoDCO @bnewt1212 @toughtalkty @terrannerd @MrJamie25 And it’s not like we don’t have answers about ivermectin and it’s effectiveness for covid. Spoiler: it doesn’t work. https://t.co/MNOA9wlwnh
@SimplifyToOne1 @bnewt1212 @toughtalkty @terrannerd @MrJamie25 You’re right. It doesn’t quite work like that. It works like this: https://t.co/MNOA9wlwnh
@bnewt1212 @jadanosh777 @toughtalkty @terrannerd @MrJamie25 Please show us the skew: https://t.co/MNOA9wlwnh
@TheQueenMary67 @bnewt1212 @toughtalkty @terrannerd @MrJamie25 You and your friends got caught in the hype: https://t.co/MNOA9wlwnh
@BolirioC @DrBrunoGino @PapaRomeoOCT Meu caro não há estudos que comprovaram a eficácia desse medicamento contra a COVID. Enfim pode pesquisar em bases de dados da área da saúde, que não irá encontrar nada: https://t.co/321oSs9yru
@LudoMonteil @XavierLG2 @barriere_dr 🙄 qui a raison sur l'Ivermectine ? On ne comprend rien à vos phrases 🤔 l'IVM ne marche pas plus que l'HCQ. Si vous voulez que la science vous le confirme: https://t.co/a3oT5O1nyF
@djnelson421 @rielly_steven @ABridgen @CommonsSpeaker "We found no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating COVID-19 or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection." https://t.co/R7AwsygfJq
@nutzo4horses @Blackestknight1 @LOVillaJavea @AlmaEnwiya It is actually authorized for off label use 😅🤦♀️ https://t.co/maTswRfVRw
@Dr_RohenKapur What’s wrong with you?! https://t.co/SeJhl5o6Cl
@Shenanigan1111 @GidMK 🥱 Ivmmeta is trash. Stop wasting folks' time with its garbage. https://t.co/YqxsHgUqbd https://t.co/sLyR0qQonV https://t.co/9M8djQtXCC https://t.co/zb4TidfQR1 https://t.co/ty49vjZitF https://t.co/gJ3v4IE7C2
@LOVillaJavea It doesn’t work. https://t.co/LFVEhBh5SO
@BythePEOP No efficacy in killing the virus. Multiple human and animal studies. . Waiting to get piled on. And potential liver damage in the quantities people were using. Answering you only. https://t.co/P7MryCMVnN
@Serene_seeker @charlot_summers @netshrink There are many studies, so far no indication that it works. https://t.co/WTwdNvZIah
@p_duval Non. L'invermectine ne marche pas. Arrêtez vos mensonges en vue de faire une carrière politique (qui ne se fera pas de toute manière). https://t.co/B2XPhKVe29
@Esmerel44191850 @charlot_summers https://t.co/1hrAHexU8I. Plenty more, but let’s leave it with Cochrane, the best resource to inform evidence-based medicine
@Kells1107 @BurntTornado @BrandyH88533293 @Kirtaner @elonmusk And then there’s this meta study https://t.co/x9WfFZ3gU5 which finds a pattern of consistent errors in studies that found any efficacy of ivermectin and states that it’s just as statistically li
@Artinstantly75 @YvesPDB L'ivermectine est un antiparasitaire, pas un "puissant antiviral". https://t.co/0tlZLLrLbo https://t.co/g7M2pwhNDO
@sudokuvariante @FrenchLoverBoi @TroncheBiais Je crois que c'est loupé pour le 100 % des études qui disent que l'ivermectine est efficace. https://t.co/TTcVkG33mK
@little_mavis Really doesn't https://t.co/b6yq8mcef8
@Nomoretrust8 @ABridgen Every study that has looked at it has shown no benefit at all. https://t.co/E2DVmpbKOp
@simon_says99 One? Here are many. Feel free to use, Simon. https://t.co/w3oxQ1Ps8L
@RichardUKPatri1 The virus attaches using a spike protein too... Loads of peers... https://t.co/w3oxQ1Ps8L
@Animes_world_br @crisdelgado_ @schmittpaula @liacrespo Me apresente esse estudo. Os estudos que li, na verdade, provam que a ivermectina não possui efeitos comprovados contra a covid. A Cochrane mostrou aqui: https://t.co/j5B832Fa93
@Info3Re @JosephLemire198 @medicalfollower @yvesjacquet32 Vois-tu, sur ce tweet, tu devrais faire ce que tu prônes! Changer d’avis. L’Ivermectine, ne fonctionne pas plus qu’un placebo!
@JosephLemire198 @YouTube Faut creuser pas mal creux et longtemps pour trouver encore des scientifiques qui “pensent” que l’Ivermectine est plus efficace que “rien” dans le cas COVID. Il reste quelques pas vite ici et là dont l’IHU. Le sucre dans les plac
@insins31544458 @Dre1949 @jolove63 @Mandy87616 Yes, well, that’s why that Cochrane review is such a lovely thing. They did that (and quite a bit more) already. Can you guess what they concluded? I’ll link it again. Let me know if you find any flaws in the
@insins31544458 @Dre1949 @jolove63 @Mandy87616 Dank. Ben bekend met dit soort observationele studies. Helaas blijft er bij RCTs en meta-analyse (https://t.co/7gyKd5oCOE) weinig over van de vermeende effecten. Overigens, het erratum geeft reden om dit pap
@insins31544458 @Dre1949 @jolove63 @Mandy87616 Because a) systematic review of the evidence shows it doesn’t work b) there’s no plausible mechanism for it to work when using dosage safe for humans. RTFR .. https://t.co/7gyKd5oCOE https://t.co/VbwIdIhYjc
@PeterSweden7 Peter starts his his tweet with a lie. https://t.co/NcxhG51vrO https://t.co/tTDcUdC3Gs
@insins31544458 @C19VaxInjured OLD NEWS BUDDY DOESN'T WORK https://t.co/ovZZFGJngs